“How was dinner last night?” Grandma asks.

“Good. We actually met up with Sterling and his best friend, Alyssa. We went to Harris and had Mexican. Then we went back to Alyssa’s and played euchre.”

“That sounds like a good night to me,” she says, chipper as ever.

“How are you feeling?”

“Great. No pain, just this damn cast.” She huffs. “We made progress of squares for the Memorial Day quilt we’re going to donate at the parade this year. Now it’s time to start sewing on it.”

“That’s great. Hey, I have a question. Sterling and Alyssa have concert tickets, and the couple they were going with backed out last night. Do you mind if I go? Carol said she would come and stay with you. She wants you to help her make a blanket for the new baby.”

“First of all, you’re an adult and don’t need my permission. Second, is Declan going to be your date? And third, I’d be happy to help Carol make a blanket for the new baby Kincaid.”

“I know. I just feel bad. I’m here to help you. Yes, Declan will be going as well, but we didn’t really discuss that it was a date, and Carol is really excited about the new baby. Blakely will be with her.”

“That Blakely is a fun one.” She grins.

“She’s pretty cute.”

“So Declan?” Grandma asks, wagging her eyebrows.

“Stop.” I point an index finger at her.

“Maybe I should start a pool? We can all place bets.”

“What? You’re an insane woman. What could you possibly be betting on?”

“You, of course. You’re going to get it right this time, my dear. I feel it in here.” She places her hand over her heart. “You deserve special, and that man is it. He’s already put that smile back in your eyes, and it’s lighting up your face. Good things, Kennedy dear. Good things. Now, you better go shopping. I know you didn’t bring a single thing to wear to a concert. You want to look good for your man.”

“He’s not my man.” I say the words but wish that hers were true. It’s too soon to be falling by society's standards, but my heart has been lonely for far too long. My phone beeps and I see his name on my screen.

Declan: Alyssa asked for your number. She’s going to be calling you. Something about an outfit.

Me: Grandma and I were just talking about what I was going to wear tonight.

Declan: You’re beautiful in a burlap sack.

My face heats as my fingers fly across the screen.

Me: How do you know? You’ve never seen me in a burlap sack.

Declan: Your beauty has no limits.

“What? What’s he saying?” Grandma asks.

“How do you know that it’s him?”

“The look on your face. The happiness I was talking about, it’s coming off you in waves.”

“He’s just telling me that Alyssa, who is Sterling's best friend, is going to call me about what we’re wearing tonight.”

“Good. Go shopping. Enjoy yourself.”

“I’m here to take care of you,” I remind her.

“You are. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to take care of yourself while you’re here as well. Besides, I’m going to nap and read a little of my book. Nothing exciting to see here. Go enjoy your day with your new friend.”

Declan: Don’t shy away from me, Kens.

Me: Sorry, Grandma was talking to me.

Declan: Can’t wait to see you.

Me: Me too.

I feel giddy. It’s been years since I’ve felt this way, and honestly, I’m not really sure I ever have. Sure, I’ve been excited about a guy’s attention when I was younger, but this is different. More intense.

My phone rings, and it’s a local number. “Hello,” I answer.

“Hey, Kennedy, it’s Alyssa. What are you doing today?”

“Not much. You?”

“I want to go shopping for tonight. Are you available to come with me? I know you’re taking care of your grandma, so no pressure.”

“Sure. She’s good for now. Where should I meet you?”

“My place? An hour?”

“That works for me.”

“Great. I’m excited about tonight. See you soon.”

“That was Alyssa. I’m going to meet her to go shopping. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Kennedy, I needed help the first few days. The pain is gone, and I can get around just fine on the scooter. You’re helping at the manor, which was my biggest concern when this happened.” She points at her foot. “Go. Live. Have fun.”

“You make it sound as if I lived in a dungeon.”

“You might as well have. He worked all the time and was never home. The two of you didn’t have a marriage. One day when you marry Declan, you’ll realize what you’ve been missing.”

“You’re out of your mind.” I laugh. “Just because you will it to happen doesn’t mean that it will.”

She taps her temple with her index finger. “I know things. I’ve been around a long time. I can see it.”