Page 7 of Source

He closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth hard for a moment of agonizing pain before gulping down half, then also rubbing some of the liquid on his skin.

I smirked, and stood to my full height. Had he actually learned something throughout thisverydisappointing night?

Some antidotes were meant to be ingested, but others must be absorbed into the skin. It took longer for the effects to kick in, but if you were unable to swallow, it would help.

“Fuck!” Remus cried out as he sucked in long, painfully deep breaths.

A small coughing fit followed, then he glared at me from across the room. My hip popped out, my hand moving to rest comfortably on it as I took in the male before me with shrewd eyes. He scowled at me as if I alone was responsible for every inconvenience he’d ever encountered. As if I personally forced him into thievery.

“Are you insane? Did you enjoy your delicious strawberry dessert while I was busy dying?" He coughed again. "Is this a game for you?”

“Yes,” I answered honestly. Remus’s face turned murderous as he stalked toward me, just as someone else entered the room.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” a servant muttered with a bowed head.

I hummed, waving the small female forward with the message visible in her hands. She slowly stepped toward me, and her eyes shifting between Remus and me, her skin turning scarlet, just looking at the handsome male. I cleared my throat, which made the girl's attention shift back to me.

“Sorry, Madam Bane.” She placed the note in my palm and rushed back out the door.

Remus was obviously still mad, but as he opened his mouth to most likely argue some more, I held my palm up to shush him.

I recognized the familiar silvery seal keeping the parchment closed. My expression turned sour as I mentally cursed and walked swiftly towards my bed chambers. Remus followed just as I figured he would.

“Don’t you hush me, Xmara! I’m not a fucking dog,” Remus growled out.

Turning, I cocked my head at him, my eyebrow raised. “Is that not what you shift into then?” Perhaps he was some kind of feline then.

“There are some things you shouldn’t fucking ask.” His entire posture was coiled and violent. Perhaps he was a snake shifter. A venomous one. Perhaps that venom might make a useful poison someday…

“I’m not concerned about propriety, and you don't frighten me." I waved a hand at him. "There’s always someone somewhere who wants me dead at any given time, even if they don’t realize it. You are the least of my current worries." I looked him up and down. "Shifters arebeyondrare in Avedin so excuse my curiosity. If you and I are to work together, I feel I’m entitled to know who and what I am dealing with.”

“You should be worried, Mara. My bite is worse than my bark, im afraid.” Remus grinned wickedly, and I noticed his canine teeth were exceptionally sharp.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the letter in my hands, once more ignoring him. My body went cold as I read it several times over. I crumpled the letter in my hand, my rage nearly all consuming as I stalked to my bedside table, allowing the flames from the candles to engulf the parchment as I held it aloft.

I watched the contents burn a beautiful orange, then brown, then black. The ashes dropped to the wooden surface, but as the rage slowly subsided, Remus’s voice rang again in my ears as he asked question after fucking question.

“Leave me,” I snapped at him, cutting off whatever drivel he was attempting to fill the room with. His grin was wicked, as if he knew exactly how irritating he already was. Well, I wouldn't buckle so easily.

“Prepare yourself for an outing. Dark clothing. Make yourself able to blend in with the night.” Remus grunted and took one step toward my door. I narrowed my eyes at him in warning. “Don’t try to run, Remus. There’s nowhere in Avedin I can’t find you.”

He clenched his jaw and blinked at me for a few heartbeats before finally leaving.

One of my Ravens was dead, which left the panic and uncertainty for me to deal with as soon as possible. There was no time to waste. My ravens were already gathering.

I knew Remus would run, of that I could guarantee. Still though, I wasn’t lying when I offered him the warning. Nowhere in Avedin would be safe for him. If Caldor couldn’t find him, I would.

* * *

A warm bathwas exactly what I needed to release the tension that wracked my body. It was a luxury I shouldn't have wasted time on, but it had me feeling more relaxed and focused.

I threw my still damp hair into a long braid, only some baby hairs left unaccounted for as I dropped the towel from my body and moved deeper into my closet.

The cool air wrapped around me, until I could feel the hairs on my body stick up as I quickly found the clothes I would need—a black jerkin and baldric that fit snugly beneath my cloak, slim pants that a proper lady wouldn't dare wear in public, and my riding boots that hadn’t failed me yet.

I mulled over which belt I would take but ultimately decided on my belt of silence, which I only used when I wanted the task to be quick and painless, leaving no traces behind. It meant stealth was my friend for the night, and I would have to hurry as daylight would approach soon.

Now I only had to check and see if Remus had run for it or if he would continue to surprise me. Part of me hoped he ran. It would make things easier for me if I no longer had to deal with a smarmy, cocky man who didn’t know a poison from a bottle of rum. Another part of me—the one that wanted to hurry up and finish this nasty business tonight, hoped he stayed put and found somewhere to wait for me, because finding a replacement after killing the coward would be tedious. I moved like lightning through the corridors until I came upon a lone guard at the entrance to the barracks rooms.