“No. You are not buying my lunch.”

“Too late. Consider it a happy engagement lunch.”

“My fiancée isn’t here.”

“Does she need to be for you to celebrate the fact that she’s agreed to be your wife?”

“No. No, she does not. Thank you for lunch, Kennedy. Next time it’s on me.”

“You’ve got a deal.”

He holds the door for me as we walk outside and head to our cars. “Kennedy!” he calls out.

I stop. “Yeah?”

“Tell my little brother I said hello.” He winks, climbs in his truck, and pulls out onto the road.

I’ve only been in Willow River for a few weeks, but it feels like I’ve lived here all my life. No wonder Grandma fell in love with this place. The charm isn’t just the area or this little town. It’s the people in it.




As soon as Brooks and Palmer back out of my driveway, I grab my keys and my phone and head to the garage. I’ve dated a few times over the years, and I can’t ever remember being this excited about any of them.

They weren’t with Kennedy.

The more time I spend with her, the more of her time that I crave. That’s why when I pull into her grandma’s driveway, I leave the truck running and rush to the door, rapping my knuckles against the metal three times. I’m eager to see her, to soak up more of her time.

“Hey.” She pulls open the door.

“Gorgeous.” The word falls from my lips easily. She smiles shyly.

“Let me grab my coat. Do you want to come in?” she offers.

“I’ll just wait here. I love Maureen, but I’m a selfish bastard tonight when it comes to you. I want you all to myself.”

“I’ll be right back.” She closes the door and reappears, calling “Goodbye” over her shoulder. She steps out onto the porch, and I wrap my arms around her in a hug.

“Damn, you smell good.” I put just a little space between us. Lacing her fingers with mine, I lead her to my Tahoe. I help her inside and rush around to the driver’s side, sliding behind the wheel.

“So where are we headed?” she asks as we pull out of the driveway.

“I thought we could drive to Harris. There are several restaurants and steak houses to choose from, and then maybe a movie? Sterling and his best friend, Alyssa, are at the Willow Tavern tonight. We could go there if you want.”

“Honestly, I don’t care what we do. It’s just nice to get out. I love my grandma, but she can be a lot. She has a few friends from her sewing club coming over and bringing dinner tonight. I swear she assumed we would end up with plans tonight.”

“She’s a riot.” I shake my head. “I didn’t know she was this sneaky until you came to town.”

“She’s a hot mess, Declan.”

I can’t help but laugh softly at her exasperation. My phone rings and I accept the call on the dash. “Hey, Sterling. You’re on speaker. I have Kennedy with me.”

“Hey, Kennedy,” Sterling says.

“Hi.” She waves at the dash as if she can see him. Cute as hell.

“Did you decide if you want to meet up?” Sterling asks.

“We were just talking about it.” I don’t voice that I want her to myself. I’m hoping she chooses for it just to be us. “Kinda thinking getting out of Willow River is where we’re headed.” I drop a hint.

“Why don’t you all join us?” Kennedy asks.

I bite back a groan. We were almost home free. “Dinner and a movie,” she adds helpfully.

“I’m almost at Alyssa’s place. Let me ask her. She had plans with some douche who canceled on her last minute hence the best friend rescue. Let me see where her head is, and I’ll call you right back.”

“Sounds good.” I end the call on my steering wheel. “How about we just cruise around town until we hear from them?” I suggest.

“Sounds good to me. So Sterling and Alyssa are just friends?”

“Yeah. They’ve been friends forever. Hell, kindergarten, maybe? I don’t really remember. I just know Alyssa has always been around.”

“And they’ve never dated?”

“Not that I’m aware of. They’re both adamant that it’s platonic between them. Sometimes they act like a couple, but I think it’s just because they’ve been friends for so long.”

“What about you? I know about you and Cassie. Anyone before or after her worth mentioning?”

“No. I’ve dated here and there. It’s never gone past one date. I don’t know if it’s because I just wasn’t interested or if I was too focused on being a single father to give any of them a real shot.”

“Pappa Bear,” she teases as my phone rings again.

“What’s up?” I say, after accepting the call on the dash.

“We’re in. Alyssa is all about getting out of Willow River for the night. Where do you want to meet?”