Page 67 of Sincerely, Up Yours

“What the fuck are you doing?” she hissed once she was in front of me.

“I wanted to apologize. I brought these for you, but the girl at the desk said you refused to see me.”

“Because I did,” she said, tugging me by the arm out of the view of a growing number of people who were gathering to watch the drama.

“That doesn’t make any sense. Polly said you were going on and on about how much you wished I’d apologize over drinks, and…” I trailed off at the look on her face. In a split second, it was painfully obvious to me. Polly had lied to try to get me to do what she thought Darcy wanted. Darcy hadn’t said a word about wanting anything from me. “And she tricked my dumb ass,” I added, shaking my head.

Darcy hesitated. She’d been so angry I thought she was on the verge of hitting me, but for the first time, she looked conflicted. “Look, thank you. I appreciate the flowers. But it’s over. We’ve both moved on. Right?”

She stared into my eyes after that last word. Part of me felt like it was a test–like she wanted me to come out and say what was in my chest. I could tell her I hadn’t moved on. I’d been thinking of her every fucking night and kicking myself for what I did–that I hadn’t touched another woman since I was with her and I didn’t want to. I only wanted her, and I would’ve done just about anything to put things back the way they were.

But I just stood there and nodded my big, stupid head. “Yeah,” I said.

Darcy’s expression fell and she nodded too. “Well, thank you. I hope security isn’t too rough with you on the way out.” She took the flowers with a small smile.

I turned and saw two larger men had joined the security guard and were motioning for me to follow them. One had his hand on what looked like a taser. “You could ask them to let me leave on my own.”

She scrunched up her nose. “I think watching them drag you out will be more fun.” She sniffed the flowers and gave a dangerously sexy little wave. “Bye, Dominic.”

The men took one of my arms each and the other got in front of me, ushering me back the way I came. But all I could think about was that little wave of hers.

Fuck friendship.

Fuck half-measures.

I wanted Darcy back. I wanted every piece of her, and I wanted her all to myself.



Ikept catching myself smiling. Charleston had graced me with a rare in-home visit. He was between projects and actually had a little spare time for a change. He was wearing some ridiculously silky pajamas and brought over his favorite pillow and blanket. We were cuddling on my bed and watchingSnowy With a Chance of Love. I’d suggested it, of course.

The movie had always been one of my favorites, and it also happened to be the only movie I’d ever watched with Dominic. I could quote the whole thing by heart, so I didn’t mind talking over it a little.

We were at the part where Salem chases after Sabrina. She made it painfully obvious that she wanted to be with him, but he didn’t pick up the signals so she went back to her ex. Salem had a really important meeting with this guy who is going to decide if he gets to keep the inn after a bunch of bogus safety complaints from her ex. But he proved she mattered to him more than any of it and missed the meeting to drive up to where she’s with a wedding planner and her ex. He crashed the meeting, told her he doesn’t deserve her, but she deserves to be happy and that’s not what she’ll be with him. Basically, it’s a big huge scene and everybody claps, but the part that really gets her is he risked losing his inn to chase after her.

I swoon every time. I grew up around a dad and a bunch of people who always acted like work was everything. You were only as good as you made your career. So the idea of someone being willing to toss all that away for someone they love seemed like the absolute height of romance.

“So,” I said while Salem and Sabrina were laughing and driving away from the meeting together. “Dominic apologized to me at work today.”

Charleston hit the pause button, sat upright, and tilted his chin down toward me. “Shut. Up. Start talking, woman.”

I grinned and gave a little shrug. “That’s all.”

“I will slap a bitch. Don’t test me.”

I laughed. “Okay, well, he brought flowers.” I pointed to the counter where I’d put them in a vase.

“Wow,” Charleston said. “He couldn’t pick a color? Those are hideous.”

“I thought it was kind of unique. I mean, hasn’t every girl been given roses before? It’s not every day you get… that.”

“So you forgave him? Because it sounds like you forgave him.”

“Actually, I had security drag him away.”

Charleston threw his head back and laughed. “You did not.”