Page 13 of Their Domme

I pressed a quick, hard kiss on his lips and stood up. “We should go, Bodhi. Wouldn’t want Maksim to make us lick up the ground because of a mess we didn’t make. Though I’m sure you wouldn’t mind it.”

Bodhi roughly laughed, then he gasped in pain, grabbing his throat. “You wouldn’t mind either, Oli. I wasn’t the only one who finished quickly just now.”

“Shut up,” I told him in a sing-song voice as I pulled him up to stand with me. “Now, let’s go meet up with Vas and Sacha before the cops show up.”

Reaching for the door, I opened it to reveal a man I’d met once before, a smirk fully in place on his face.

“A little late for that,” Detective Lewis informed us. “You’ll both need to come down to the station with me for questioning.”

Well, shit.



After some phone tag, I had an appointment with Allen, courtesy of Roderick. Seven in the morning though? I hated even the thought of that time, but I couldn’t really complain since Roderick would be the one driving. I had wanted to do the interview at Roderick’s office, but he couldn’t convince the detective to go along with that.Wonder if I can convince him to stop for coffee if I pay for it?

“I think you have to limit how much coffee you’re going to have if you’re pregnant.” The bland voice made me jump. Whirling around, I pressed a hand over my hammering heart. Blake was leaning against the door to the bathroom with a smirk on their face and their dark eyes guarded.

“What the fuck, Blake?” I hissed, shaking my head before I opened the shower curtain and stepped under the hot spray. “Next time, a little warning would be nice. What are you doing here?”

“I can’t come check on you?” they asked innocently, and I pushed back the curtain to give them a ‘give-me-a-break’ look. Of course, they did nothing but chuckle when they saw my face. “Fine, you caught me. I wasn’t checking on you. I’m coming with you today.”

“I don’t need an escort,” I refuted firmly. “Roderick is going to be there.”

“Yes, but Emmerich asked me to come, so I am. I stopped by to see if you needed anything.”

“Clothes?” I half joked. “The only thing I have are the clothes I wore here yesterday. I left everything at the guys’ apartment like you and Em suggested, so I don’t have anything.”

Blake didn’t say anything for a minute, then I heard the rustle of clothing. “Let me go find something that will fit.”

“Thanks,” I called back as they walked out.

Slowly, I lathered up, washing my hair and body thoroughly. I needed the extra time to mentally prepare myself for today. Going back to Ashview after leaving was huge, and it felt wrong. I wasn't going straight to my men; I had plans I needed to put in motion before I went back and faced whatever I had coming to me.

I recalled the texts from last night. My friend had been delayed, and he hadn’t given me an update as to when he would arrive. Knowing him, he would show up exactly when he thought best. I just hoped I agreed with his timing because although his arrival was going to cause a stir no matter what, certain situations would be better than others.

“I’m leaving stuff on the bed for you,” Blake yelled out from the bedroom. “Roderick is going to be here in thirty minutes. Meet me at the front door.”

“Okay!” I acknowledged before finishing up and turning off the water. Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed the towel off the rack and dried myself off before tossing it on the counter. I was curious to see what Blake had left out for me, so I padded out to the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed was a pair of black leggings and a white button-up shirt that looked too big to be theirs or Em’s. Checking the tag, I saw it wasn’t the cheap brand that Frederick always bought. It was a Tom Ford shirt, the quality of the fabric made more obvious when I ran my hands along the soft cotton. Ansel’s shirt. Tom Ford was one of his favorite brands.

I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from yelling out to ask why they had given me one of his shirts. Would it be a better fit? Or were they trying to avoid me wearing something that belonged to one of their partners? That was probably it.

Shaking my head to get myself focused, I slipped on the black cami Blake had also included before throwing on the too-big white shirt. The cami would clearly show beneath it, but it covered my breasts, which was likely Blake’s goal since we were headed to a police station. Next, I slipped into the leggings, going commando because it was comfortable. I let out a deep sigh when I realized there was no makeup.I really want my stuff back.

My phone beeped right then, and I walked over to the bedside table to see a text from Roderick.

Roderick:Just talked to Allen.

Roderick:He needs to reschedule. Something about Lewis going on a rampage and not wanting you to be exposed to that.

Oh shit. Thank fuck Allen mentioned something. There was no way I could deal with Lewis’ bullshit right now. I had too much on my mind.

Nic:I’ll let the others know. Thanks.

Slipping the phone into my cami, between my breasts, I hurried back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some deodorant I’d found under the sink. Frederick’s cleaners had always kept the spare rooms stocked with essentials, and I was glad Em hadn’t changed that. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, so I was going to be as ready as I could be before I went downstairs.Not that I slept that much last night.