Page 43 of Their Domme

“No,” I replied curtly, quickly sobering up at the mention of my partners. “They don’t need to know unless it’s necessary.”

“Understood. I’ll see you soon.”


I bit my lip and checked my other messages. Nothing from Gabriel. I hoped he would turn up soon, but I had no idea what had happened to him. Were there any updates on his whereabouts? That was something to think about another time because now I needed to face Wrenn, which, despite any seeds of reconciliation between us, had me a bit on edge.

I looked through the room and took another dose of the nausea meds the doctor had prescribed, a fucking godsend, then headed out to figure out what the plan was. There were loud, angry voices yelling downstairs and when I realized who it was, I grinned and hurried to find the source of the commotion. The living room was full, everyone standing and sitting around, watching Vas yell at Maksim, who seemed amused as hell by the outburst. Just as my feet touched the floor, Vas lashed out, punching Maksim. Alexei threw up his hands while Rhodes shook his head. Sacha rubbed his face with a decidedly resigned sigh, and beside him I saw Bodhi and Oli grinning. Maksim just laughed, not the least bit apologetic or regretful.

Ansel, who was standing by the stairs, looked over at me. “You sure about them, Nicholette?”

“Oh, angry Vas is one of my favorite people,” I told him with a small smile that grew into a large grin when Vas spun around at the sound of my voice. “I take it Maks sent you his video?”

“Oh god, no, he didn’t.” Ansel sighed, but I swore I saw a hint of smile as Vas stalked over to me.

“He did.Twovideos, actually. One where he fucked me and another where he carved his name into my thigh.” Ansel jerked at my description, and Blake, who was close by, raised their eyebrows, but Vas scooped me up and held me close before they could say anything.

“No more sex!” Sacha yelled out, exasperation straining his voice, and Maks chuckled with a huge grin. “We’ll never get back to Ashview if everyone fucks her before we leave.”

“I could blow you in the car?” I offered Vas, trying not to laugh as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Nic, not helpful,” Sacha muttered, though Bodhi was failing to hold back a smile. Vas set me down on my feet, but I didn’t walk away. I let him hold me close instead. Actually, I leaned into him, savoring the closeness between us. “We’re taking care of some shit in town then leaving for Vermont. No other distractions. And you are not leaving our sides. If you even fucking try, I will beat you fucking back and blue.”

“With what?” I asked, unable to help myself.

“Oh my god, only you,” Blake laughed, looking beyond amused. Their men very carefully said nothing, though Conrad’s eyes were intrigued and just a little bit guarded as he looked between all of us.

“It’s good to have the details beforehand.” I shrugged lightly before sobering up. “But I heard about the compound. Any ideas on who could have done it besides my stalker?”

“Your stalker doesn’t make sense though,” Rhodes said, his voice and expression exhausted as he rubbed his face. “Why target women you barely know?”

“Becauseyouknow them,” I replied softly. “You, Alexei, Maksim… You know them. Honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t make sure Wrenn died to put the fucking cherry on top.”

“She was there,” Maksim commented matter of factly. “She got out with a few others and the kids.”

“If this person is part of the trafficking ring, why not take the kids?” Blake questioned, glancing over at their brother. “I mean, even if that’s not the point, they’re there.”

“True,” Emmerich hummed. “Maybe they are devolving? That could be the cause of this total fixation on Nic.”

“Or the ‘CPS agents’ who took the kids aren’t actually part of Child Services?” Blake mused. “Quite daring since I’m sure the place was crawling with police and firefighters.”

“But doable.” Emmerich said, both of them looking thoughtful. Oliver looked sick to his stomach, and Atlas, who’d disappeared at some point last night, wasn’t anywhere to be seen.Where the hell is he?

“That’s not at all reassuring,” I muttered before my phone rang, which inspired a fresh wave of confusion. With a pit in the bottom of my stomach, I answered. “Yes?”

“Nicholette.” Roderick’s voice was hard.

“Why are you—” I asked, but he interrupted me.

“I got a call from Maeve. Meet me at her place. Alone.”


Well, shit.

