“You were made for me,” he says, his voice almost hoarse. He stops touching me. He takes a deep breath.

Key to lock.The words are clear between us, but neither of us says them. The moment is nothing but expectation of what’s coming next. I feel the heat of his body as he moves in closer. As his dick takes the place of his hand.

“We fit. Everything about us.Fits.” Then he slides inside of me, and we both make noises that seem to shake the walls.

My hands find his back as he pushes even deeper.Deeper.There’s a sharp pain, but more like pressure. He’s stretching me, and I’m not sure if I can take it. I’m not ready, but the pulse…it’s begging for it. He seems to know. He seems to know my body better than I do now.

“We fit in all ways,” he says, his voice husky in my ear. He positions us differently, so I’m sort of angled toward him. “This was made to be.”

We kiss. We kiss deeper than ever before. I cry into his mouth as he pushes even deeper. He’s all the way in. And the pressure is…it’s so filling that it’s hard to think past it. Pleasure. Pain. He’s pressing on a spot that makes me arch toward him.

“Oh God,” I plead.

He’s moving.

He’s causing friction that’s building.

It’s moving past the pain.

It’s nothing but pleasure.

He’s hitting one spot.

That spot is shrinking my world again, but this time, he’s in it with me. Our pleasure is so connected that the only way to sever it is for him to stop.

“Don’t,” I say, not meaning to. “Please don’t stop. Oh God.”

“I couldn’t even if I tried.” Every word is labored. He groans deep in his throat. The timbre of it echoes through his chest. “I’m in too deep.”

I don’t think he’s talking about the sex.

My body is sweating. So is his. We’re sliding. We’re grunting and whimpering. We’re slapping but caressing. We’re kissing again. We’re trying to breathe.

We’re one.

My body can’t take any more. It feels too good, and the pressure closes in. I’m about to free-fall again. This time, I’m not alone. He starts to slam into me, his muscles straining as he comes inside of me, and my body feels like it shatters from the inside out.

We come down from the high together. He sets his forehead against mine, and our breaths mingle.

“So perfect,” he whispers against my lips. “So fucking perfect. My Lucila.”

He keeps us together as he moves us to the side of the bed. I wrap my arms around his neck. He still has us connected, still hard inside of me. I don’t want him to sever the connection. He doesn’t.

Not until I fall asleep in his arms.




My eyesflicker open and close, as if someone is flipping the light switch on and off. I fell asleep. I didn’t even wake up when Lilo carried me into the bathroom. But the light is soft, because he’s lit the fragrant candle I keep on the sink and turned the bright lights off.

He keeps me close to his side so I won’t fall over as he bends and runs hot water in the tub. I can smell our sex in the air. I’m all over him, and he’s all over me. My thighs are wet and sticky. Blood is crusted on his. Scratches mar his skin. Purple marks color mine where only we can see them.

He says nothing, but it’s hard for me to take my eyes off him. He’s too gorgeous for words. Every so often, I check the full-length mirror on the wall behind me so I can get a good look at his ass. When he bends over again to check the temperature of the water, his balls come into view.

I’m feeling hot again. It’s not from the steam fogging up the mirror, either. I shiver from the clash of heat in my veins and the chill touching my naked body.