“Please fuck me. God, I can’t do this,” Bodhi pleaded, his eyes wide.
He tried to reach down for his cock, but I tsked him and carefully batted his hand away. “So damn needy. You take what I give you, baby. No complaints.”
Bodhi whimpered, his cock twitching, and I couldn’t help myself. I swiped a fingertip over the shiny head before slowly sliding the finger into my mouth. Bodhi cursed, his body tensing like he was fighting off an orgasm just from watching me taste him.
Stepping away, I ignored his immediate protests and crooked a finger at him. “I need to take the edge off before I fuck you, Bodhi. Come here and suck me off. I want this to last a long time.” He scrambled up, almost falling over in his haste to get to me, which only made me smile despite his flushed cheeks. How fucking amazing was it to know someone wanted you so badly they were literally falling all over themselves to get to you?
A grunt fell from my lips when Bodhi took me in his mouth. Wet, hot… fuck. I wanted this to last, but I wasn’t sure I could hold it together this time. Right now, with his hands grabbing my ass to pull me closer, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to push it off.
God, he looked amazing on his knees with my cock down his throat. He swirled his tongue around my length, but he must have sensed my attention because his eyelids suddenly fluttered, then he looked up at me. That was when I lost it.
Groaning his name, I came down his throat, fucking loving how he hummed and swallowed me down. He kept sucking on my cock until I stepped back, slightly unsteady on my feet. I had to put my hand out to stop him from following.
“Fuck, you’re good at that,” I commented gruffly, clearing my throat after I heard how scratching I sounded.
“Fuck me. Please, I need you inside of me,” Bodhi asked softly, licking his lips.
“I need a minute,” I responded, and he smiled, holding out a hand. I took it and let him pull me back to the bed.
Laying down, I enjoyed the way he curled himself into my side, one hand on my chest as he threw a leg over mine. His cock was still hard, but I appreciated the way he listened, waiting for me to be ready.
Combing my fingers through his hair, I pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head. I never thought I’d get here with him, and part of me wondered if we would have ever gotten here without Nic. Honestly, I didn’t think so. She made Bodhi feel more comfortable in his skin and pushed him out of his comfort zone, willingly and unwillingly. I owed a lot to the whore that had waltzed into our lives with a cocky smirk on her face and a heart of fucking gold under her psychopathic hobbies.
“What are you thinking about?” Bodhi asked while tracing patterns on my stomach.
“That I wasn’t sure this, us, would ever happen, but I’m fucking happy it did,” I told him.
Bodhi chuckled breathlessly as he nodded. “I know what you mean. I had no idea that you were even interested in me.”
“But what does matter is that we’re here,” I told him as I gently put a finger under his chin and urged him to look up at me. “I’m not going anywhere. Just so we’re clear, this isn’t just me looking to hook up with a guy and then bail.”
“Is that why you waited so long?” he asked, understanding dawning on his face. “To make sure I knew that this was more than just fucking. You didn’t think I’d believe you?”
“Actions speak louder than words,” I told him softly, feeling suddenly self-conscious. “I didn’t want there to be any doubt in your mind about what I was doing with you. This isn’t some game to me, not that I won’t play some games with you. I have a lot of things in mind for future dates when we aren’t on a time crunch.”
“Like what?” he asked, his breath hitching through his parted lips. Fuck, he was so eager.
Brushing my lips against his, I grabbed his hips and maneuvered him so that he straddled me. He gasped and fell forward, catching himself on his hands as I pulled his ass cheeks apart, loving the way his breathing caught.
“Open yourself up for me, baby. One finger at a time,” I urged him. I wanted, noneeded, to see how much he wanted me. There was no way I was going to miss a single second of our first time together.
Bodhi sucked on his fingers before he reached back, hurriedly stretching himself out. I knew he was using more than one at a time, and while I couldn’t blame him, that wasn’t what I had instructed him to do—something to remember for next time. The next thing I felt was his hand on my cock, then he impaled himself on me.
He worked himself slowly up and down, trying to ease my way inside him after not doing enough to stretch himself. Well, maybe he would learn something after this. I tightened my grip on his ass cheeks, keeping them apart, as I snapped my hips up to bottom out in him.
He cried out, his head thrown back, and his entire body trembled. He took deep breaths, trying to get himself under control, but that was too bad. I didn’t want him to get his shit together while I felt like I was falling apart. Using my hold on him, I easily manhandled him, making him ride my cock as he gasped and whimpered for me to show some mercy.
“Maybe you should have listened when I said to prep yourself slowly,” I taunted, loving the way he screamed when I slammed him down on me. “I told you I’m a man that likes control, and I especially like controllingyou. Now you’re going to ride my dick so I can watch you come apart for me. Keep your eyes on me.”
“God,” he whimpered, his cock twitching.
He started to take over, following the pace I set for him, so I loosened my hold on his hips. Wrapping a hand around his throbbing dick, I started to pump him slowly, teasing him.
“Sacha, I can’t— Not with you touching me like that.”
“Are you trying to tell me to stop?”
“No!” he shot back, a distinct whine in his voice that had me laughing at his desperation. “Please don’t! Don’t stop!”