Page 67 of Dukes of Peril

“I’ll do it,” Story says, still glaring in Sutton’s wake. “Us whores have whorehouses, and the Velvet Hideaway already has a liquor license.”

“I’ll help,” I offer, edging away from the table. The less time with these girls, the better. “I need to get everything together for the alumni poker game, anyway.”

Regina and Piper hop up and quickly leave, probably hoping they don’t get roped into more work. I gather my things while Story’s phone buzzes and she shoots off a quick text.

“Hey.” I reluctantly stop her before we leave the room. “Should we.. do something about Sutton?”

Story’s head tilts, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would we?” she asks. “She doesn’t exactly pose much of a risk without her attack dog.”

I shrug, balancing my notebooks. “I don’t know. Maybe because my family is part of the reason she’s… like that.”

She doesn’t look any less confused. “Like what?”

Awkwardly, I reply, “Addicted to Viper Scratch. Countess to a dead Royal. Victim of a crumbling territory?”

Story deflates, eyes sympathetic. “You were right before, Lavinia. North Side isn’t your problem any more than it’s mine, or Piper’s, or Regina’s. Take it from someone with some pretty heavy baggage in this department.” She gives me a significant look. “Your parents’ sins aren’t yours to answer for. North Side is going to sink or swim, and I think both of us agree which option we’re rooting for.”

“I wouldn’t say I’m rooting for it,” I say, although the denial is weak. At Story’s baffled expression, I try to explain. “Look, my sister could have been her. Hell, I could have been her.”

Story argues, “But you aren’t. You’re you. Duchess to three chaos goblins, leader of cutsluts, the hot talk of West End and apparently a pretty scrappy fighter to boot.” She pauses, eyes narrowing. “Until I take your ass down on Screw Year’s Eve, that is. Iamthe reigning bitch.”

I bark a dry laugh, following her out. “Oh, Lady. I’m going to make you eat those words with so much Jell-O.”

She glances at me over her shoulder. “Hey, we could always throw it. Give them a show and make out at the end?” Her wink makes me laugh a little more genuinely.

“I can’t decide which of my Dukes would have an aneurysm or cream their pants.”

Story shoots me a wry smirk. “Well, we both know where on that spectrum Tristian would fall.” She jabs a thumb toward the elevator, where I’m only now noticing her Lord, Killian Payne, is waiting. “That one, however…” She rolls her eyes.

I eye him. The bulking mass. The crazy laser-eyes he has for her. The aggressive, borderline-hostile posture. “He’s the psycho boyfriend, huh?”

She walks backward, smiling. “All day, and definitely all night. Later, Lav!”

“Later,” I say, but the second she turns, I bring a palm down on her ass, fighting a smile at the scandalized look she throws at me.



She flips me the bird as she saunters up to Killian, whose crazy laser-eyes are very close to jumping right out of his sockets. He looks between us before finally pinning her with a stare, hauling Story into the open elevator. I can’t hear what he says when he ducks down, whispering into her ear, but before the doors slide closed, I catch her deep, scarlet blush, his hand reaching down to grip a hard handful of the ass cheek I just whacked. Right as the doors meet, I see a flash of his kiss, just as aggressive as the rest of him.

Twenty bucks and my pistol says they’re going to fuck in that elevator.

A flicker of emotion sparks in my belly at the thought.


Not because of the sex. God, no. I have three men fulfilling every desire I could possibly dream up. No, I’m envious of the fact she stepped into that elevator without falling apart. Just watching the doors shut makes my heart hammer anxiously and a sheen of sweat coat the back of my neck.

Maybe that’s why I asked her about Sutton. Story was right about us both wanting to see North Side fall, but I still carry a part of it inside me, like a festering infection. Until I get rid of it, North Side will always carry a part of me, too.

My phone vibrates, jarring me from my thoughts.

Nick: You done? Just saw Sutton storm out the front doors.

Lav: Yep.

Nick: Hurry.