
“Anything else?”

“My best friend, Morgan.”

“How often do you see her?”

“She’s married and has a little girl, so not as much as we used to.”

Alyssa nods. “That’s a tough one. I’d have one hell of a hard time moving away from Sterling. However, if there was a man who looked at me the way Declan is looking at you, then I’d do it. That’s a once in a lifetime.”

“Do you not see how Sterling looks at you?”

“Pft.” She waves me off. “He’s a big goofball, and it doesn’t mean anything. Declan, on the other hand, he’s all about taking you mattress dancing.” She laughs as she speaks. “I can’t say it now without laughing, thanks to you.” She sniggers.

I pull into the parking lot of the mall and turn to face her. “Is it really that simple?” I ask her. “Because to be honest, I’m not sure. I married a man who was my best friend, then lover, and look where I am. I don’t have the best track history.”

“Does it feel different? When you’re with Declan, does it feel different? I mean, I know comparing this is kind of a shit thing to do, but it’s important for you to do it even internally. That’s how you’ll know. Trust your heart and your gut. Tell your head to fuck off.”

“Hey, what happened to cleaning up your mouth?” I ask.

“The conversation warranted it. Now, let’s go get us a couple of kick-ass outfits,” she says as my phone alerts me to a message. The car is still running, and my Bluetooth system is set to read messages automatically.

“Text Message from Declan,” the radio announces. “I should have kissed you last night. I won’t make that same mistake twice. This is your chance to think about if that’s what you want because it’s all I can think about.”

“Wow,” Alyssa breathes. “That’s a side of Declan I’ve never seen. He’s got it bad.”

“I-I really wanted him to kiss me.”

“Well, my friend, it appears that tonight you’re going to get your wish. Come on.” She climbs out while I text Declan back.

Me: Yes.

Grabbing my keys and shoving my phone into my purse, I exit the car, and we make our way inside the mall. On the outside, I appear calm, but on the inside, my heart is thrashing against my chest. I know it’s that one simple word that is going to change our relationship.

“You should come back to my place so we can get ready together,” Alyssa suggests.

“Sure. I just need to run to Grandma’s, grab a few things, and check on her, and then I’ll be over. Thanks.”

“It’s always more fun to get ready together. That’s one of the sucky parts of having a guy as a best friend. He rolls out of bed looking hot as hell.” I raise my eyebrows, and she rolls her eyes. “I said nothing was going on, not that I was blind. Sterling is fine as hell, and so are his brothers.”

“Are you close to Ramsey and the others?” I ask.

“I am. They include me, but I still feel like I’m on the outside. You know, since I’m not a cousin, wife, fiancée, or baby momma to one of the brothers.”

“Well, now you have me.”

“My girl.” She gives me a high five before reaching into the back for her bags and getting out of the car. She waves as I pull away to check on my grandma and spend a little time with her before I need to head back to Alyssa’s to get ready for tonight. I admit I’m really excited. I love going to concerts, and it’s been way too long since I’ve been to one. Not to mention the promise that Declan made in his text message, and my simple reply.

Grandma’s resting when I get home. She's insisted she’s been fine and that her friend Mary stopped and brought lunch.

“Now, don’t you come rushing home because of me,” Grandma says as I lean down and kiss her cheek. She actively encouraged me to get packed and head on out to Alyssa’s sooner rather than later. “Stay out all night, get a little wild and crazy. You’re young. Enjoy it while you can.”

“What if you need me?”

“I’m just fine. Carol and Raymond are right next door, and they have these things called telephones, and I can call for help.”

“Are you sure? I mean, not that I want to stay out all night, but I want you to be sure you’ll be okay.”

“I’ll be fine,” she assures me.

“Okay, well, I guess don’t wait up.”

She grins. “That’s the spirit.”

“Behave.” I point at her before grabbing my bag and heading to Alyssa’s.

Just as I’m pulling into her driveway, my phone rings, and I smile when I see it's Declan. “Hey,” I answer.

“Hey, yourself. You ready for tonight?” he asks.