Ma came to the door and hustled her through the back and around the church to the door, then in so the congregation wouldn’t see her before she walked down the aisle to Kent. Alexa Douglas stood by the door, a hanky at the ready. “Oh, you look so lovely.” She wrapped Alice in a fragrant embrace. “Louis is allowing a gathering at our house right after the ceremony. I hope you’ll come.” She flinched slightly. “Kent said he would only agree if you felt comfortable there.”

Alice wanted nothing more than to end the feud. Louis had been pompous since his accusations but hadn’t threatened her ever again. “I think we’ll come. Though I’m not sure how long we’ll stay. Kent has to be up early and ready for anything.” Which meant she would have very little time with him between when they said, ‘I do,’ to when she had to say goodbye to him the following morning. Far too short in her estimation.

“I know. He wants to do such a good job. I only want to celebrate with you.” She touched Ma’s arm. “And of course you and yours are welcome.”

Ma smiled and patted Alexa’s hand. “I’ll be happy to.”

The music began to play and as much as Alice tried to pay attention, the words escaped her until Hannah came and took hold of Colby’s leather collar so Kent could kiss his bride unencumbered. That, she remembered.

She cupped his cheeks, feeling the rough texture of the one against the smoothness of the other and loved her husband all the more for his flaws. He wasn’t perfect, but he was perfect for her. “I love you, Kent,” she whispered.

He nuzzled her cheek softly, his warmth breath sending shivers down her spine. “And I love you, Mrs. Douglas.”

Her heart leapt, and the church clapped as they turned and headed out amidst cheers. Despite Louis’s joking that they wouldn’t be marrying if he hadn’t come over to accuse her of a crime, and if she hadn’t committed one by trespassing, the afternoon went surprisingly well.

After a few hours, Kent found her talking to her new mother-in-law and sister-in-law. The heat in his eyes silenced their talking immediately. She gave them a quick smile and words of gratitude, but Kent stole her thoughts.

He wrapped his arm around her, his solid presence both exciting and comforting all in one. “Are you ready to start our life together?”

“More than ready,” she replied cradling his cheek in her palm. “Ready to take on the world with you.”