“Why would you accuse me of such?”

“Because to be completely honest, I see no other reason why a man with no intention to marry would, if not to save one’s virtue.”

“Might the reason be love? That before Lady Charlotte I had not known such a fire could burn within me? That even at my lowest point, I was still enough for her? That even if our own ideals keep us apart, the beliefs of two very stubborn people are not nearly enough to keep them apart?” William took a deep breath, trying to still the shaking in his fist. “I have not ruined your sister. I love her.”

Benedict nodded, seeming somewhat satisfied with the answer. “Alright, Holdford. You have my answer.”


“No,” he said. “You will not go anywhere near her again. You have proven yourself unworthy of my trust.”

William turned around defeatedly, his breath rattling in his chest. He grit his teeth. What was he meant to do? Walk outside and leave her? He could not. He would not leave this room without permission. “Reconsider,” he ordered, turning back around.

“Why would I? Should you choose to play a foolish game with my sister, then I am inclined to offer you a foolish prize.” Benedict puffed on his cigar. “I will not capitulate at the first offer I receive for her. Someone more respectful will come along who is not willing to make a mockery out of her the first chance he gets.”

“Your sister loves me. You should go talk to her privately if you do not believe me. Having almost lost each other we will stop at nothing to make this work. Did you see that your youngest sister has warmed up to Lord Stanton again?”

A silence. “I did. Did you arrange this?”

“No,” William shook his head. “That was the work of Lady Charlotte. She is a fierce, intelligent, and determined woman and she did so with the intention of allowing me the credit. I did not come here to lie to you. If I am to convince you of my heart, then I refuse to tell you anything but the whole truth.”

Benedict stilled, puffed on his cigar one last time and then smashed it against the ash tray on the end table. He exhaled and stood up. He walked over to the door, his stride slow and each pound of his feet against the floor deliberate. “So be it, Holdford. I will talk to my sister. This is hardly a positive answer although I regret to say that I agree with you. I should do my due diligence before casting you aside, although I have every reason to throw you out onto the street.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Do not,” he said. “This is not for you. Now wait outside. Do not move.”

William bowed, watching Benedict leave the room without turning back. As he stepped down the hall with purpose, William followed and waited outside the door to the study, his back leaning against the wall because he was already exhausted. Out in the dim light of the hallway, his heart thudded hard against his chest. He could not lose Charlotte. Not again.


“How was your dance?” Charlotte whispered in Arabella’s ear as she crept up behind her.

“Oh!” Arabella jumped slightly, almost spilling her glass of punch on the floor. She gave her sister a swat on the arm.

Charlotte laughed. “I am sorry. I must know.”

Arabella smiled and looked away, a blush creeping across her cheeks. “I did it. Just like you said,” she whispered, looking around to see where he was. “I told him that I would like him to court me.”


“And it looked as if I had slapped him across the face! He could not believe it but agreed instantly.”

Charlotte crossed her arms, unable to keep the look of smugness off her face. She was rather good at this matchmaking. “He will be coming by tomorrow?”

“I hope so!” Arabella smiled. She wrapped her arms around her sister’s neck and hugged her. Charlotte held her close and kissed the side of her head tenderly. “Why have you done such a thing?”

“I am a horrible cynic, Arabella,” she said. “But that man is hopeless over you and I want a man for you that worships you the way you deserve.” She frowned. “And now I really like the idea of love and all that nonsense. So, laugh if you please. I am soft.”

“Thank you,” Arabella whispered.

Charlotte brushed a flyaway hair behind her sister’s ear and smiled. Arabella’s eyes looked to the side. “Oh my,” she gasped. Charlotte followed her sister’s focus, fixing her attention on Benedict who was walking with such a frenzy that the two of them were convinced that he was mad. “What did you do?”

“What didIdo?” Charlotte snapped.

“Who else?” Arabella whisper-shouted back at her.

Charlotte sighed and crossed her arms. “Fair enough. I am under the impression that this is also directed towards me.”