“Simple really. We showed up and just started asking the people of the town and guards if they could help us find Veronica Yates. We gave your description, and no one had a clue as to who we were talking about. Colson and I wanted to barge into the castle, demanding an audience with the King. But we decided against it, because if you weren’t there then they would have learned that you’re still alive.” Darrell nods his head with a smile. “And I couldn’t risk that.”

“You know I’m going to have to publicly challenge them soon, right? After this shit with the Omega Farm, things need to change.” I walk toward the door, opening it. All three of the others fall into the room. “They might as well be here for this.”

“You can’t go public yet, Ronni,” Dash says as he gets up off the floor.

“Why not? I’ve already gotta go public as the mate to more than one Alpha, why not use that platform to make a stand, tell them that I’ve got four mates, and that I am the lost princess, and I just so happen to be an Omega.”

Colson stands up and whips me around to face him. “That's going to start a war with the current King.”

“Not only that, but people will challenge your claim to the throne,” Mitch adds.

“Then we get the Beta Prince to reveal himself, claiming his daugh-”

“No, if he steps forward, they will award him the crown. He is technically the next heir. Beta or not. If you want to take the throne, he will either need to stay gone, or decline the crown. Either way, looks like you and Neill need to have a heart to heart.” Darrell pulls his phone out of his pocket. “He was locked in with Mandy during her heat cycle for a few days, but we’ve talked to him since then. He should be at the library.” He puts the phone to his ear.

They waited a few days and then talked to him? “How long was I gone?” I ask, flipping my head around to the other three.

“A week,” Colson says with pain written on his face. “I’m so sorry, Lolli.” He steps into me, hugging me tightly again, “I should’ve just went into the library with you.”

“You would have had a rough time considering there was an Omega in there in heat.” I chuckle.

“Oh, yeah,” he says, letting go of me.

Dash steps into me, pulling me tightly against his chest. “You don’t have to do any of this, you know. We can just live our life out here with no one knowing who you are.”

“Did you guys already have a meeting about me?” I pull away from Dash.

“Yeah, but only with Colson’s parents, we can keep them quiet if that’s what you want.” Dash looks worried, like he doesn’t want me to go public with anything.

“Whatever you choose, sweetheart, we’ll support you.” Mitch pulls me into a hug.

Each of my guys, hugging me tighter than the one before. I came home yesterday, and they gushed over me then, and it seems to be continuing into today. I revel in the attention from them though. I love the way they feel against me, their arms holding me tightly. I want to always feel them, never to know the emptiness left behind when they aren’t around again.

“Neill will be here in about twenty minutes,” Darrell says, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “You should shower,” he says, walking up to me. I feel his lips on my forehead, but after the week I’ve had, I need more than a fucking forehead kiss from him.

I reach my arms around the back of his neck and pull him down to me. My lips automatically know what to do, I don’t even have to think about it. He lifts me off the ground, and I wrap my legs around his waist. “Why is that hot as fuck?” Colson says from behind me.

“Watching her make out with my dad?” Mitch laughs.

“Watching her period. Doesn’t matter who’s with her. I love watching her kiss, suck, fuck. Not to mention all the sounds she makes during. Makes my dick hard just thinking about it.” I feel his hands on my back, lifting my shirt up. “The way her body moves under our touches.” His lips graze against my back. “The way she fits perfectly between us.” There’s a trail of kisses that go up my spine.

“Neill’s gonna be here in twenty minutes. You think we have time?” Dash says.

“Not for all of us.” Colson laughs against my back, sending a shiver down my body as his breath tickles me.

My body feels like it's on fire, the firm grip Darrell has on me, the light as feather touches from Colson. Darrell breaks the kiss. “She needs a shower, so none of us will be getting lucky right now.” Colson steps away, and Darrell puts me back on the ground.

I walk away in a daze, my feet carrying me down the hall toward the shower; I haven’t had one in a week, and I know I’m ripe. I thought about taking one last night, but the softness of my bed called to me.

The knock on the door is loud as I sit on the couch waiting for Neill. Darrell gets up from the couch to open it, my heart races. I’m so fucking nervous about this conversation. When the door opens, I see him. My biological father, standing there, alone as he was asked.

“Thank you for coming,” Darrell says, offering Neill a hand.

“Honestly, I never thought you’d call me to come over here,” Neill replies, shaking Darrell’s hand.

I take a deep breath and push up off the couch to stand up and face the man I will spend the next little while trying to understand better. I have so many questions, and I need to be careful with what I say to him.

“Veronica.” Neill nods, stepping fully into the house. I watch him look around, almost spell bound by what it looks like. If he’s trying to stay hidden, he probably has something small and inconspicuous.