
The sound of his heart beating calmly gives me something to focus on. “Sadie’s been telling everyone that you’re an Omega with multiple mates. She’s causing problems.” I can still hear his heart over his words.

“So you’re just gonna be like, hey, all four of us are her mates?” I ask, leaning back away from Darrell.

“Unfortunately no. She’s assuming that it’s just Colson and Dash. So they will be announced as your mates. Mitch and I will be there as the family support. After the announcement, Colson’s parents want to throw a party to honor the first Omega in hundreds of years to have more than one mate.” Darrell lets me step away from him. Standing in the center of all four of them.

“I’m sorry, you said the first Omega to have more than one mate in HUNDREDS OF YEARS?” I nearly scream those words. “But I don’t have just two mates, I have four. So isn’t that a bigger deal?”

“Yes,” Colson says. “My parents thought that when I told them that Dash and I were your mates that we found the lost Omega. Spoken of in history as the next messiah, the Omega with four mates, linked to her in more ways than one.”

I start laughing. Like that awkward laugh when you don’t know what to say or do. So as I stand here laughing uncontrollably, while my mates stare at me like I’m broken. “Ronni,” Mitch says softly, approaching me.

Putting up a finger to signal I need a minute, I reel in my laughter, trying hard not to choke on it. “Please.” I laugh again. “Tell me this is a joke.”

“To the Beta church, yes. To the Alphas, no,” Colson says, deadpan. No emotion on his face whatsoever.

“And this just happened to slip your fucking minds?” I throw my hands up in the air. Un-fucking-believable.

“I forgot about the story. It’s been passed down through the years and slowly forgotten,” Darrell says.

“Says the keeper of secrets. How could you guys not know this? Especially with everything else. I’m already the lost fucking princess, and now I get to add possible messiah on my list of never ending, what else could go wrong list.” What does it even mean to be a damn messiah?

“Well, in layman's terms, the anointed one. The one to bring about the salvation of our kind,” Colson says. “My parents don’t believe in the Beta’s God. They believe in the old ways, where there was a powerful Omega who with her four mates brought a new kind of peace.”

“What and because I have four fucking mates that makes me this new messiah? I don’t fucking think so. You guys have fun at your meeting.” I storm away from them, pulling the basement door shut behind me.

For months I’ve come to terms with having mates and being an Omega. Now, what I’m supposed to believe that I’m this mystical fucking Omega too? None of this makes any sense, how does a girl who never knew anything about any of this suddenly have so much on her shoulders?

Omega princess.

Omega savior.

When do I just get to be Veronica from a small town again? The girl no one noticed, the one that sat quietly at the back of the room so she didn’t get seen. The one who secretly wanted to date her brother’s best friend. The person who wanted to escape this place, never looking back, having no one around to miss her.

Chapter Two

The basement, or as I call it, the nesting room, is quiet. The guys have been gone all day, and I’ve been curled up in a ball in the middle of my nest. I’ve cried, screamed, and pleaded for the world to pick someone else to live my life. Anyone else.

I hear the door above me open and footsteps echoing. But, I won’t go up there, not right now. I still need time to understand what the fuck is going on. I pull a half shredded blanket up over my legs, tucking myself further into my nest to sleep it off.

A pain radiates through my body, filling me with a heat so hot, I feel like I could explode. I move my thighs, feeling the slick between my legs.

“Ronni.” I hear my name from upstairs. I moan, tracing my fingers down my body, finding my clit. I rub it, feeling the warmth between my legs. “We can smell you from up here.” Dash’s voice is low mixed with a growl.

I continue teasing myself, pushing myself further, taunting them with my sounds. A moan slips through my lips as I push a finger inside, feeling how wet I am. I knew my heat was coming, but I didn’t realize it was so close.

“RONNI!” I hear Mitch shout my name down the stairs. “We’re coming down.”

I push my pants off and rip my shirt off, letting my hand wander all over my body. With my knees bent and my legs spread wide, I continue touching myself as they crowd around the end of the massive bed.

Each of them already naked with their cocks in their hands, Darrell snarls. I want to tease them, but having them so close throws that out of the window. I need them, all of them. Mitch climbs on the bed, crawling until he’s between my legs. His lips touch my thigh as he inhales. “Fuck you smell amazing,” he growls, nipping his way down. I let out a moan when he presses his tongue flat against my clit.

The bed moves, and I see Dash climbing up to me. “Open for me, baby.” He scoots up on his knees, pumping his cock with his fist. I open my mouth, letting him push it in without hesitating. I welcome the feeling of him feeling my mouth, pushing into me until I nearly choke. “That’s right ,baby, take it deep,” he growls, thrusting into my mouth.

Mitch flicks his tongue over my clit, pushing his fingers into me and finding the spot deep inside me to send me soaring. I cry out against Dash’s cock, feeling the first of many orgasms kicking me into a tightness that obliterates my body.

I try to catch my breath, but Dash pulls out slowly and shoves himself back in, grunting and spilling his first load down the back of my throat. The knot at the base of his dick swells as he strokes it a few times, pulling it out of my mouth, spilling the remainder of his seed over my chest. I moan while I lift my hand to rub it in, the feeling of his seed on my chest is intoxicating.