Page 49 of Sincerely, Up Yours

“This feels better than it should,” he rasped in my ear, stubble tickling my skin.

“I want you inside me,” I breathed.

“Good. But you don’t get what you want until youneedme. Wanting isn’t enough.”

I chewed my lip and arched my body up against the hard warmth of his.

“You make me so fucking hard, Darcy.”

He cupped me between my legs, rubbing a delicious circle with the weight of his palm and sliding his fingers up with torturous slowness. “I can’t get enough of how you feel.”

I was already past words, so I just moaned and pressed myself against him.

I closed my eyes, letting Dominic’s touch carry me away. I distantly felt him stripping my panties away, then hesitating. “Shit,” he said.


“That was my only condom.” Dominic had his pants on the bed and was digging in the pockets.

So much for my theory about hot guys and unlimited, magical condoms that appeared from thin air. “You don’t have a stash somewhere?”

“Believe it or not, I don’t do this sort of thing that often.”

As much as I wanted to simply be happy that he wasn’t a manwhore, I was frustrated. My core was practically aching already and his cock was just inches from me. I wanted him. I sat up, gripping his length and gently tugging him closer. “Are you clean?” I asked.


“So am I. Just dont finish inside me, okay?”

“Darcy… this isn’t a good idea.”

“Fuck good ideas. But fuck me first,” I said, giving him one last tug and laying back. I met his eyes and waited. He was right. Of course he was right. But horny and common sense were like oil and water, and at that moment, the horny was what rose to the top of my cup.

Dominic made a low sound in his throat, then he planted both hands beside me and gripped his cock, guiding it inside.

I moaned. It felt amazing and terrifying. I’d never had a guy inside me without protection.For good reason,a voice in the back of my mind whispered.

I shut it all down and enjoyed him, wrapping my legs around his waist and urging him into me harder with my heels. “So good,” I breathed.

“Fuck. You’re so wet,” Dominic gasped.

A reckless part of me wanted to keep my legs around him tight–to dig into him and hold him tight as he filled me with his seed. The idea of him filling me was inexplicably hot, but I silently promised myself I was just going to be a little reckless. Urging Dominic to come inside me would’ve been several levels beyond reckless. It would’ve been even more irresponsible and crazy than making eye contact with people who work the kiosks at the mall.

I pressed my palms against his back, sliding them up and under his shirt, pulling him closer to me. I felt so connected to him. It didn’t matter that I still hadn’t unwrapped the puzzle that was Dominic Lockwood. I may not know all his secrets, but it didn’t matter. All I needed to know was that we were intertwined and, for the moment, we were each other's world. There was nothing else.

My climax came like thunder on a sunny afternoon. It was so sudden, powerful, and unexpected that I gasped. Every muscle in my body tensed around him and my core gripped him tighter. Dominic made a sound as I arched up toward him, grinding my body against his even as he pumped into me. He pulled himself out and I felt the hot spurts of his release on my belly and my mound.

“Oh, God,” I whispered.

“Fuck,” Dominic said, almost as if in agreement.

He collapsed beside me and touched a hand to my cheek, turning my face to his. He kissed me deep and soft, then smiled. “We can’t make a habit of that.”

“Yeah,” I said, even though dangerous things were swirling in my head. It was like taking my first hit of an addictive drug and being told not to do it again.

“Any chance I can go and finish those sandwiches? I’m still starving.”

Dominic laughed and slapped my ass as I got up from the bed. “Eat. You’re going to need your strength for tonight. I’ll run out to the store and get more condoms.”