Page 40 of Sincerely, Up Yours

“Wait,” Marcus said. I heard him coming closer and I wished I could toss his ass off the roof. “Darcy?Is that you?”

Darcy slowly lifted her head over my shoulders and waved gingerly. “Hi, Mr. Fitzroy. He started it.” My body and head were mostly blocking her from view of Marcus.

“Like hell I did,” I said, twisting to glare at Marcus.

His eyes fell down to my waist. “Are you aware your dick is out, Dom?”

Sure enough, my erect cock–still wet from Darcy’s mouth–was swinging free. Annoyed, I snatched up my underwear and started sliding it on. “Go back downstairs,” I growled at him.

“There’s just one thing I want to clarify before I do. Does this mean company policy is that we’re officially okay with inter-office relationships now? Because I can go in and update the necessary files. Should I draw the line somewhere? Cunnilingus is okay, but no P in V?”

“Fuck. Off,” I snapped.

“Fine, fine.” Marcus turned to leave and stopped, yanking on the door. “Bad news, actually. We’re locked up here. Should I just turn around, or…”

Darcy was already pulling her dress down and scooting back. I very nearly pushed her dress back up and finished what I started, but common sense and logic were starting to leak back into my thoughts already.

“You owe me an orgasm,” she said in a low, sultry voice that made every nerve in my body light up.

“I’m not going to be able to stop thinking about picking up where we left off.” We were both speaking low enough that Marcus couldn’t hear.

“Good,” she whispered. “I was getting tired of you pretending you could keep your hands off me.”

“Are you eating her out back there?” Marcus yelled over his shoulder. “Because we could also just call one of my sisters to rescue me and you two could carry on once I’m out of earshot. Not that the comforting sounds of someone stirring a pot of mac and cheese wouldn’t be delightful background noise.”

“It wasn’t what it looked like,” Darcy said. She was standing already and had pulled her dress down.

I reluctantly pulled my pants back on. It was already hard as a rock again and ready for more, but I knew I was going to have to wait now. I was seriously going to kill Marcus later.

“No?” Marcus asked. “Can I guess what it actually was, then? Did Dominic get a sudden rash outbreak on his dick he needed you to look at? He pulled out his dick and you leaned in to look, but you both lost your balance and he fell over with his ass out and his face between your legs on that couch. Am I close?”

“You didn’t see anything,” I said, pressing my palm to his chest.

He grinned, then his expression went suddenly serious. “Dom, you covered for me when you found me with my…inventionback in 9th grade. I still owe you several times over. But do you really think this is a great idea?”

“Weren’t you and Tristan trying to talk me into this in the first place?”

I could sense Darcy standing awkwardly behind me. She was probably mortified. I knew Marcus well enough to know this wasn’t going to spread to anyone else, but she didn’t know that.

“Did we? I honestly can’t remember half the shit I say.” Marcus rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. “Just wondering if it’s a good idea. That’s all.”

“Marcus won’t tell anyone,” I said. “We can trust him.”

“I was actually thinking maybe I could just jump off the roof. I’m pretty sure gravity could help me outrun the embarrassment.”

“It’s only three stories,” Marcus said. “You’d probably just be even more embarrassed when we had to cart your ass to the hospital with broken legs and back problems. But if you want, I could hook you up with my fake identity guy. He’s more like an aspiring fake identity guy, actually, but I know he spends half his time watching videos on how to do it. I’m pretty almost sort of sure he’d be able to help you out.Probably.”

“We’re not faking anyone’s identity or jumping off roofs,” I said. “This is going to stay between the three of us and nobody needs to be embarrassed. And it’s not a bad idea because it’s nothing. We were just fooling around. There’s nothing else to it, understand? We don’t have any feelings for each other . It was just a dumb mistake.”

“Yeah, sure,” Marcus said.

“We good?” I asked Darcy.

For some reason, she was staring at her feet and some emotion was tugging at her features. She nodded wordlessly.

“Alright, good. Call your sister and have her come get us the hell off this roof.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Marcus said. “Should we wait for that ridiculously aggressive erection of yours to die down? Or…”