Page 39 of A Vow Kept

“Lake, what aren’t you telling me? What has happened?”

If I’m right, then the proof will be there—ruins, remnants, something. The wall was built right on top of River Wall Manor, where the doorways are back home. It’s where the water that feeds this place comes from. It’s why that water flows right from the wall into a stream down at the base. We’re sitting on top of my family’s estate, separated by centuries, but still connected.

My question is, after so many years, what could possibly be left standing from River Wall?

I think of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Maya, Aztecs. We didn’t have any temples on the estate, and the house was a dilapidated mess.The only thing made to last was…

“Can you do me a favor, Alwar? Send one of the men to the wall and ask him to go down there. Tell him to look for a structure made of large, round, smooth rocks. They’ll be put together with plaster.”

“I do not understand.”

“I know, but will you have it done anyway? Please?” I beg.

He nods slowly. “If he finds this structure, what will it mean?”

“Proof that we’re about to go to war and lose.”

He frowns. “What?”

General Rool appears, looking agitated. Very out of character for him, from what I know.

“My queen,” Rool says, “we have just received word that the palace has been taken.”

I blink. “By who?”

“King Mato. He and his army are slaughtering the Blood People right now as we speak.”

“What?” I step back in horror.

“And they are not alone,” he adds. “We hear that Mato has rallied fifteen of the twenty kingdoms behind him.”

“Shit fuck.” I cover my mouth. “It’s already started.”

Even Alwar’s left speechless.

“We must go now. We must attack,” Rool says, but he’s not looking at me. He’s staring up at Alwar.

My gaze toggles between the two. The tension is through the roof.

I quickly realize what Rool is trying to say—Alwar and the War People must help. Alwar is staring back like he’s telling General Rool to suck his giant cock.

Shit.I can’t afford to lose Rool. He’s the Blood Army’s general, a wealth of strategic information. And I’m not just talking about the vampire army. They’ve kept these kingdoms under their thumb for over a hundred years. He knows all the kings’ and queens’ strengths and weaknesses. Alwar does, too, but he’s been out of power for a long time. Things change.

And if Alwar tells Rool no, a second battle will start right here, right now. There are a hundred vampires and about a hundred War People in our group. It’ll be a draw.

I step between the two. “The Blood Lands are lost,” I say firmly, stepping into my role with as much strength as I can muster. “And going back to the palace is exactly what Mato wants. He’ll be ready.”

“You do not know that,” Rool argues.

“But I do know that you’d both rather die in a blaze of glory than give up your kingdoms to the Mountain People or any other group.” I pause and take a deep breath. “But I also know Mato. He doesn’t think like you guys. He’s a man with a people who have nothing to lose.” Mato probably thought that things for his people would change immediately after we made our agreement. He wasn’t happy when I told him he’d have to be patient. “His patience ran out long ago. It’s probably why he asked me to marry him before we left yesterday. He wanted to see if hecould get me to join him.” Alwar would soon be dead anyway, according to Mato. Why not team up with the winning side?

“What?” Alwar roars. “Why did you not tell me this?”

“Because if I had, you would’ve started something. And I wasn’t about to create more issues over your testosterone! This is bigger than us both. It always has been, Alwar. When will you realize it?”

Tiago steps forward from the shadows. “She is right, brother. Mato’s plans reach far beyond the throne. And now he’s preying on your weaknesses. If we return to the Blood Lands, you will be falling into a trap.”

I can’t believe it. Tiago isn’t as dumb as he looks. In fact, he might’ve just saved us all.