I love the sensations he’s creating in me, and I know that I’m about to tip over the edge, but I don’t want to be done just yet. Pushing Hunter back, I motion for him to sit, and he does. I straddle him, getting up into a crouching position. I come down on him hard, time and time again, while he continues to finger my clit with one hand and lets his other hand roam from my breasts to my ass.

I can hardly breathe, and it’s not just from the exertion of slamming my body up and down over and over again. He feels so fucking good inside of me, I am about to completely come undone. When he sees me near the edge, he reaches between my legs and finds my clit again, and now, I am a shrieking mess, steadying myself with my hands on his shoulders as I moan so loudly, I’m sure the people in the club can hear me over the music.

“You feel so goddamn good,” Hunter says. I can’t answer him at the moment because I am still in the middle of a very long, very intense orgasm. My pussy is spasming around his dick as the muscles in my core contract, and I can hardly even wheeze out a shout of his name. He likes it when I do, though, and he doesn’t let up on my clit until I am breathless. I have to stop moving on him because I feel lightheaded, and I’m afraid I might just tumble right off of him.

It’s not hard for us to change positions again since I can barely draw in a breath. He simply picks me up and sets me down so that I’m lying on a chaise now, and he has my ankles in the air. He thrusts so deeply into me that I think I can see his dick with my eyes closed. Again and again, he slams all the way in, and I can think of nothing or no one other than the incredible things he is doing to my body.

I want this to go on forever. I never want to let go of the way my body feels in this moment, and not just because he’s so fucking good at what he’s doing to me, but because it’s Hunter. I’d be lying to myself if I tried to say I wasn’t still attracted to him. I’ve wanted him so badly all along, and now here we are, making the same mistake we already did once. At least this time, I know it means nothing to him. At least when he walks away and says he’ll call me or some other lame-ass shit, I’ll know he’s lying.

If I even give him the satisfaction of being the one to determine what comes next. I need to keep my wits about me and not turn into some weeping, miserable pile of female hormones.

His cock is so thick, it’s stretching me beyond my previous limitations, and before I know it, I am curling up again, my insides responding to the feel of him by contracting into a ball of muscle. I can’t get any words out as my mind grows fuzzy and my vision is hazy. It’s so intense this time, with my clit being so sensitive, I can hardly even breathe, and part of me doesn’t know if I’ll make it out alive, but it feels so unbelievably good, I can’t ask him to stop.

Hunter is grunting a lot now, and I can feel his muscles beginning to tighten as well. He thrusts into me, muttering curse words mixed with my name under his breath. His blue eyes are locked on mine, and when he finally comes, I can’t help but smile, knowing I did that to him. I made him feel so good. His warmth spreads between my legs, and I am glad I went ahead and got on birth control in the interim since our last encounter—just as a precaution— so I don’t have to worry about that anymore.

I certainly didn’t expect to be back in this position ever again, not with Hunter, that is, and when he collapses on top of me, his mouth comes down on mine. He kisses me deeply, his tongue twirling with mine, and one of my hands goes up to tangle in his sweaty hair, shoving him even farther into my mouth as I savor his taste, trying to burn this moment into my mind. I have no reason to think that this will ever happen again, so I want to ingrain every moment of it deep into my mind now.

Hunter rolls off of me, dropping onto the floor, still breathing in deeply, sucking in air, his muscular body glistening with sweat. As I sit up, looking for my underwear, I can’t help but check him out. He’s the perfect specimen of a man—chiseled abs, a perfect low V, a huge dick, with muscular arms and runner’s legs. He’s handsome, too. With those eyes and that perfectly square jaw. What woman wouldn’t want him?

I don’t have an answer to that because I do want him, and not just for his body either. He’s been kind to me in the past. He’s powerful, and that confidence rolls off of him in waves. I know he’s rich, but that’s not even part of the equation for me. If he was a middle-class guy who happened to work at a club, I’d be just as interested in him as I am now.

But he’s not—and it doesn’t matter how interested in him I am. He has already made it clear how he feels about me. I refuse to let my emotions take over as I go about sliding back into my silky black, but now soaking wet, thong. It’s uncomfortable, but it’ll have to do. My shift is probably over by now, anyway.

I find my bra beneath one of his legs and put that on, too, before I step over him to get my skirt and shirt. At least this time I can find both shoes. By the time I’m fully dressed, he’s just starting to pull himself up off of the floor. I take his jeans and toss them across the room to him, but that’s enough to get him started.

Smoothing all of my wrinkles, I watch as he slides his boxers on and then pushes his legs into his jeans. I take a deep breath and try to focus on how he made me feel the last time we were in this position. The hurt, shame, and anger all come flooding back to me, and I know what I need to do.

Hunter sits down on the couch, a puzzled expression on his face as he looks at me. I have to wonder if he’s considering asking me what’s wrong.

I don’t give him the opportunity to. “Well, thanks for that, Mr. Stone,” I say, clearing my throat and attempting to sound as professional as possible under the circumstances. “As you know, the boss frowns upon coworkers having sex in this establishment. So, unfortunately, we will not be able to do this again.”

“Meg—” he begins, attempting to cut me off.

But I’m having none of it as I lift a hand. “Now Mr. Stone, don’t make this any more difficult than it already is. We can just chalk this up to another mistake. However, at some point, should you decide to permanently remove your cranium from your gluteus maximus, perhaps we can talk. Until then, I bid you farewell.”

With a little wave, I head to the door, and I can’t help but hum my new favorite song, “Another Mistake,” as I walk out, leaving him alone with my scent all over him.



Once again, I watch Meg walk away, and it’s like a knife right through my heart. How did I let this happen again? More importantly, what the fuck am I going to do about it now?

The last notes of the song she was humming linger in the air as I sit on the couch that still smells of our lovemaking, dragging my hand through my hair and trying to get my shit together. I need an intervention of some kind. I’ve never used drugs, but I feel like I’m addicted now—addicted to Meg.

And it’s not even just her smokin’ body or the way she looks at me with those jade eyes that makes me feel that way. It’s her mind, the way that she seems to know what I’m thinking, the discussions we have, the way she makes me feel alive. Meg is the whole package, and the only thing that is keeping me from begging her to be mine forever is the fact that she works here, and that makes her out of bounds.

I finish getting dressed, taking my time, not wanting to leave this place now that we’ve been together here. It’s a mess—with empty glasses on the table, a bit of trash on the floor, and a couch that needs… disinfecting. But it reminds me of her, so I don’t want to go.

Nevertheless, I can’t stay here all night, so after a few more minutes of breathing in the air that still smells like her, both her perfume and her sexy body, I head out the door.

Omar is coming in my direction, looking bored and uninterested as usual, so I give him a job. “Can you clean this room up?” I ask, gesturing at the open door. “Or find the cleaners to do it?”

“Of course, bossman,” he says, and I leave it to him, even though I’m not sure he’s much of a custodian. Knowing him, he’ll pass it off to someone else. I did notice a look in his eyes before he went in like he was afraid that there might be blood and brains in there. Perhaps he’ll be happy to find it’s just some empty glasses… and maybe some less pungent bodily fluid.

I walk through the club and back through the bar area, only saying hi to Carter briefly before I dart through the employee lounge, glad Meg and her friends are gone. As much as I like to see her, running into her now would be super awkward, and I’m not ready for that.

When I walk into my office, Leah is there. She’s standing behind my desk, going through some files. I don’t know what she’s doing, but I’m sure it’s work-related. I almost run into the stack of boxes by the door, forgetting that they’re there.