Her eyes dart between us. She’s sensing something is off with him. She’s not wrong.

“I’ve heard a lot about you—Lucila, right?”

My eyes narrow against his when he looks at me. His moles at the hospital either informed him of what happened earlier, or someone else did. Or he showed up because he considers what I did theft—stealing the gym out from under him. But he doesn’t own me. Fate intervened when Lucila showed up in my life.

“Yes,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest, trying to hide her hands, because she’s shaking from the cold. “You are?”

The strength in her voice seems out of place with how she looks. Beautiful but fragile. And most people find him intimidating. His eyes flash to mine. He’s shocked.

“Paul,” he says, holding out his hand. “Paul Gallo.”

She reaches out and takes it. His hand engulfs hers, and he holds it a beat too long. As soon as he lets her go, she crosses her arms again, but I can see she’s clutching the fabric of the sweater.

I put my hands on her shoulders and squeeze. “Get inside. It’s too cold out here.”

She turns to go.

“Ms. Girardi.”

She stops and turns to him.

“Pleasure meeting you.”

She nods and then ducks into the house.

My eyes have been on him, watching every move he makes. When he’s finally ready, when I’m sure my eyelashes are white from the snow, he turns to face me.

“Beautiful girl you have there, Lilo. Or what is it she calls you? Shadow Man? You should bring her over for dinner sometime. I’m sure the other wives would enjoy getting to know her. Because I have no doubt that one is marriage material. You’ll marry her.” He takes a deep breath, and when he releases it, it looks like he’s spitting out snow. “That’s a beautiful place you have there too. I wanted something like it. But.” He shrugs.

We both become quiet. The wind around us howls, and it seems like the snow is coming down harder. It’s hitting my skin like ice pellets.

“Lots of beautiful things you have, Shadow Man. And you have to be careful with beautiful things. Because sometimes, when you least expect it, another man will steal them from right under your nose.” He slides a finger down the side of his, but it’s a signal. A reference.

He’s threatening me with Jimmy Delfino, who everyone calls “Nose.” He doesn’t want the gym anymore, or care about me marrying Lucila. Those things are moot points. He wants what he’s always wanted—to own me. Not only am I the best leg breaker he has, but the smartest. But he doesn’t know that about me yet. Just how smart I am. But he’ll use what’s closest to me to try and break me.

He turns and walks away, like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He opens the passenger side door of the car and slides in. The lights of the Cadillac hit my eyes before it turns, and the snow seems to swallow it whole.

I breathe out and turn toward the house. Lucila has the curtains pulled apart, and when she notices me watching, she closes them, and her shadow disappears.




I expectedthe car to be swallowed by the vortex of snow when I opened my eyes. Instead, life returned to me in scenes. Mooch in the back seat. Three men walking from the gym, laughing, as they head toward their cars. A clear night instead of one full of snow. One of Lucila’s favorite songs played low on the radio. The one Ma wanted us to play after Sunday dinner.

Reality. It always came back with a blow that made my heart stop.

It restarted when another group of men cleared for a woman walking straight for me. Her hair was pulled up on the sides, and the shorter pieces in front seemed to frame her face. It flowed down to her lower back, and it looked darker under the lights of the gym. She wore a thin white blouse and black jeans that hugged every curve, fitting her like a second skin. The boots on her feet gave her an extra two inches, setting her at five foot nine. Still no match for my six foot three though.

The hounds behind her were sniffing the air after they let her pass. All eyes taking her in. Not having a hard time imagining what existed underneath the clothes—what belonged to me.

Her beauty was as subtle as a beam of light. She had no fucking clue how gorgeous she was.

My Lucila.

I stepped out of the car, and when they realized she was coming for me, they averted their eyes. I didn’t. Not until they passed.