Page 7 of A Vow Kept

Gabrio’s lips are warm, so warm, and his breath smells like brown sugar and cinnamon. Cinnabon for vampires.

His tongue slides between my lips, rubbing against my sensitive fangs.

Despite my lack of hunger, I immediately want to drink him up until there’s nothing left.

I push him back. “Do you have a death wish? Are you fucking nuts?”

“Lake.” He presses his callused hand to my cheek. I don’t know if I’m cold or he’s hot, but his touch is uncomfortably warm. “I can’t stop thinking about our time together at River Wall.”

Not this again. He got all hung up on the fact I didn’t come when we had sex, but it wasn’t about that for me. I didn’t sleep with him for pleasure.

“I told you before,” I push his hand away, “you don’t need to prove anything. I don’t care if you’re a stud in bed.”

“I was referring to afterwards. When you asked me to hold you so you could sleep feeling safe. I’ve never…” His voice fadesoff, and he inhales deeply. “I have never experienced that sort of intimacy before. I miss it. I miss you.”

“And what would Alwar say about you telling me this?” As Gabrio just pointed out, I’m married to his brother. It’s a marriage in name only, but Alwar wouldn’t be happy if I started a fling with Gabrio. It would look bad.

“I will always be loyal to my people and support any actions my brother takes in their best interest, but I have served him my entire life. His happiness is no concern of mine anymore. Yours is.”

He’s so full of it. “You know, Gabrio, I find that a little hard to believe when you won’t lift a finger to help me get home.”

“Because I know the only way to keep you safe is to make this world stable.” He exhales. “I heard about the plan you proposed to all the leaders the night of the Blood Battle.”

Right before Benicio killed me, I made a plea to all the kings and queens in the room. Stupid move. Stupid plan.

“I believe you are the only one who can carry it out,” he adds.

Such a liar. All he cares about is getting Alwar back on the throne and digging a big grave for their enemies. They want me to be the tip of the spear.

What he’s failing to see is that this train will never stop. Today me, tomorrow Alwar, down the road some other ruler. It doesn’t matter. Someone’s eye will always be on the prize. Meat, land, water. My world.

“I have to go,” I say. “I’m hungry.” Really, I’m not. Bard helped me last night, but I’m too proud to admit it.

“Then take from me.” He tilts his head to one side, exposing his strong neck. “It is why I removed my beard.”

I’m not ravenous like before, but the view of his pronounced Adam’s apple makes my mouth water. I want a taste.

“What are you doing?” I step back. “You know what’ll happen if I bite you.” If I don’t end up drinking him to death,he’ll become an addict like I was. “Not to mention, Alwar will probably stomp your head.”

“Do you not see?” He takes my hand and places it over his heart. “I am already your slave. And there isn’t anything I won’t give.”

I jerk my hand away. “I have to go.”

“Just promise you’ll consider it.”

“Fine,” I say. Before I realize what I’ve done—agreed to promise—the words appear in the air, turning a blazing red before gliding toward my arm and turning into a black symbol on my skin.

Shit. It’s written.Thankfully, the promise is fairly innocuous, but I have to be more careful.I hope the No Ones don’t get back into the vow-enforcement business again.

I head into the kitchen with its enormous bloodletting room, where the catch of the day is drained and fed to my thirsty servants and thousands of soldiers.

I enter and find creatures of all sorts hanging upside down, their blood dripping into buckets.

So, so nasty.

Fuck. I really hate being a vampire.