Page 70 of Their Domme


“I can get you back to Ashview,” I told her consolingly. I reached out for her, but she stumbled back. “To a hospital. You need to get checked out.”

“No. No, I’m not going back to that place. Not withherthere.”

“One person in an entire city? You can’t let her take away your home and work.”

“She fucks my bosses and their uncle, which you very well know.” She shot me a heated look, completely pissed off. If I had met her first, maybe she would have been my obsession. When she glared at me, I could see the steel she had hidden. “At this point, Nic can rot in hell for all I care.”

“I need to head out,” I told her, nodding to the doorway she was still standing in. “I can give you a ride somewhere, any hospital at all. It doesn’t have to be in Ashview.”

Wrenn winced as she stepped back to let me exit the garage. “That would be great. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it.” Putting a hand on her back, I guided her to my car in the early morning light. I helped her into the backseat and buckled her in before getting in the driver’s side. Backing out of the driveway, I made my way through Millfield.

“If you let me out here, the town doctor is here.” Wrenn gestured to the small downtown, but I ignored her. When I kept driving, she turned to me with a furrowed brow. It didn’t take long for her to put the pieces together. I knew the exact moment the last piece fell into place. Her face paled, and I could almost taste her fear in the air. “You…”

She reached for the door, desperately and ineffectively trying to escape the car. I chuckled, amused by how she’d just walked into my grasp. “So fucking easy. And you wonder why Nic doesn’t bother with you now. As if you could have survived in a world like this. Pathetic.”

“What makes you think someone won’t look for me? I know more people than just Nic and her guys.”

Genuinely amused by her bluff, I stared at her, loving how she shrank back from me. “I hope they do. After all, Thomas is getting lonely without any visitors. If Nic killed your brother, maybe you’ll find the guts to kill him as fair repayment. An eye for an eye.” Wrenn didn’t reply to that; she sat there quietly, curled into a ball. I kept seeing her eyeing the doors like she was going to try to throw herself out. “Don’t get any crazy ideas, Wrenn. I have plans for you.”

Even if Wrenn hated Nic, I knew that Thomas and Wrenn would be the perfect bait to get my wayward woman under control. Because even after all their years apart and the trauma of their fallout, Nic still thought about her. And if that wasn’t love… what was?



It had been days, yet there was no word from Ansel. He had made no contact at all with me, Blake, or Em. Guess this was just a hint of karma coming for me. The biggest surprise was the fact that no one from Millfield came looking for me. It would have been easy to put the pieces together. I had come back to town, one of their cops disappeared… Yeah, I knew it didn’t look good, but apparently no one was questioning it.

Wrenn’s angry, shocked face flashed across my mind, but I pushed it aside. Alexei never said where he had put Wrenn or what he had done with her, and I didn’t care enough to ask right now. Her inability to move on and cut ties didn’t mean that I couldn’t. I was trying to figure out all this pregnancy bullshit and spend some well-earned time with my guys;thatwas priority, not raking myself over hot coals about the past and what both of us could have, would have, should have been in another life.

Blake and their guys had gotten into the exclusive neighborhood near Millfield, but all the houses looked abandoned. They hadn’t had enough time to search them all before they had to leave. Would it be worth it to ask them to go back? But they had been busy helping Emmerich with his own Family issues, so I hadn’t seen much of them or their guys recently.

Sacha, Vas, and Bodhi were busy looking for information on Gabriel. Rhodes and Maksim were dealing with club business. They were trying to sort out what had happened at the compound and figure out the Lords’ next steps now that their base of operations and living quarters were gone. Alexei was stuck dealing with the clubs, and I’d been told in no uncertain terms that leaving Ansel’s house wasn’t in the cards right now. At all.

“Nic?” Oli’s voice made me jerk. I looked up to find him standing in the entryway of the living room, looking at me curiously. “What are you thinking about?”

“That I hate this,” I told him honestly, and a hint of smile tugged at my lips before it fell away. “And I’d much rather be arguing with you about what horror movie to watch than sitting here alone.”

Oli snorted. “I’m not watching a horror movie.”

“Chicken,” I teased lightly. I studied him, knowing he wasn’t down here just to talk to me. He’d been holed up in his room for days, looking at computer shit, taking no meal breaks. I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have eaten if Bodhi hadn’t been delivering plates to his room. “Did you find something?”

“No, but I have an idea of where to look.” Oli walked over and sat down next to me, grabbing my hands. “I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get inside though.”

“You’re going to leave?” I asked.

He nodded, his determination unflinching. “I need to go underground. Nothing can be traced back to any of us for this.”

I didn’t respond right away, letting my mind race through everything as I squeezed his hands. When it came to computer stuff, I didn’t know much, not about hacking or anything like that, but I knew someone who did. “Would it be faster if you had someone else? Someone who knew what they were doing? Don’t worry, I know that’s not me.”

“I don’t think Rhodes can let Maksim disappear with everything going on right now…” Oli started, but I stood up, cutting him off.

“Come with me.” I tugged at his hand, leading him upstairs and down the hallway toward Ansel’s office where Blake and Emmerich had hidden away today. They weren’t staying here, with Blake and Emmerich needing to travel back and forth to Boston, so my guys and I had plenty of time alone.

With a quick knock, I shoved the door open. Emmerich was behind his father’s desk, his eyes trained on me with an annoyed expression. Blake was in the process of turning around to face the door, their amusement clear.