“How interesting,” a voice said. “You must be careful not to fully book yourself so early in the evening.”

William couldn’t help but snicker even before he turned his head. The woman beside him was perhaps a bit plain looking, but something about her, maybe her feathery brown hair, or her impish green eyes gave him pause. She smiled, her soft lips parting, revealing a gap in her teeth that was as charming as it was unique. Perhaps she wasn’t so plain after all. Before he could even figure out exactly what he was feeling, a warmth fluttered up his chest and a thrilling rush trailed the back of his neck.

“I am sorry?” Arthur turned to the woman, who had come up to them without so much as an introduction completely unprovoked. Cheeky of her.

“Lady Charlotte Elkins,” she curtsied. “I just mean to say that you seem ratherbewitchedby nearly every woman here tonight. Am I wrong to assume?”

Arthur recoiled, glancing at Lavinia whose focus was glued to the mysterious stranger. “Well…well with so much beautiful company it is…”

“Of course,” Charlotte smiled. “I heard you making plans to meet in the study later with a young lady. All innocent I presume, so I imagine you will take a moment to peruse the shelf and see if there is a book that may entertain me tonight. It would be greatly appreciated. The company seems…” she paused, eyeing Arthur. “Well, some of it seems rather dull.”

Arthur scoffed, stumbling back. He hesitated for a moment, looking at the upset look on the women’s faces. He smiled awkwardly, reaching out and scratching his name out of Lavinia’s dance card before taking his leave.

“Oh dear, was that rude?” She asked, turning to William. “I think that may have been rude.”

“Um,” William paused, looking down at the young woman. Before he could stop himself, he ran his tongue across his bottom lip and swallowed hard. “I do think it came across that way.”

“Oh dear,” she repeated.

“Was that true?” Lavinia asked.

The woman shrugged. “Must have been. He looked rather sheepish.” She smiled lightly. “Truly, I am not one to interfere,” she said. “I simply could not bear to watch him lie to you. Almost laughable the way he attempted to convince you that his intentions were noble.”

“That is fine,” Lavinia’s shock melted into thankfulness. “I had no idea.” The woman nodded, smiling. She seemed almost flattered, which was strange enough. Most young women didn’t interfere in the affairs of others nor did they take great pride in being so meddlesome.

William cleared his throat. “You are, pray tell?”

“Lady Charlotte Elkins. I have already introduced myself. It is you that has not.”

“William Humphries,” he said. “Marquess of Holdford.”

“Oh,” Charlotte nodded, seemingly not very impressed at all. “You seem rather perplexed, Lord Holdford.”

“How could I not be?” he asked. “The insinuation that I was not apt to protect my own sister from ruination is insulting at best.”

“And at worst?” she asked, causing William to draw back, opening his mouth to reply before thinking better of it.

“William, dear,” his mother interrupted. “I believe that she had only the best intentions. Had we not known that Lord Gouldsmith wasn’t vying for your sister’s hand in marriage, we might have accepted his influence.”

“I knew,” William pointed out.

“Then speak up.” William frowned before Annette continued. “I suppose I am the one doing the introductions tonight. I am the Duchess of Seton, and this is my daughter, Lady Lavinia Humphries. We appreciate your rescue. Had we any idea he was so well-acquainted with the ballroom, we would have excused ourselves.”

“I realize I am doing something rather untraditional,” Charlotte admitted. “I am not the courting type, but I listen and in turn, I hear many things. Marriage, if pursued, should bring happiness. That is not something you will find with the Earl of Gouldsmith.” She turned her lip in. “And beware of Lord Lofton. If I say he is no good, you must believe me.”

“Absolutely,” Lavinia nodded, making a mental note to herself.

“I will take my leave, then,” Charlotte curtsied and turned to walk away. Strange how William’s chest could twist with disappointment when he was so keen for her to stop talking.

“William!” Lavinia called out, startling Charlotte who looked back over her shoulder. “You should thank her.”

William nodded, studying Charlotte for a moment. She smiled lightly, and although it might have convinced another it was genuine, he knew it was full of challenge. The thought of her teasing him so simply made him lose his breath a little like she was drawing all the oxygen out of him on purpose. From what he knew of her, if she had such an ability, she would certainly capitalize on it. “I think that would be excessive.”

“I would have to agree,” Charlotte said.

“You should dance with her.” Lavinia turned her head up and smiled.

Under his breath, William cursed and from the way Charlotte looked at him, he was sure she had heard it. “May I have a dance?”