“You’ve been dishing it out as good as he has,” Frostie points out.

“He started it.” I fold my arms over my chest.

“Maybe it’s because of your brother, and he was worried about crossing that line?” I know that might be true, but why wasn’t I worth fighting for? He can marry my brother if he’s so worried about how he feels about this.

“It still doesn’t make up for him scaring away anyone that might have wanted to date me. God knows what he’s been up to all these years.” I close my eyes when the sudden burn of tears hits. I can’t think about him with anyone else.

“You really think you would have dated any of them?” I shake my head, but that’s so not the point.

“I feel…” My breath hitches. “Pathetic.”

“Oh, honey.” Frostie pulls into the back of the bakery and unclicks her seatbelt to reach over and hug me. “Men are stupid,” she whispers in my ear. “We all have our hang-ups and some of us have demons. But you’re making him chase you and I’m sure he’ll tell you why.”

“Maybe,” I mutter as we get out of the car. I hurry inside and up to our apartment to shower and change into my uniform. I check my phone, thinking that Jack is going to blow it up, but nothing so far.

Later when I make it to my cruiser, my phone does go off, but it’s Carol.

“Hey,” I answer, putting her on speaker as I pull out onto Reindeer Lane.

“I think something is wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, I can’t explain it.” I can hear the fear in her voice. “I had a few spots of blood, and I just…” She trails off, unable to say more.

“You at your shop?”


“I’ll be there in two. We’re going to the hospital.” I flip on my lights and sirens before I take off toward the dress shop. When I pull up, she’s already coming out the door.

“Maybe I’m overreacting.”

“Get in the car.” I open the door for her, and she does as I instruct. “It’s better to be safe.”

“Dispatch.” I call into my radio after I hop in and take off toward the hospital.

“Girl, you’re in so much trouble. Jack is—”

“Sophie.” I cut her off. “I need you to call Central Hospital and tell them I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. I have a pregnant woman with spotting and abdominal pain. She is twenty weeks along. Tell them I want a perinatologist and an OB on the ER floor when I get there.”

“On it,” Sophie responds.

“Wow, I’ve never seen you be serious.” Carol rubs her stomach.

“I keep telling you guys I’m a cop,” I tease, which gets me a small smile. “I went to training and everything.”

“I know. Besides, the sheriff wouldn’t have made you a deputy if he didn’t believe you could handle things when the time called for it.”

I pull onto the highway that leads out of town and towards the city. “How are you feeling?”

“I think maybe I overreacted, I don't know.” She keeps rubbing her hand across her stomach.

“Is there someone we should be calling?”

“I…ah. I don’t know.” Carol lets out a long breath, but I don’t push. This isn’t the time.

“Why don’t you tell me about you sneaking out of Jack’s this morning and Sophie saying you’re in trouble? That will keep my mind off things.”

“What the hell? Did Frostie tell you?” Carol shrugs. “Snitches get stitches.”

“You’re a cop, you can’t say that.”

“Yeah, well I handcuffed someone to a bed and left them there. I’m not sure I follow all the rules. I’m rogue.” That gets me another laugh from Carol and really that’s all I care about right now.

“You should talk to him. Put it all on the table.” Carol circles back to my dating life, even though I’m not sure you can call it that.

“It’s sex and fighting. Those are the only two cards.”

“Are you using protection?” She taps her belly.

“I’ve got a gun right here.” I tap my chest. “Vest on too.”

“I’ll take the avoidance of my question as a no. This isn’t about sex and fighting. Jack is a smart man. If he’s not using protection, he’s doing it for a reason.”

“Entrapment!” I shout.

“That’s not entrapment. He’d have to be luring you into doing a crime.”

“He is. Assault.”

“You’re so full of it. Or should I say full of him.”

“Carol! You’re supposed to be in emergency mode, not cracking jokes.” I pull off the highway as Sophie’s voice comes over the radio, letting me know the hospital staff is outside waiting.

“You’ll stay with me?” Carol asks, growing serious when I pull into the emergency bay.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I reassure her as I pray for some Christmas magic.

Chapter Fourteen


It’s late when I see Tinsel come out of the emergency waiting area and walk through the lobby. I stand up from the uncomfortable chair and realize I’ve been in that position for hours. They couldn’t tell us what was going on, and Tinsel didn’t have her phone.