She stared at it. “Butter and how to Churn it: A Guide.” She looked back at her sister. “Why?”

“It is a fake cover. Just something boring to dissuade curiosity,” she said. “I stole the book. Aunt Chasity has like a million and this one was the least worn of them all. It’s calledThe Rakish Duke’s Compromise.Just um…” she smiled. “Do not let Mama find out you have such an interest in butter. She will never sleep soundly again.”

Again, Arabella stared. “Why?” She repeated.

“There is a lot about love that remains a mystery, but churning butter is such a small part of it. Very fun, however, very, very small.” Charlotte sat back down on the ottoman. “Do not let one comment that is likely innocent color your view of the entire thing.”

“I cannot,” she said, thumbing through the pages of the book, her cheeks turning the color of a toadstool.

“Really, Arabella. I would let Lord Stanton takemeon a European tour. Read it. I think you will agree with me.”

Arabella set the brush down and slowly stood up from the vanity. “I will…retire then.”

Charlotte pursed her lips, holding back a giggle. “You do that. If anyone finds the book, tell them it is mine. I would be happy to discuss the various plot holes with anyone who may ask.”

With that, Arabella hurried across the hallway to her chamber and quietly shut the door. Charlotte had certainly ruined things for herself when it came to William, but she wouldn’t let this disaster end in a broken heart for Arabella. She deserved better. She deserved someone who might look at her the way Lord Stanton did.

* * *

Before Charlotte made her way outside to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine, she knocked on her sister’s door. Arabella had slept far longer than she usually had, which only made Charlotte wonder how late she had stayed awake reading.

After a few moments, the door squeaked open and Arabella, still in her pajamas, blinked sleepily. “Good…” she yawned, cutting herself off. “Morning.”

“Did you sleep much?”


“I wonder why,” Charlotte smiled. Arabella reached out and grabbed a handful of her sister’s capped sleeve and pulled her into the room. The door closed behind them.

“That was horrible!” Arabella shouted, pulling the book out from under the sheets and thrusting it into Charlotte’s arms.

“Really?” Charlotte opened the book to a random page. “Oh my, I loved this chapter.” Arabella couldn’t help but peek over her shoulder to see which one it was. Although she tried to conceal it, the look of interest in her face ratted her out.


Charlotte set the book down on her vanity. “Keep it if you like. I have read it far too many times for it to surprise me anymore,” she said.

Arabella nodded, opening her mouth to reject the offer but obviously thinking better of it. “Maybe I shall keep it simply for my own edification.”

“I do not know if I would use this as a study guide.” She flipped through the pages. “Some of this is…” her eyebrows raised when she happened upon a particularly raunchy scene. “Particularly unrealistic.”

“How would you know?”

Charlotte sat on the edge of her sister’s bed. “How do you think I know?”

“Charlotte,” Arabella covered her mouth.

“What?” Charlotte shrugged. “One day the world will cease to exist. Perhaps it will be tomorrow. Might I at least enjoy what little pleasures exist in this world while I still can? Do whatever you like, and so will I.”

Arabella sighed defeatedly and sat down next to her sister. “If I am to forgive Lord Stanton, how might he make it up to me?”

Charlotte squeezed her sister’s shoulder. It was such a relief to hear her consider him again. “I think it is time to ask him to court you. Seriously.”

Arabella’s cheeks reddened. “I cannot do that! That is not how it is meant to be.”

“So?” Charlotte asked. “You have every right to set your conditions. If he intends to prove himself, then he would be a fool not to gladly accept your offer.”

Arabella’s throat bobbed. “Okay.”