My body feels like it could collapse, falling down to the others below me. “Lolli,” Colson says from downstairs. “I wanna hear you scream, don’t hold back your pleasure,” he commands from below.

“Scream for us, sweetheart,” Mitch adds. “Let us hear how he makes you feel.”

Before I could react to them, I’m flipped around, forcing my head to spin. I’m pressed against the banister as Darrell bends down, hooking one arm under my knee, lifting it quickly. He lines himself up and pushes into me; I gasp at the sudden fullness. A growl slips through my lips as Darrell uses his other hand to pull my head forward. “Watch as I fill your tight cunt, over and over again.” I’ve been turned on before, having them all take their turns with me, watching Darrell take Colson, feeling Colson and Dash inside me together. But this, being forced to watch as Darrell thrusts into me over and over again, sends a different kind of feeling through me. It makes me feel pride, knowing that I’m taking him in, fully into my pussy. God, he feels amazing, the pinch inside I get when he pushes so far is enough to send me screaming into oblivion alone.

“Scream for us, Lolli.” I hear Colson growl. I’m not ready for this to be over, I want more, so much more.

“Give into it.” Darrell snaps his teeth, like he knows I don’t want it to end, but the building throb I feel deep inside me is too much, and I… can’t… hold it. I let out a scream that escapes from deep within. Darrell’s thrust quicken, forcing my orgasm to obliterate me. I gasp, trying to catch my breath, but it’s not there. Instead my scream gets louder, feeling my heartbeat up in my eyeballs. I can feel everything, the breath from Dash standing next to me, the hairs on Darrell’s chest. My body is so sensitive that when Darrell thrusts into me with a grunt, it sends my already powerful orgasm into overdrive. I can’t feel my toes as I lean forward, sinking my teeth into Darrell’s chest.

His knot expands inside me, filling me with his cum as he stills. My body begins to fade, feeling the aftereffects of the orgasm. My breath is broken and jagged as I lean against Darrell, covered in sweat. I don’t know how my body handles this over and over again when I’m in heat, because right now, I could use a nap.

“Little one,” Darrell whispers as he releases my leg. The second my leg hits the floor, I nearly collapse. I can feel my legs, but they feel about as useless as trying to stand up a wet noodle. The quiver from ankle to hip is unreal. Darrell laughs, feeling my body shake. “Come on,” he says, lifting me up. We’re still attached at the, well, knot. I look behind me to see Dash pulling his pants back up and see Colson and Mitch doing the same thing.

They must’ve taken care of themselves while Darrell took care of me. I let out a sigh as Darrell takes me to my room, laying down with me on top of him. My knees sit on each side of him as I lay my head on his chest. “Sleep, little one.” He begins rubbing my back, softly caressing me. My eyes are heavy, and my body is tired.

I want to tell him. But, is it the right time?

Chapter Eight

I wake covered in a sticky substance, wrapped in shredded bedding. My eyes blink away the groggy feeling. I’m sore, and I feel like I’ve been through the ringer. Looking around, I see I’m in the basement. My fingers stick to the back of whoever is in front of me. I gaze for a moment, to realize it’s Mitch. He breathes heavily, telling me he’s still asleep. There’s another hand laying over me, so I twist to see who it is to find Dash curled up behind me. When I try to move my feet, I realize there's someone down there too. Much to my surprise it’s Darrell, curled around Colson, looping his arm over Colson’s body with Darrell’s head between my legs.

A memory flashes through my head.Mitch buried deep inside of me.The frenzy of my heat makes us all mad with want.

My heat hit, putting us through the ringer. When I lift one of my legs, I feel Darrell stir. His head turns, looking up at me. “Morning, beautiful,” he says with a smile.

“Good morning,” I whisper back with my own smile.

“After we clean up, we can head out for your adventure.” He nods, pulling his arm out from under Colson.

“Sounds good,” I say, trying to lift Dash’s arm off me carefully. I want to squeal in excitement, but I also don’t want to wake the others, not yet.

I can’t remember anything outside of our small city. Literally nothing. I never watched the news, my nose was buried in books, learning about dragons and heroes. So the idea of leaving the city limits and exploring the country with my guys sounds like a fan-fucking-tastic idea.

I manage to get out of the pile of bodies and put my feet to the floor with Darrell’s help. “Go shower,” he says, smacking me on my behind, pulling a yip out of me. “Shhhh. You’ll wake them,” Darrell teases as he chases me up the stairs, pinching my butt as I run.

The one thing I love about showers is the peace and quiet; the time you have to yourself to run through your life and contemplate your very existence. Like now, why am I the Omega that is supposed to change the world? Who thought I could do this?

It's a never ending circle when you're alone with your thoughts. I grab the shampoo and squeeze some into my hand. I hate washing my hair; it’s long, and the carnage it leaves behind in my shower is never fun.

I feel the lather in my hair build up, washing my scalp so good. My fingernails are scratching away the stench of the last few days. Stepping back into the water, I let the heated stream wash away the soap.

There’s a loud sound, “Ronni!” I jump, nearly slipping on the soap that’s collected around my feet. The shower flies open, scaring me even more,

“What the fuck, Dash!” I scream at him, clutching my chest. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“No,” he says nearly out of breath, “I just have to tell you something.”

“Now, right now while I’m dripping with soap, trying to contemplate my entire existence?” I say with too much sarcasm. But Jesus Christ, he scared me half to death.

“Yes, right now. I can’t hold it in anymore.” I watch his eyes wander down my body.

“Focus.” I snap my fingers at him, getting him to look back up at my eyes. “What’s so fucking important that you couldn’t wait five more minutes for me to get out of the shower?”

“I love you!” he blurts with a straight face. I just stare at him. I’m not sure if he’s kidding though, he could be just saying this because my heat just ended, and it’s still messing with his head. “Did you hear me?” he asks. He’s dressed in his boxers but steps into the shower with me. “I love you, Ronni. Every part of my body craves you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I know that we’re mates, and it comes with the territory. But, I’ve loved you for years, long before you were an Omega. And I want you to know that I am so in love with you, it breaks my heart when you aren’t close by. That when I close my eyes, it is you who greets me in my dreams.” Dash steps into the water, pushing me back against the wall. His icy blue eyes find mine, and I can see that he speaks the truth.

Do I say it back? Do I love him? I search my heart and mind, finding what it is that is love. The need to be near him, the thought of going mad if something ever happened to him. He is my, well. He is my forever.

The water runs down my face, and I doubt I look good standing like this, but after nearly having my heart jump out of my chest and watching Dash confess his love for me, I don’t think he minds what I look like.