Page 19 of Sincerely, Up Yours

“Aren’t you going to ask questions?”

“Would you answer them if I did?” she countered.

“I hadn’t planned on it. Bombing this interview is my easiest path to firing you.”

“Honesty. That’s new.”

“I don’t need to hide the truth from you. I want you gone. It’s that simple.”


I was already talking more than I’d planned, but something about her was making the words slip straight from my brain to my lips. “Because you’re dangerous.”

That earned a raised eyebrow. “Little old me? Dangerous?” She pulled her chin back, hanging her mouth open in mock offense.

“You are attached to the magazine. You’ll fight me on every attempt I make to modernize and expand its reach.”And I want to grab a fistful of that short, silky hair and bend you over this fucking table. I want to see if you can look so untouchable while I’m buried in you to the hilt.

“And why are you so motivated to change the magazine?”

“Because it can be more than what it is.”

“But whyThe Squawker?Why magazines in general? Most people say it’s a dying art. And if you’re going to try to push some sort of political agenda, why force it on a glorified gossip magazine?”

“I want to reach a new audience. I think there’s a way to bring them news along with their entertainment. People want to be informed, but they don’t want to be bored out of their minds. That’s my vision forThe Squawker.News and entertainment in a highly digestible format.”

She worked her lips to the side, studying me.

Less than two minutes in, and I’d already probably given her more than enough to write her fucking interview. This was exactly why I needed her gone so badly. I couldn’t afford to keep letting this sort of thing happen with her.

“You sound very driven to prove you can do this. Where does that drive come from?”

Stop answering her questions.I sat back in my chair, glaring at her and saying nothing.

Darcy’s full lips curved into a smile as she gave a sexy little shrug. “Oops. Did somebody realize they were accidentally giving me the interview they didn’t want to?”

She went back to watching me and saying nothing.

“How long do we need to do this?” I asked.

“You’re free to leave at any time. You’re the boss, right? But you did say you’d let me get an interview whenever I wanted. So just keep in mind this won’t be the last.”

I knew I should’ve simply got up and left without a word, but I couldn’t fucking help myself. “Will the next session be this romantic?”

She smiled, biting her lip. “So far I’m one for one on getting information out of you in a romantic setting. So,yeah, I think we’ll try to stick with the whole romantic first-date vibe.”

“Spectacular,” I said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Are you going to stay to check out the art?” she asked. Something in her tone told me she was done with the interview.For now.

“No. I have work to do.”

“Dominic. It’s after ten. You’re seriously thinking about work?”

“The competition doesn’t sleep. Why should I?”

“I’m pretty sureeverybodysleeps.”

Smart ass.I got to my feet and spread my arms at her. “Any more questions, Miss McClain?”