Page 1 of Source

King Animus

Istared out over Avedin while the crowds below cheered almost violently for the arrival of the new ruler of our neighbors to the South. Nexus’s new king was still a younger male in his prime and in search of a wife.

I only agreed to host our neighboring kingdom's ruler so that he could see and understand that I would always be better than him. I had a beautiful wife, wealth beyond comprehension, and I had power.

Basillius was only king because the priestesses had chosen him, not because of his bloodline. The Source is what they called the strange and unnatural power that they worshiped in their temples. That power chose the young king to lead his people out of mutiny and destruction. I refused to let myself succumb to the temptation of magic.

“Animus!” my wife’s playful voice called out as she strode towards me.

I turned to her with the biggest smile I could muster.

“Amaeria, you shouldn't be walking. The healer tells me you could burst any moment now.” I took her into my arms and kissed her rosy cheeks, feeling the excitement as it leaked from her aura.

“Do not be so gloomy, Animus. We have guests to welcome and no one wants to be greeted by a sour faced king.”

She shoved my shoulder playfully, but I was no longer paying attention to her. Instead, I was entirely entranced by the woman on King Basillius's arm as he strode into my throne room.

She was like some sort of dream made flesh. More than just a woman, more than a mortal of breath, blood and bone. The light seemed to bend around her beauty, as if it bowed to her the way my knees threatened to.

“Be welcome, Basillius,” I crooned as the Nexus king bowed his head, keeping his back and shoulders level. It was the bow of one king to another, both equals. The woman on his arm curtseyed, her eyes sparkling in the light of my flickering torches and chandeliers.

“I'd like to introduce you to Tetia, High Priestess of the Eastern temples of Nexus.” Basillius gestured to the magnificent woman. "I'm afraid I refuse to go anywhere without her by my side."

I tried desperately to understand the markings that covered her body. Symbols I couldn't read, dipping below the fabric of her silk robes. They held my interest for longer than a king’s eye should’ve wandered.

“Yes, of course.” I cleared my throat as I pried my eyes off Tetia. "Do excuse my queen's absence at tonight's feast. The child in her belly tires her.” Amaeria was less than impressed as I watched her nose crinkle but said nothing.

She smiled pleasantly and took Tetia by the arm, leading her out of the throne room to freshen up.

“Let there be no talk of business until the morning, my friend," Basillius said, clapping me on the shoulder. "Since I was a boy I've wished for nothing more than to explore your beautiful country. I hear you have hardly any access to the Source, and only one temple outside the royal city. It is very different, to live without the aid of magic?”

My face heated as I pushed my anger down far enough that the baby king couldn't sense it. I smiled blandly instead. “Yes, well, fortunately Avedin has no shortage of farmers, scholars and tradesmen to make up for our…lack of Source magic. It's how its been done since my ancestors first took the throne centuries ago. Blood, sweat and tears are the backbone of my country, not mystics and magic.

I could sense that he disagreed with me, but that was to be expected. I wasn't the only king who shied away from the Source and their fanatical temple worshippers, but I was the most powerful and influential.

"Perhaps we might resume this delightful conversation at dinner," I said with a bright smile, snapping my fingers at the captain of the royal guard. "Please see His Highness and his entourage to their rooms."

I waited until the child king was out of my throne room and then stormed out myself. My mind was clouded with a heady mixture of lust and irritation, and I needed an outlet.

That damn woman…

I spent the afternoon speaking with my advisors regarding how to handle this new regime. Nexus was a powerful kingdom, and could easily become a powerful enemy. I was advised to tread carefully. Basillius was a joyful, easygoing male, but something about his sharp stare and golden tongue spoke of cunning and striking will.

I only half-listened, my mind constantly returning to the beautiful female. He called her Tetia. Tetia with the strange markings covering her lush body. Her dark hair that fanned over her creamy pale skin. Her slender body was magnificent compared to my now very plump wife. There was an itch just beneath my skin that begged to be scratched.

“Your majesty?” A deep, gritty voice cut through my thoughts of the high priestess. I looked up, meeting the eyes of my Master of Poisons as he watched me warily.

“Yes, Bane?” I didn’t bother using his first name; frankly, I didn’t know it.

His father was my own father’s poison master for as long as he lived, and when I took the throne, he was asked to step down, offering his son as a replacement. I accepted, but the boy was young and would need to marry in the coming years. He was a baby, just like the Nexus king.

“Might I suggest we continue this conversation when you’re feeling better? Forgive me, but you seem distracted tonight.”

I hummed in agreement as I swiftly shoved back my chair. Every man seated at the table stood with me. I dismissed them all with the wave of my hand as I left the war rooms.

A light sweat covered my forehead, and I ground my teeth as I switched directions without thought. It was like I was being pulled somewhere else with no ability to stop myself. I walked aimlessly for much too long.

I found myself outside a chamber door. I cleared my throat as I searched the area and found nothing suspicious, not even a servant scuttling down a hallway. The door in front of me opened before I could knock. It opened, and Tetia herself stood before me.