Page 107 of Their Domme

Time slowed as I watched Bodhi topple to the floor. Oli moved to shield him with his own body the blood spilling out to pool around them both. Where the hell were the others?! Hopefully Sacha and Vas were hiding Thomas.

“I set up a few surprises for the others.” Christopher pressed a soft kiss to my neck. “I don’t want to be interrupted now that we’re finally together.”

I jerked away, stumbling back when he let me go. When I tried to approach Bodhi and Oli, both disturbingly silent, Christopher tsked and grabbed me, forcing me away from the two men I loved.

“Let me go, you sick fucking bastard!”

He backhanded me hard enough that blood filled my mouth and black spots speckled my vision. “You listen to me. You’remine,and you’ll do asIsay. Checking on the fucking trash isn’t something you should worry about.”

My mind was scrambling, trying to keep itself together so my guys and I could survive this. “You don’t want secrets between us? What did you do to the others?”

“Security breaches along the property to occupyAnsel.” His lips curled as he spat the German’s name. “How the hell you got with that fucking freak of nature, I’ll never know. He tortured his own daughter! You’re pregnant, yet you’re still with him despite knowing what he is capable of.”

I swallowed hard when a hint of movement behind him revealed Ansel, a completely blank expression on his face. If he thought that was news to me, then he was in for a rude awakening. “I am.”

“That’s all you’re going to say about it?!” Christopher’s face was purple as he screamed in my face.

“You don’t know the circumstances of what happened,” I told him firmly, tilting my chin in defiance. “Besides, misgendering Blake isn’t winning you any favors. Not to mention, isn’t criticizing Ansel a bit of a pot-kettle situation given what you’re involved in?”

“Me?” he hissed. “You want to judge me when you’re spreading your legs for just anybody?”

A slight whimper revealed Thomas behind Sacha and Vas on the other side of the foyer. They must have gone the other way around, through the second level, to get to that position. Thank goodness they had focused on protecting my brother instead of leaving him vulnerable to get to me. Sacha’s eyes were the coldest I’d ever seen. His eyes flicked to me, then Christopher, after he’d studied Bodhi and Oli’s unmoving bodies on the floor.

Rhodes, Ansel, Alexei, and Maksim were off to the side, but Em, Blake, and their men were nowhere to be seen. Then I recalled Em telling Blake and the others they needed to head out super early tomorrow to go to Boston. Something business related had come up, and they wouldn’t be back until tonight.At least there’s a few less people to keep track of or worry about.

“I did what I had to do,” I shot back, desperately focusing on the here and now. “Besides, you were one of the clients paying thousands for a small bit of my attention. Do you really have the high ground here?”

“So did the others.”

“Not all of them,” I taunted him. “And not for long.”

Christopher lashed out, pistol whipping me so hard I fell to the ground. I caught myself, the impact jarring to my hands and wrists, not wanting to harm the babies with the fall. “You think these men are perfect for you? Let me show you how wrong you are.” He grabbed me then, hauling me up and holding me close as a body shield so the others wouldn’t shoot. Christopher upped the ante by pressing the gun to head.

“You’re playing a dangerous game,” Sacha said, speaking up for the first time. I shivered at the emptiness in the voice, and I looked up, trying to ignore the swelling on the side of my face and blood spilling onto my shirt.

“Ah, an audience! Good. I want you to be here when she finally realizes that she isn’t meant to be with any of you. That it’s beenmeall along.”

“Never,” Vas rumbled.

“Always,” Christopher laughed, my skin crawling at the sound. “After all, that baby you’re carrying is mine.” I stilled as he continued. “Condoms are such delicate things. A few pricks through the packaging renders them useless, not much more than decoration, really. I calculated your days, your cycle, you know. Did you really think I randomly booked times with you? And the last time, hell, the last timeyouinitiated the sex. Not me. Oh… Did you not tell them that?”

“I was doing my job. That’s all you are. Nothing more,” I retorted.

“Yourguys, as you call them, they gave you shit for keeping a second apartment, but did you know Sacha has had one the entire time? A secret little getaway that only Bodhi has been to, where they fucked while you were off trying to find your precious brother.”

My head was pounding, my worry increasing as bile rose in my throat.He must have really fucking hurt me when he hit me with the gun.Mistaking my silence for shock, he kept going, probably trying to maximize what he saw as his victory.

“You already found out about Oli’s secrets… if you want to call him that. I just called him a little faggot when I fucked him years ago.” I threw up, but Christopher just laughed before he continued oversharing.Why is it that bad guys love to hear themselves talk? Can’t he just shut up for one fucking minute?

“You all found my cameras, but not before I found out a bunch of interesting things about all of you.”

“Is this really necessary?” Ansel asked, the bland tone of his voice sending shivers down my spine.

“Don’t take another step further, or I’ll blow her brains out.” Christopher pushed the gun into my temple hard enough to make me whimper in pain, and everyone froze. His finger was on the trigger. One tiny movement, and I’d be dead. The closeness of our bodies meant that shooting him would kill me too, rendering my skilled killers helpless. “If I can’t have her, no one can. I’ll kill her and myself, then she’ll be mine even in death.”

“Can we get over the speech part of this shit already?” Maksim griped, lighting a cigarette as if this intense standoff wasn’t even happening. “I have better things to do with my time than deal with you.”

“Like fucking your brother?”