“Yes, and I have thoroughly regretted it since.” William took the glass of wine from his friend’s hand and downed the drink quickly. He needed something to calm the nervous energy in his chest if he was about to propose.

“Congratulations,” Edward smiled, looking somewhat annoyed that his glass of wine had been stolen.

“And to you, my friend.” William handed him back the empty glass. “Tonight we may consider ourselves both lucky in love.”

Edward nodded, watching as William walked away. When he was sure that he was alone, he made his way up the back staircase. The room Charlotte had directed him to was right at the end of the hall by the main stairs. He knocked twice, his breath hitching in his chest.

The thought of Benedict finding out that he immediately looked for privacy with Charlotte had crossed his mind. Yes, it was wrong, but William had long questioned whether a ceremony actually made that much of a difference for God. Whether he stole some time alone with her now or after the rings had been exchanged seemed to not matter as much when they both felt like this. It was hard to believe that Benedict had been as well-behaved as he expected others to be when he was in his youth. That said, William would likely be this protective over his own sisters when the time came. It was hard to put any trust in someone when people were so often disappointing.

After a nerve-wracking moment of looking over his shoulder to make sure that no one was around to see him, the door opened. William stepped inside, but much to his surprise, he didn’t see anyone. Then, the door shut behind him, and Charlotte wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, giggling.

When he turned back, his heart lightened at the sight of her smiling wider than she ever had before. She pulled him down to her level, pressing a passionate kiss against his lips. He kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. She gasped as he ran his hand over her bottom, cupping a hand over the satiny fabric of her dress. Her teeth grabbed a hold of his bottom lip and he felt a rush of desire course through his body.

Once they were unable to hold their breaths any longer, the two pulled away, foreheads pressed against each other’s.

“He gave me his blessing, Charlotte,” he whispered.

She closed her eyes, smiling, her lips slightly parted. “We will be married.”

He laughed lightly, “Oh yes, if I ever propose…” he teased.

Charlotte made a groan of discontentment in the back of her throat. She pulled away, rolling her eyes. When his hands left her body, he already couldn’t wait until she was pressed against him again. The feeling of her skin against his had been the most intoxicating sensation ever. It was usually the last thing on his mind before he fell asleep.

It was strange that maybe now neither of them seemed to know exactly what to say. They had both been so quick with sharp wit before, but now both of them were quiet, enjoying the silence and the shared happiness together.

William cleared his throat. “If I had been honest with you from the very beginning, I might have told you I have been unable to get you off of my mind since our first meeting,” he said.

Charlotte’s green eyes sparkled. “I never thought I could feel something so intense,” she admitted. “It scared me.”

“Charlotte Elkins,” he said, kneeling down before her. She stepped back, hands raising up to her mouth. She had certainly expected it, but that didn’t make it any less emotional. “Will you be my wife?” He placed his hand up in an offering.

She accepted it willingly. “I cannot believe myself,” she whispered in amusement. “I will!” She tugged him up and he wrapped his arms around her. She stumbled back, pulling him towards her for another kiss.

He flushed with passion. He had never felt this sincere. After his proposal to Octavia, he was happy because he had reached a milestone, but it didn’t feel the way others had described it. He though love was overexaggerated, and maybe it could be, but knowing it could feel like this made all the heartbreak of the past worth it. She ran her hands over his chest, her fingers working the top button of his waistcoat.

“Right here?” William whispered back against her lips. She nodded, continuing down the front of the garment. “Do you think Benedict will ever forgive me if I—”

“He cannot revoke his blessing,” she mumbled. “Especiallyafter you love me the way a wife is meant to be loved. You cannot take that sort of thing back.” She tugged at his lip again with her teeth, and William groaned, wrapping his arms around her back and attempting to undo the buttons on the back of her dress. This proved incredibly difficult to do with his eyes closed, and his mouth occupied. After some intense concentration, the dress started to slump off her shoulders.

He pulled away from her mouth just long enough so that she could remove his waistcoat. She threw it, and it draped across her vanity mirror with a rattle. She kicked off her shoes and shimmied the dress down over her legs. When he pulled her back towards him, she kissed him once and pulled away in only her corset and her chemise. Her breasts were hitched up high on her chest. He desperately wanted to touch them, the stays no longer separating his skin from hers.

She looked down at the floor, seeming to be downtrodden all of a sudden. “I—” she paused. “I am sorry,” she said. “I wish I had not denied you of my love. I still regret the things I said.”

“We must not focus on the past,” he said, placing his palm on her cheek and brushing the outline of her lips with his thumb.

“But I feel I should apologize for my pride,” she said. “I almost allowed it to ruin our greatest chance at happiness.”

“It is forgiven. I wish I had been more honest with you too,” he promised. “I was afraid to allow myself to get carried away again. I think I realized very early on how painful it could be to lose you, although I could not find myself walking away.”

Charlotte pressed her hand over his and looked up at him, smiling and yet feeling she might tear up all at the same time. She too had experienced how difficult leaving well enough alone was. No matter how many warning sirens were blaring in her ears, she was still keenly aware of how supernaturally his body pulled hers in. “I knew it was a bad idea, but had we not made that very mistake, then I wonder if we might still be here,” she said.

“I cannot imagine that,” he whispered.

“I will never push you away again so long as I live. Although do know that I still do not trust the lot of your sex. You are among the very few decent men of London.”

“Really?” he asked. “Because I have been imagining you stripped of your clothes since the first time we met.”

She gasped theatrically, placing her hand over her heart. “Me? But I thought you were not a rake!”