“If—” I stop, hesitant.

“Talk to me, baby,” he says.

He turns to face me. Our eyes meet.

“If I would have asked you not to do that—to that guy. Would it have stopped you?”

“Possibly,” he says. “In the moment.”



“Talk to me,” I say, throwing his words back at him.

“It depends on what’s been done. If I can live with it or not.”

I nod, looking down at my hands. They’re still a little sticky from all the candy. He bought tons of it for me, and it’s all in the backpack. But they’re not trembling.

He takes my chin and turns my face—we’re eye to eye again.

A breath.




My eyes close and he leans in to kiss me.

Wrapper off. Desire in focus. A rush through my veins when his mouth touches mine. Nothing has ever come close to this. The taste of him.

I’m not sure what I’m doing at first. But my tongue. It’s touching his. And his is touching mine. They’re swirling. I’m swirling. There’s a breathless feeling in my chest. Ten times stronger than what I felt on the strongest ride. It feels like I’m falling into him. Melting? I don’t know. But nothing else exists. It feels like something is twisting inside of me. It’s tangling with his.

My hands reach out. I need to touch him. To experience him. I need more. I’m breathing him in. I can smell him while we kiss. But I need him to go deeper.

I make a noise. It’s not breathless. It’s pleading. Wanting. Craving. Starving. He returns it, but it’s different, almost a growl, and somehow, I’m over the seat, straddling him. I’m rubbing myself against him. The bulge in his pants causes friction between his body and mine. There’s a pulse between my legs pounding as fast and hard as my heart. It’s making me feel sensitive. All over. My nipples are hard, and they feel so good against my bra.

My skin is crying out. I hope he feels the vibration of it.

We’re moving so fast, but not fast enough.

I don’t want this to stop, but I can feel it. He’s slowing down. Pulling back. He starts to kiss me slower, his hands caressing my face instead of fisting my sweater like he wants to rip it off.

In this moment, I realize the power we have over each other. A kiss led me to straddling him, and he somehow kisses me until I’m back in my seat. But our lips are still moving. It’s like he wantsmeto stop. Maybe because he can’t.

I do. Only to take a breath. He starts moving his mouth over my neck, sucking. I’m almost squirming in my seat.

“No one will disrespect me that way,” he says.

It takes a second for my mind to catch up. Reality is slowly returning. Sights. Smells. But it’s still him. All him.

“You meanme,” I say, connecting his comment to what happened.

“No,me. Because what happens to you happens to me.”

He kisses a trail up my neck, till he reaches my mouth. One last kiss that makes the world fade…and then we leave.