Page 31 of House of Monsters

“It appears she’s in the mood for more destruction, Cilas.” They were both grinning back at me. “I love a woman who knows what she wants…” His burning white eyes licked me from head to toe, and I shivered pleasantly.

“You could make yourselves useful and give me a hand…or six.” I nodded pointedly at Cyn’s four arms crossed over his chest.

Cyn placed a palm on his pec and glanced at Cilas. “Is this what we've been reduced to, brother—whipping boys for weak little mortal women?”

Straightening up with the canisters around my feet, I glared at the shadow man. “This weak mortal woman knows your secret now.” I raised a brow at both of them as their smiles grew wide, showing their sharp teeth. I shook my head. “I hope you hid the rest of Chris somewhere far away from my property.”

Cilas laughed deeply. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that, sad one. There’s not much of him left to find, and what there is, I’m sure Chaos is having a blast gnawing it to dust.” He left the doorway, moving like undulating smoke through the darkness until he reached me, leaning in and brushing my hair off my shoulder. “Did it please you to see his bones scattered to the wind?”

“His screams were beautiful. I only wish you could have heard him beg for his pathetic life,” Cyn added, suddenly appearing on my other side, his lips close to the shell of my ear. “He should have known better than to touch what belongs to us.” His tongue licked the shell of my ear, and I shivered from head to toe.

“Since when do I belong to anyone?” I asked breathlessly. They were distracting me, and I had a feeling they knew that. “You should know by now that I don't belong anywhere anymore. I don’t even belong to myself, and after tonight…”

We were interrupted by tiny meows coming from the open front door. I looked up to see Kevin and Kyle sitting at the top of the steps, staring down at me, their blue eyes glowing brightly in the darkness. My heart sank for a moment. What was I going to do about them? I couldn’t just abandon them here alone.

“Don’t you worry about them,” Cyn whispered to me, using a claw tipped finger to turn my head until we were face-to-face. My eyes bounced between his white glowing eyes and his shadowy lips. “The house has a way of providing for its own. I promise.” Closing the gap, he tilted his head and pressed his icy lips to mine. I groaned into the kiss and let my eyes fall closed, relishing the slide of his forked tongue as it brushed my bottom lip.

“You’re trying to distract me,” I said with a smirk. Backing away from the shadow men, I gestured to the canisters. “Grab 'em and march.” I even snapped my fingers a few times for emphasis, but both of them stared at me like I’d officially lost my head.

“You know, we’ve disemboweled others for lesser insults. You should really be nicer in the presence of your betters, mortal.” Cyn stepped towards me, the shadows stretching around him, tendrils reaching towards me as if they couldn't wait to wrap me up and drag me inside.

I sighed and waved him off. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. Can the disemboweling wait like, an hour? I’ve got something super important to do, but I need some help.” My death was inevitable, but I needed this moment. I needed my monsters to enjoy it with me, and then they could do whatever they wanted with me, because my time here was over. This house had nothing more it could offer me but pain.

For a moment, they just blinked at me. I stood with my arms crossed, waiting for them to move, because I was pretty sure it was about to start raining and then my plan would be foiled until the next day. This wasn’t something I was willing to put off, not after everything I’d seen.

To my shock, Cyn and Cilas scooped up the gas canisters, not leaving any behind for me to have to carry myself. Cyn had four of them himself, one for each arm. He grinned at me with all teeth. “Lead the way then.”

I took off back towards the cottage, ready to do this fucking thing. I made it halfway to the gazebo when I paused. Something told me that I needed to take just one last look at the house I’d hated for so many years. This time, it wasn’t even the voice in my head that urged me to do it. It was all me.

Every light in the house was suddenly on, even though there were still rooms I hadn’t gone into. I hadn’t even bothered to revisit my old bedroom, unwilling to open up that part of my life again. I wasn’t that same girl. Nothing in that room belonged to me anymore, so I’d only be robbing the dead. That was what I was now—a walking, talking, eating, and breathing corpse.

For a moment, it felt like the house was watching me back, knowing that this was it. Through the glowing windows, I began to see dark shapes moving within the house. Shadows passed in front of the glass, some of them humanoid in shape, while others were more like spiders or animals. Some of them scraped their claws against the glass, while others pressed their face to it, following me with their eyes from high above.

How many of them were there? Where had they been hiding? I shivered again, realizing that Kazimir had been telling the truth. Monsters only showed themselves when they wanted to be seen, and they all wanted to be seen now. As I turned away from my childhood home, I continued down the path to the cottage. Shapes moved in my peripheral vision, eyes blinking at me from the tree line, and the sounds of hissing, slithering, and scraping echoed through the night.

Creatures appeared on all sides, flashing teeth, wings, talons, tails, and tentacles. There were faces popping up from the swamp water, teeth grinning through the branches of the trees. All around me, I heard whispers as they gossiped about the human girl who radiated rage, but the strangest thing of all was that I welcomed them. I didn’t feel a single ounce of fear in the presence of such evil. In fact, I suddenly felt more at home amongst monsters than I had with humans in all my life.

When we reached the cottage, two figures were already waiting for us. Kazimir and Creature stood side by side, watching me approach. Kaz wore a wicked grin on his sensual lips, and as I got closer, he reached for me with his tentacles. I let him pull me against his chest. His lips pressed into my hair as he ran his clawed hands down the length of my back. “You seem determined.”

I pulled back and stared into his black eyes. “This is all I’ve wanted since the moment I was told I had to come back here. It’s time to stop dragging this out and do what I came here to do.” I was sick of wallowing in my regret and shame, and I was ready to put it all behind me.

I looked to my right, where Creature stood, towering over the rest of us. Leaving Kaz’s embrace, I approached the skinwalker. His presence still made my skin crawl, but not necessarily in a bad way. Everything about him was alluring to me, even though I knew that with any normal human being, their first instinct would be to run.

“Thank you for showing it to me, Creature,” I said. Moving closer, I watched as his body seemed to stiffen at my nearness. He wasn’t afraid of me obviously, but I didn’t think he knew how to react to a human like me. Reaching out, I laid a palm on his massive bicep, feeling the rough hardness of his leathery skin. “I needed to see it more than I knew. They let me believe he’d gone out too easily, and it never sat right with me. So thank you.”

Creature couldn’t speak with human words, so he nodded. I found myself aching to hear his voice, and not just the voices he was able to mimic. I was about to step away when my vision went hazy, and a black and white image flickered in my head.

I sucked in a quick breath as I stared at the forest floor, watching myself spread out on the damp, mossy ground, naked and splayed out while Creature loomed over me. I was breathing heavily, my bare breasts pebbled, but not from the chill of the night.

The vision flashed again, and I was on my knees before him, running my tongue up the length of his massive cock. His skull head was tipped backwards in pleasure as I gripped him in one hand and opened my mouth as wide as I could manage, sinking down onto him until he filled my throat. His hips began to pump, and tears fell freely from the corners of my eyes. He was so fucking big that it almost looked like my jaw was dislocating just to accommodate him.

It was the strangest feeling, watching myself from outside of my body. I looked so pale in the moonlight, my long hair a tangle of twigs and moss. I reached between my legs as I knelt before him, rubbing my clit with the palm of my hand as I sucked harder and faster.

In my real body, I began to tingle, my cheeks heating and my nipples hardening. I rubbed my thighs together to alleviate the need to grind against something…or someone. I was so fucking turned on that it almost hurt. I also wanted to throw my head back and laugh. Was I really fantasizing about fucking a literal skinwalker, a creature I’d been taught all my life to fear? Oh, but wait… It wasn’t me who was fantasizing, was it? No, it was Creature who had sent this vision straight to my head.

There was no sound in the vision, but I could almost imagine the growl that was coming from Creature’s mouth as his whole body began to tremble. With his head thrown back, he thrust his hips into my mouth rougher and faster now as I held on for dear life. My hand was moving faster against my clit, and I saw the exact moment my orgasm hit me, as my eyes rolled back in my head and my whole body locked up.

At that exact moment, Creature emptied himself into my mouth, coming hard enough that I started to choke as hot ropes of it dripped out the sides of my mouth. My throat was working to swallow around him, even as I grew weaker from the aftershocks of pleasure as my hand began to slow.