Fucking hell.

She was standing there like a figment dragged straight out of every dirty dream I’d ever had. A small, athletic body that made no secret she spent time taking care of herself. Her light brown hair was short and thick, cut to just above her shoulders and it bounced every time she moved. She had jeans, black pumps, and a forest green button down that could’ve come from a boyfriend for how loose it fit.

She’d also just spent the last few minutes absolutely fucking ruining my first impression with the entire staff. I was clenching my teeth so hard I was about to pop a filling into fucking orbit if I didn’t find a way to relax, and soon.

“What the fuck is that outfit?” I blurted.

She bulged her eyes at me, leaning forward and letting her mouth hang open in pure outrage. They were big eyes. Big blue pools that said she was Miss Sweet As Pie and Innocent As A Lamb with everyone but me. Her lips were naturally a light pink and puffy enough to make me wonder how good she tasted.

“Excuse me?” she asked. She planted a fist on her hips, making her many bracelets jingle. “You didnotjust say that.”

“I’m your boss. What you wear is part of company policy. You won’t wear jeans to work anymore.”

“So let me get this straight–”

“Sit down,” I said, jerking my arm toward the chair in front of the desk–my desk.

“No, thank you. So let me–”

“It wasn’t a request.”

“And it’s not your body. I’ll stand if I want to.”

This. Fucking. Woman. I was fuming. I was mad enough to flip the entire desk and punch my fist through the wall. But for some reason I also felt like smiling. All my life I’d watched people duck and dive to get out of my way, unless they wanted in my pants, that is. Normally women let me say whatever the hell I wanted and laughed at the slightest hint of a joke. The moment I showed anger they cowered. The moment I beckoned they came.

It was mind-numbingly boring.

I leaned a little closer, watching the small thing that was apparently dead-set on making my life–among other things–hard.

“Stand, then,” I said.

“Why did you call me in here, Dominic?”

“I’m your boss. It’s Mr. Lockwood.”

She somehow managed to roll her eyes without actually rolling them. Her pink tongue darted out, moistening her already glistening lips. “Mr. Lockwood,” she said slowly–almost playfully. “Would you like to explain why you needed me in your office, or did you just invite me in here to flirt?”

“Let me make one thing painfully clear, Ms. McClain. I have absolutely no intentions of pursuing any sort of romantic interest in an employee.”

One of her perfectly shaped eyebrows ticked up. “So there is a romantic interest in that cold heart of yours, but you’re choosing not to pursue it?”

“Don’t twist my goddamn words,” I snapped.

She looked like she was trying not to smile, then she shrugged. “Do you remember the entire staff is still waiting in the meeting room for you while we do this?” She cupped a hand beside her mouth, leaning in with a playful wink. “Whatever this is. Flirtation. Non-pursual of romantic interest despite its clear existence. Posturing?”

“This is me reminding you that I am your fucking boss. This is my magazine now. I don’t do things halfway, Ms. McClain. I have a clear vision for how I’ll bring this ragtag company up to shape and start increasing profits. You can either learn to follow my lead, or you are more than welcome to turn in your resignation. A verbal notice would be more than adequate.” I waited, watching her and expecting her to fold.

She scoffed. “Oh, actually, I’m not planning on resigning. Far from it,boss.I’ll be here every day, making sure you can’t fire me even though youclearlywish you could. But you’re going to realize I’m the best tool you have here, and you won’t be able to help but use me until we’re both raw.” The smug look on her face slipped and her eyes widened. She stared ahead, then looked at the ground in horror for a few moments.

My stupid cock stood to attention like a fucking dog that just heard the words “walk” “treat” and “park” all in quick succession.Yes.In another circumstance–another world, maybe–I’d happily use little Ms. McClain raw. I’d lay her out on my bed like a goddamn trophy and take my time with her. I’d drag it out until she was breathless and begging me to finally let her climax. But–

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Go back to the conference room.” I honestly expected this little meeting to go completely different. I thought I’d drag her in here, wave a little intimidation around, and watch her bow into line. Instead, it just seemed like I’d sparked some sort of wicked stubborn side that I was going to deeply regret and deeply enjoy at the same time.

“Are we walking together, or would you prefer if I dramatically left first and stormed in there so people will think you really put me in my place? Should I try to see if I can make a few tears show up, maybe?”