“I am sure you will not mind entertaining our guest, boy,” said Lord Cartier.

Arabella cleared her throat and took a sip of wine, grateful the Cartiers served a bottle with luncheon. She felt in great need of its warming powers now as all heat drained from her.

Lord Nathaniel Cartier and herself, alone, in Oxcaster Lacey…overnight.

It was too much. What did the Cartiers think they were playing at, leaving her alone with a gentleman who oozed sensuality with every passing moment?

Even when he did not want her, he could not help but kiss her. There was something about that man, Arabella thought darkly as she looked at him through her lashes, that made her lose all sense of propriety—not something that was particularly helpful when they were going to spend an unchaperoned evening together.

And an unchaperoned night…

“A chance for the two of you to really get to know each other,” said Lady Cartier with a small smile at Arabella, as though she knew how infuriating and confusing her son was being. “Without the two of us getting in the way.”

Arabella smiled weakly. Absolutely not. There was no possibility of that happening; she could not let it happen.

What on earth would she do if Nathaniel kissed her like that again? She would surely say something wicked.

“Oh, but it would be such a shame for me to miss the opportunity of making the acquaintance of the Spensers,” she said brightly, putting down her wine glass and seeing to her relief that her plate was cleared. No more chances for her to drop her cutlery again. “And Lord Nathaniel can join us, a pleasant trip for the whole—”

“I see no need why I should accompany you all,” cut in Nathaniel coldly. “After all, I know the Spensers.”

“And we must save some excitement for your next visit, Miss Fitzroy,” said Lady Cartier. “After all, we don’t want too much excitement in one week.”


“And the Spensers are only expecting the two of us, and will have prepared a guest chamber for us,” interrupted Lord Cartier. “You would not wish for us to impose on the Spensers, I am sure. Especially at their age.”

It was on the tip of Arabella’s tongue to point out that it would hardly be the Spensers themselves who would be preparing a guest bedchamber—surely, they would have servants for that sort of thing?

“Surely they would have servants for that sort of thing,” said Nathaniel lazily, leaning back in his chair.

Arabella blinked. Now that was extraordinary. “Quite,” she said a little breathlessly. “I am sure the four of us—”

“No,” said Lady Cartier, firmly. “I am sorry, Miss Fitzroy, but the engagement is one of long standing, and you would not wish for me to change or cancel it, would you?”

Her look was stern, but not in the least as stern as the stares Arabella was daily subjected to by her own mother.

“The engagement is one of long standing, and you would not wish for me to change or cancel it, would you?”

The words rang in her mind, and as Arabella glanced at Nathaniel, she could see that they had made an impression with him as well.

She smiled and saw to her delight that a slight flush tinged his cheeks. Well, that was interesting. It appeared the great and aloof Lord Nathaniel Cartier was not entirely immune to his mother’s critiques, nor her charm.

But then her smile fell. Arabella had not cared when she had believed Nathaniel had a mistress and she had only known him as an irritable, detached gentleman. It had not mattered. Her heart had not been touched.

She could still feel the weight and power of his hands on her waist, the way his mouth had taken utter possession of her lips, demanding pleasure from it as well as giving it. His tongue, exquisitely subtle, promising more passion, more pleasure.

Arabella’s heart contracted painfully, then returned to its regular rhythm. The idea that Nathaniel would creep off this evening, leaving her alone in this big house, so that he could go and bed his mistress, satisfy his longing and pleasure with her…

It was intolerable.

She felt bound to him, bound in a way Arabella knew they were not. Not yet.

“Well, what fun we will have,” said Nathaniel dryly. “Just the two of us and the swans.”

Arabella had to smile, and she was rewarded with a brief look of approbation from Nathaniel—but then it was gone.

“Well, I have a little last-minute packing to do,” said Lady Cartier, rising to her feet as her husband and son rose in polite respect.