“She’s right,” Declan tells me. He wraps his arms around me from behind, resting them on my baby bump.

“It was the sweetest thing,” Palmer says from where she’s sitting with her feet propped up. She’s only a few weeks from delivering their baby.

“Are you sure, Blake?” I ask her.

“Yes!” She jumps in the air. “I need to know. It’s killing me,” she says with the flair and dramatics that only my five-year-old can muster.

“All right. Daddy?” I look over my shoulder at Declan.

“It’s really hard for me not to spill the beans. The sooner it’s out, the better. I’ve been avoiding my friends all week and all day.” My husband laughs.

“You do the honors,” I tell him.

“Mommy, don’t you know we have to do it together? We’re a family, remember?” Blakely asks.

“Come here you.” She rushes toward me, and I hug her tight. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Mommy.”

Maverick and Merrick move their barricade in front of the cake, and together on the count of three, we assist Blakely in cutting into her birthday cake.

“A boy!” she screeches. “A baby brother!”

Declan lifts her in his arms and wipes her tears. “Did you not want a baby brother?” he asks her.

“I’m so happy, Daddy. We have a wife, a mommy, and a baby brother.” The three of us stay huddled together until Blakely is ready to eat her cake.

“Wait, Blake,” I call out for her. I make eye contact with my mom. She and my dad flew down and are looking at houses in Willow River this weekend. They want to be closer to their grandchildren.

“Blake, we have to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ How about we use this cake?” My mom grabs the cake that was sitting on a chair beneath the table next to her.

“What is it?”

“Come look,” Mom tells her.

“A princess cake!” she cheers. “Thank you, Mamaw.” She hugs my mom, who kisses the top of her head.

We sing “Happy Birthday” to the birthday girl, and everyone seems to understand that this is her day. They quietly congratulate Declan and me as they grab their cake, but today isn’t about us. It’s about our daughter. It’s about a little girl wishing for a family, and dreams coming true.

It’s about showing those you love your heart and letting them know that you want to stay forever.



Glancing at the clock on the wall, I see it’s just after six. I should have left over an hour ago, but I can’t seem to stay focused long enough to get through the rest of these messages and parts orders. I really do need to consider hiring someone to do all of this. I know it takes away from the bottom line, but the shop’s doing well, and it would free me up to do other things and put me at home at a decent hour.

Ramsey called earlier and asked if she could take Blakely to dinner. I guess Deacon is working late on a case, and she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to spend some girl time with my daughter. I’m so damn lucky to have the family support that I do. Yes, was a single father, but I couldn’t imagine raising her without them. I sometimes feel as though I lean on them more than I should.

Anyway, the guilt of working late is missing tonight, but that doesn’t mean I want to be here any longer. I love my business. I love what I do, but I also love getting time away. My mind instantly goes to Kennedy. I haven’t talked to her today, outside of a few text messages. Maybe I can wrap this up, and we can have a quick dinner before Ramsey brings Blakely home.

A knocking on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. Glancing up, I smile when I see the woman I was just thinking about standing with a bag of takeout in her hands and a smile on her face.

Jumping from my chair, I rush to open the door for her. “This is a nice surprise,” I say, leaning in to kiss her hello.

“I just left the manor. I had to do a showing for a potential wedding in the fall. I was driving by and saw the lights on.” She holds up the bag of takeout. “I thought that you might be hungry.” She sits the bag on the reception desk, pulls the sweater she’s wearing off, and places it on the filing cabinet.

My mouth waters as I take in her skimpy purple tank top. She takes my breath away. “I’m hungry,” I tell her, pulling her into my arms. My mouth covers hers, and she doesn’t hesitate to open it for me.

“Our dinner is going to get cold,” she says unconvincingly as she grips my white tank top.

“Fine.” I kiss her once more before releasing her. She looks a little dazed as she smiles up at me before taking the bag to the other side of the desk and begins to take items out one by one.