Page 36 of Billionaire Secrets

It’s Marley. It’s always been Marley. Losing her would mean losing my own life. If I get arrested… who will take care of her?

The thought is so frightening, I dare not even consider it, but I know that maybe it would be best if I was prepared for the worst-case scenario. That’s how I always am, but this time, this worst-case scenario is more than I can handle.

“Are you thinking about sad things again, daddy?” she asks, immediately noticing the change in my face.

I try to smile, but it’s too late. She’s onto me. I can’t hide it.

“Yes, baby,” I admit. “Can you tell me another joke?” I ask.

“I have to think of one first,” she says, then starts pondering again.

She tells me another joke, and we both chuckle out loud. My mood is immediately improved. We continue talking about our plans for the day, and as usual, how much ice cream she is allowed to eat. She convinces me of more things than I want to admit, but that’s because I would do anything for her. I would die for her if I need to.

Only this time, I need to live for her, which is much more difficult. I need to prove that I had nothing to do with Morris’ disappearance, but I’m afraid that someone is trying to frame me for it. I have no other explanation for this accusation, because I barely know the guy.

I try not to think about these things, especially not while having fun with Marley. I don’t want anything to ruin our good times together. I want her to remember her childhood with fondness, to know that she had a father who was always there for her, who always wanted to make time for her, because she will grow up so fast, and life might take us in different directions. Still, a family is a family no matter what, and that is what I want her to know always.

That night, when I was tucking her in, I couldn’t get enough of her kisses and hugs. I drank in the sight of her, as if that was the last time that I would see her. It was a frightening notion, but at the same time, I felt like it was something that could happen.

I place a soft kiss on her forehead, inhaling her scent with closed eyes. Everything I do, everything I ever did was and continues to be for her. That is how I know that I can’t give up. Not now, not ever.

Chapter Seventeen


I don’t know why I’m here, especially in this room which looks like the interrogation room. There is one desk, and three chairs, two opposite the one I’m occupying. There is a mirror to my left, which too many episodes of cop shows already introduced to me as a mirror that doubles as a window on the other side.

I look around, with that strange feeling that I’m being watched. I try to calm down my breathing, reminding myself that I’ve done nothing wrong. Still, being here again, not in the same room but in a similar one, after all these years, brings back nothing but pain and anger.

I wait for a few moments longer, then the door opens, and two men enter. Two police officers. One of them is older, much more bitter at the world. The other one seems like the type that just started, and life still seems like an open road. The other one is a man who’s at the end of it, he just doesn’t want to admit it yet.

“Miss Saunders,” the older one addresses me with his lips moving as little as possible, so I can barely hear him. I lean a little forward unconsciously, to hear him better. “I am Detective Puttner, and this is Detective Lowe. Thank you for coming,” he tells me, as they both take a seat opposite me.

“Sure thing,” I shrug. I wanted to add that when you are summoned officially by the police to come down to the station, it’s not really a question whether you want to do it or not. “I’m guessing I’m here about Mr. Hart’s alibi?” I ask.

The older one turns to the other guy, but they don’t say anything. Then, his attention is focused back on me once more.

“I have already spoken to one of your colleagues when I arrived here,” I explain, remembering the quick conversation that I had with the police officer who wrote down everything I told him regarding providing Dominic with his alibi. Then, just as I thought that we’re done and I can go home, the police officer ushered me into this room, and told me to wait, that someone will be with me shortly and now, here we are.

“You corroborated his alibi, as we expected you would,” Detective Puttner acknowledges my statement with a slight nod, although he doesn’t seem particularly pleased with it.

“If that is the case, I don’t understand why I’m here,” I say, glancing at both of them, waiting for an explanation.

Detective Puttner sighs, leaning closer to me and resting his elbows on the table so that his fingers are intertwining right in front of his chest. He is staring me down in a determined way, as if he is about to tell me something crucial. I guess that’s the case, because I can’t imagine why else I would be sitting here right now.

“Your father…” he starts, and the moment he says that, I turn pale.

“What about my father?” I interrupt him hastily, every nerve in my body tense and expectant, as if the neanderthal inside of me has woken up from a 40,000-year sleep only to be ready to fight. I don’t know why they’re bringing my father into this mess, but I’m sure that I’m going to find out very soon.

“He is incarcerated, isn’t he?” Detective Puttner asks slowly, as if he’s in no rush at all to bring this conversation to its actual point.

“You know he is,” I reply, more annoyed than I’m willing to admit. “I don’t understand what he has to do with my boss and this kidnapping charge.”

“Well, directly nothing,” Detective Puttner shrugs, and the way he’s talking about this is making me more and more angry. I know I have to stay calm, but it’s difficult. Any time I have to discuss my father and have to explain what happened, I feel like it is me and my family against the whole world. I doubt this conversation would be any different. It takes all my conscious effort not to get up and tell them that I won’t discuss my father’s alleged crimes with them because it’s none of their business.

“You are actually here because we have an offer for you,” he continues sounding even more mysterious now, and I can’t help but feel frightened.