Page 33 of Sincerely, Up Yours

She sighed. “Yeah. I still have work to do if I’m going to finish this piece by Friday. So you’ll be ready for me by seven, right?” She paused just long enough to look me over. “Are you wearing that?”

I looked down. “Is there something wrong with what I have on?”

“Oh, no, it’s great. I just wanted to make sure you keep it on. Love the vest.”

And with that, she left my office.

I looked down at my vest and frowned. Was she fucking with me?

Yes, I thought. Darcy McClain was absolutely fucking with me on more levels than I comprehended yet.



This was easily my favorite time of year. The trees around Manhattan were beginning to shift from green to oranges and reds and yellows. The warm, muggy evenings were being replaced by chilly breezes that meant I could bust out my favorite coats and scarves. The coming of cold weather felt like the official transition from the monotony of summer into the magic of the holidays, and let me tell you, I didn’t mess around when it came to holidays.

For me, the best holidays came when the cold weather did. I loved the lights, the corny movie marathons, the cozy clothes, and the seasonal treats. The family part?Yeah,I guess that was all fine, too, but I looked most forward to that smell in the air. Everything seemed crisp and clean–like a fresh start every holiday season, andGod, I could use a fresh start.

I checked the time and decided I had time to meet up with one of my best friends, Charleston. As kids, we’d been inseparable, but our paths diverged a little after college. I was grinding away atThe Squawkerand he was becoming Mr. Entrepreneur. It meant we didn’t get to see each other nearly as much anymore, and I had a boatload of drama to unload on him since we’d had our last real conversation.

He’d texted yesterday and let me know he was grabbing an early dinner at a place near my work. I was invited, but there was no pressure if I couldn’t make it.

So I rushed out of the office around three without even glancing in Dominic’s direction. I knew we had a “date” at seven, so I’d be seeing more than enough of him later tonight.

I had to fast-walk a little to the subway to make it on time, but I wound up making my way insideBistro 101just a little after four. A blonde, tall hostess greeted me.

“Do you have a reservation?”

“I’m meeting a friend, actually. Handsome, young, dirty blonde hair?”

She nodded knowingly. “This way.”

I followed her through the restaurant. Even at the odd hour, it was already bustling with activity. We entered a private room in the back and I saw Charleston sitting with an appetizer of some kind of flatbread and dip in front of him. He had a drink in one hand and his phone in the other.

The hostess smiled and left.

“Hey, I gotta go,” Charleston said, hanging up the call quickly and rushing to his feet to hug me. “Holy shit, you came!”

“Of course I did,” I laughed.

We spent a few minutes catching up on small talk while I ordered a drink and something to eat. I’d been mostly keeping him posted on the developments at work, minus all the stressful stuff. I knew Charleston had enough on his plate without me adding to it, so I pretty much just told him Jasmine left and we had a new boss. I’d also sort of glossed over the part where I didn’t get my pitch. I definitely didn’t go into any detail about Dominic, because Charleston was infamous for matchmaking.

“So how is this new boss? You’ve barely told me anything about him.” Charleston asked. He looked like a movie star, as always. He had on a pristine white suit with dark blue lapels and a fancy sort of scarf all bunched around his neck that was light gray and shimmery. His fingernails were perfectly manicured and his skin looked so glowing and healthy that he might have tapped his shower into some kind of fountain of youth. Technically, Charleston was bisexual, but watching his dating career up close since we were kids told me it was more like he was gay and prone to moments of horny exploration with women. Still, we’d never crossed the line of friendship, and I was glad for it. Having him as a friend was too important to me. Besides, there were some people I just never saw likethat, and Charleston was one of them.

“The new boss,” I said slowly. “Well, he might actually be as handsome as you are, for starters.”

“Bullshit,” Charleston laughed, then popped a piece of flatbread in his mouth. “And if it’s not, I need to see pictures.”

“Believe it or not, I haven’t snapped any pictures of my boss.”

“Duh. What’s his name? I’ll look him up.”

“Dominic Lockwood.”

Charleston had his phone in both hands but he let it fall when he heard the name. “Wait.Dominic Lockwood.That asshole from Columbia who got you expelled?Thatis your new boss?”

“It turns out he really had nothing to do with me getting expelled. It was all his dad. But yeah, it’s that one.”