The game goes on for a while, Colson is at the letter Q. Dash is back on the letter G. Mitch is on U. And I’m in the lead with the stupid letter X. Literally nothing out here starts with an X. It’s next to impossible to play this game.

I look over at Darrell who is still sound asleep, snoring away our game. I see a gas station on the horizon. Exxon. Theres not one but two fucking x’s in it. “X!” I shout, startling Darrell.

“Jesus, Veronica,” he says, pulling me close to him. “Waking a man up like that is enough for a whippin’. I should bend you over my knee for scaring me so badly.”

“We’re stopping for gas,” Colson says back to us.

“Perfect. I need to piss,” Darrell says, pulling me tight against him. “I really should whip your ass, little one.” He places a soft kiss on my temple as I chuckle.

“I’m sorry. I was excited to find the X in the ABC game,” I say, looking up at him as my head rests on his chest.

“Who’s winning?” he asks.

“I am. I just need Y and Z,” I say softly, still attempting to look out the window.

“Well you better finish up, when the car shuts off the game starts over.” Darrell laughs.

“What? No one told me that.” A small bit of panic races through me as I lean over Dash to look out the window at every sign. “Y!” I point at the sign that says Highway.

“Good luck getting a Z!” Mitch laughs from the front.

Just then, I see the perfect fucking sign. Zoo, next right. “Z for Zoo.” I fall into Dash’s lap, laughing hard. “I won!”

“I gave up a while ago,” Dash says nonchalantly.

“You mad, bro?” I ask, snuggling against his chest.

“No, just tired.” Dash seems like he’s more than tired. Like somethings bothering him. I’m not sure what it could be, but there’s something there, creating a dark cloud over him.

This time when we stop, I stay in the car while they get gas. Within a few minutes, we are back on the road, with Darrell driving and Dash riding shotgun, Mitch and Colson are in the back with me. They say that we’re almost there, but at this point, I feel like the road trip is never going to end.

Chapter Nine

We pull into another parking lot, only this one is for a hotel. Well, hotel is an understatement, this is a fucking castle. The lights shine up the sides, illuminating the cream colored stones.Verden Villasis written in beautiful calligraphy on a maroon tapestry.

I get out of the SUV with Colson hot on my trail. “So we’re in Verden?” I’m not even sure what that means. Verden.

“We are. I have a few things you need to see here. Parts of my life have bled into here. And if you’re going to be part of the world, then Verden is where you start,” Darrell says very casually.

“Okay, mister mysterious,” I say, moving away from them and toward the back of the car to get my stuff.

“No need to get anything. The boys will get it. You just come with me, we’ll just go get checked in,” Darrell says, laying his arm over my shoulders. I lace my fingers in his as they hang over my arm and walk in with him.

I wander in through the double doors, nodding at the man standing there in a clean, spiffy maroon suit. Once I make it inside, I see a large cream colored room, lit with chandeliers. The maroon borders along the walls highlight the room's dark accents. I yawn, sucking in a long deep breath as we walk into the Villa. Or Hotel. Whatever this is.

“Welcome to Verden Villas. How can I help you?” the man says behind the counter. He has on a maroon jacket with gold buttons.

“Yates. I have a reservation,” Darrell says so calmly.

“Ah, yes. Mr. Yates. The penthouse.” The man behind the counter works quickly at his computer. “Just the two of you?” he asks, eyeing me as he sets the keycard on the counter with a white envelope.

“No, there will be three others coming up with the baggage. When you see them, send them up.” Darrell takes the key from the counter, tucking his arm behind my back. He leads me toward an elevator, pressing the button to call it to us.

I watch the numbers above the door slowly countdown, finally dinging as the doors open in front of us. I step into the lavishly decorated elevator, lined with mirrors and gold artwork, twirling along the edges of the frames. Darrell takes my hand, pulling it up to his lips, kissing the back of it softly. I look up at him through my lashes, seeing him completely disheveled. Damn he looks so good. After pressing the button that takes us to the top floor, I feel the movement, jerking us as it starts.

Twenty two floors up.

The door opens, and Darrell leads me out and to the left. I notice that there’s only two doors, one to the right and one to the left. Simple enough, there must be two different penthouses up here. I watch carefully as Darrell opens the door, hearing the click of the lock.