“Can I help you?” he asks.

“Hi.” I wave. “I’m Kennedy Edwards. My grandma Maureen Hoffman has an appointment for an oil change today.”

He wipes his hand on a red shop towel that he produces from his back pocket. “I thought all the cars on the schedule had already been dropped off. Let me take a look.” Shoving the towel back into his pocket, he wiggles the mouse and begins to hit a few keys on the keyboard. “What’s the name again?” he asks.

“I’ve got this, Gus,” a voice I know all too well says from behind me.

“Oh, is this the add-in?” the guy I know now as Gus asks.

“She is. I’ve got it.”

“Sure thing, boss.” He winks at me before disappearing behind the service door once again.

“It’s good to see you, Kennedy.”

“You too.” Then something he said registers. “Did he say that you worked me in today?”

He nods. “Yeah, Maureen said her car was making some kind of grinding noise, and she didn’t feel comfortable with you driving it.”

“Unbelievable.” I blow out an exasperated breath. “I’m sorry, Declan. She lied to you.”

A slow, sexy grin lifts his lips. “Her car’s not making a grinding noise?”

“No. She told me it was an oil change appointment that she forgot about.” Hiking my purse up on my shoulder, I look out at the full lot and realize he was adding us into his already packed schedule. “I’m sorry,” I say, my eyes going back to him. “You’re slammed today, and you were obviously making an exception for us. I didn’t mean to waste your time. I’ll talk to her.” I turn to walk away, but he grabs my wrist, halting me.

“Hey, it’s not a big deal. We could have made it happen.”

“She has to stop this meddling.”

“She really does want to marry you off, huh?” He grins.

“Not just marry me off, but apparently, she’s decided it’s going to be you.”

His grin grows wider. “She has good taste.”

“I’m not debating that. But she can’t just will something to happen, and it comes true. Not only that, but this is your business. This is how you put a roof over your head and food in your daughter’s belly. She’s messing with that.”

“By giving me more work?” He quirks an eyebrow. “Kennedy, I’m telling you it’s fine. In fact, it’s more than fine. It’s been too damn long since I’ve laid eyes on you.”

He takes a step closer and gently tugs at one of my curls that I spent extra time with the curling iron for this morning. “Have lunch with me.”

Before I have a chance to answer, the door chimes. On instinct, we both turn to look and see a smiling Brooks. “Fancy seeing you here.” He leans in and kisses my cheek.

“Brooks, good to see you. How’s married life?”

“Fucking fantastic.” The smile that lights up his face could light up every single house in Willow River with how electric it is.

“How’s Palmer been feeling?” I ask.

“She’s perfect. No nausea. Just perfect.” My heart swells and cracks a little at the same time. I’m happy for the two of them, but I’m sad for myself. I want a partner in my life who will be thrilled to be a parent with me. No matter how we have to go about it.

“What’s up?” Declan asks.

“I came to see if we can have Blakely tomorrow?”

“Sure, you know she loves spending time with you all.”

“I promised Palmer, the last time we were there, that I’d take her back to the aquarium so she could bring her camera. I thought Blakely would enjoy it too. Give me some practice for what’s to come.”

“Like you need practice,” Declan scoffs. “You’ve been there every step of the way with Blakely. You all have. You’re going to rock being a dad, B.”

“It seems like it’s so far away,” Brooks comments.

“Trust me. The baby will be here before you know it. Blakely will love spending the day with the two of you. Thank you for taking her.”

“I was thinking we’d come and get her tonight. Let her spend the night, and then we’ll head out in the morning. If that’s all right with you.”

“Sure.” Declan looks at me and smirks.

“Thanks, man. I know you’ll want to see her after working all day. Just shoot me a text when you’re ready, and we’ll come and pick her up.”

“I can drop her off to you.”

“Nah, you know she likes riding in my truck. Besides, I have a car seat, and you need a night off. You’re always in dad mode, man. Take a night for yourself.” He looks over at me. “Kennedy, good to see you again.” With that, he waves and walks out the door.

“Well, it looks as though I find myself needing some company this evening. Dinner?”

“Dinner sounds nice. Let me know when and where.” On the outside, I’m cool as a cucumber. On the inside, I’m shaking like a leaf. I’ve been out of the dating game so long that I’m not even really sure how this is supposed to work anymore, but I’m rolling with it. I might be recently divorced, but it’s been months since my marriage ended. Declan is the perfect man for me to jump back into the dating scene with. He’ll be like my practice run for when I get home and start focusing on the rest of my life.