William cleared his throat. “I will ask.”

Charlotte turned to look at him. She smiled smugly when she met his eyes. “And I will accept.”

Edward coughed on his wine, eyes widening at her nerve. “Lady Charlotte, I presume?”

“You presume correctly.” she turned back to Lord Gouldsmith who was standing awkwardly beside Lavinia, wondering what his next move might be. “I will try to save you a dance at the next event,” she said. “If I remember.”

Arthur slunk away, once again defeated by the cheek of her. Within the moment, Arabella arrived, falling in line with her sister. When she looked at their companions, her eyes went wide like the moon and her tiny heartshaped mouth parted with surprise.

“You have met Lady Charlotte,” William said to Edward. “This is her younger sister, Lady Arabella Elkins.

Edward bowed, “Edward Stanton, Viscount of Levings. Pleasure to meet you, my lady.” He reached out, taking her hand in his and pressing a reserved kiss against her wrist. She bit her lip, a red blush creeping up her cheeks.

“May I ask for a dance, my grace?” he asked. Arabella nodded, offering her dance card to him, still at a loss for words.

“And you?” William asked Charlotte.

She sighed dramatically. “I suppose you may steal me away for a short dance, although I have much to do.”

“I would insist upon it,” he offered his hand and she took it, leading her onto the dance floor.

As the music began, he took her in his arms, resisting the urge to hold her too closely and began a box step. Her brown hair was adorned with beautiful green jewels. She looked positively ethereal that night, like she was born of his wildest dreams and only visiting him for a fleeting moment each night. He brushed a thumb over her waist. It was a small touch that nobody was the wiser of but the two of them.

She did seem surprised though, jumping slightly and gazing at his hand like it might potentially be someone else’s. She looked back at him, eyes locking. “Are you teasing me?”

“It may amaze you,” he said. “But that was not my intention.”

“Then what was your intention?”

He stared back at her, wondering if he could tell her that she was killing him without even trying. But how did you tell someone that everything they did drove you to the brink of utter madness? How did you explain to someone that they were the only thing you could think of before you fell asleep, even if there so many other pressing thoughts?

“I must be hoping to steal your attention at some point,” he said. “Somewhere only we know about.”

Charlotte raised her brows. “I am beginning to think I have turned you into a rake. Typically,” she said. “I am against the very idea of rollicking with some hopeless rake, but I must admit the idea that your yearnings are all my fault is enough to make a charitable woman out of me.”

William smiled. That was all he wanted. This courtship was a ruse, but it was starting to look like he could get something real out of it. He would never ruin her, but he wasn’t opposed to stealing some private moments with her. Maybe she would kiss him again. Maybe she would run her hands down his chest or tug at his hair. Feeling wanted was intoxicating enough, but when you wanted that person equally as much, it was a recipe for overindulgence.

Charlotte glanced over his shoulder. “Is Lord Levings worthy of my sister?”

“In what way?” When she narrowed her eyes, he continued. “I only ask because you and I have different concepts of what isnecessaryand what isrealistic.Not every man who experiments with the nighttime is a rake,” he said.

“Oh, an experiment, is it?” She frowned. “I do not expect him to be perfectly chaste, but I also do not wish for him to see my sister as a test subject.”

William glanced over at his friend and Arabella. She was beautiful, naturally more than Charlotte, and she was the type of woman that Edward was usually serious about. He had always said he wanted a wife that was strong, yet softspoken. He had spoken of this future wife as if he knew her already and was just waiting to be formally introduced. If anyone would respect and cherish Arabella, he was a worthy man. “I care for your family. I would not permit him to taint your sister’s virtue if I knew that was his intention. If he is as serious as he looks, he intends to court her.”

Charlotte glanced over her shoulder again. “If I trust you…”

“You can,” he said. “And if I lie to you about something, it is never designed to hurt you. I do it for the same reason as you do.”

Charlotte grinned. “But I do it to hurt you.”

“Ah,” he pursed his lips. “Then forgive me for assuming the best of you.”

And just like that, the music faded and the pair parted, their hands lingering just a moment longer than the other couples. Charlotte curtsied and turned to walk away. She was always doing that–leaving him before a conversation truly felt over to leave him wanting more. It was all very cold-blooded. She had already figured out what made him move.

“My grace,” he called. “One more. One more dance.”

She shook her head. “I have some debutantes to save.”