It was like putting on a show for the other girls, a show where all of them would know and envy her for experiencing the marquis’ touch, and the thought, as shameless as it was, had Rhapsody breaking apart in an instant.


A silent cry spilled out of her throat as she started cumming, and her body started shuddering under the relentless onslaught of pleasure that overtook her senses.

The marquis waited until his pet had stopped shaking so much before gently pulling his fingers out of her mouth. He wiped the moisture off with his handkerchief while watching the rapid rise and fall of his pet’s bosom. He waited patiently, knowing that her reaction to all this, once the haze of passion had faded, would be quite priceless.

And it was.

As soon as her heartbeat had slowed down, and she was able to catch her breath, she looked up with calm but lustrous dark eyes, and her voice, when she spoke, was as wonderfully solemn as ever.

“Thank you for keeping your word, milord.”

The impassive mask that the marquis wore threatened to crack. He had given his pet an orgasm in front of her entire class, and she was thanking him like all she received was a bouquet of flowers.

Priceless, Mihail thought, and the marquis was unable to resist dropping a kiss on his pet’s nose and tell her exactly that.

“Don’t ever change, Rhapsody.”

And as he turned around to face the class, he missed the way Rhapsody’s own mask started to crack.

Chapter Eleven

“Deep breaths, yes, that’s it, you’re doing good,” Rhapsody’s therapist said encouragingly two hours later.

“I’m not doing good.” She was seated on her therapist’s Chesterfield sofa, and the memory of her Master calling her by name still had her hyperventilating. How could that be classified as doing good?

“Just keep breathing,” Lady Aurora Orpheline, middle daughter of the Baron of Woodmere, urged even as she scribbled additional observations on her notebook. Patient RN-01 exhibiting the following signs: rapid heartbeat, accelerated pulse, and elevated blood pressure.

“Do you still feel a tightness in your chest?” Aurora asked.

Her patient’s head bobbed several times.

Aurora added this to her notes. Phantom chest pains, likely caused by emotional stress.

Rhapsody’s dark eyes turned to her therapist in appeal. “I can’t seem to stop panicking.”

“It’s alright, Rhapsody,” her therapist said soothingly. “Everyone panics—-”

“But I’m not everyone,” Rhapsody actually found herself crying out in protest. “I…Am…Not…Normal!” The words bounced against the library walls in mortifyingly shrill volume, and her hands flew up to cover her mouth in stunned dismay. She had never lost control like this. Never!

Her gaze flew to her therapist, words of abject apology on the brink of her lips, but to Rhapsody’s surprise she found the baron’s daughter looking quite unbothered.

“From where I’m sitting,” Aurora said gently, “you sound no different from other young ladies with their first taste of romantic trouble.”

Rhapsody’s eyes widened.

“So if you ask me,” Aurora told her patient, “I think you’ve never been more normal than this instance.” Seeing that some of her words were finally sinking in, Aurora quickly rang a bell, and moments later, a maid came back in to serve them tea and place a tiered tray of pastries on the table.

“I know what you’re doing,” Rhapsody muttered even as she took a sip and started munching on her second scone.


“You are trying to lull my senses with lovely-tasting snacks and delicious-smelling tea.”

“The aroma of chamomile is said to be very effective in soothing frayed nerves,” Aurora acknowledged. “Is it working?”

Rhapsody glanced at her empty cup. “Frighteningly so.”

Her therapist laughed. “It’s to be hoped that once you’re done with refreshments, you’ve properly calmed down, and you’re able to listen more effectively to what I have to say.”

After taking a sip of her own tea, Aurora reached for her notebook and flipped a few pages back to reread her notes. In the past, most of her time had been consumed training and fighting alongside her sisters Soleil and Fleur as Trois Belles Lames.

But now that Soleil was in her last trimester of pregnancy, their undercover work had temporarily been placed on hiatus. Thank heavens she still had her consultancy work to rely on, Aurora thought, or boredom – not demons – would have long killed her.

Aurora glanced back at her notes. So much had happened between Rhapsody and the Marquis of Sangre, she marveled, in just a matter of days. It was no wonder her patient had ended up being rather unusually emotional and driven to come calling unexpected at the Baron of Woodmere’s townhouse.

Seeing that the girl now appeared much calmer, Aurora put her cup down and raised an inquiring brow. “All better now?”

Rhapsody patted her mouth with a napkin before clasping her hands over her lap. “I’m ready to listen.”

The placidness of Rhapsody’s tone had Aurora biting back a smile. That voice used to fool her into thinking Rhapsody as meek and docile, but now she knew it only served as the perfect disguise for the girl’s stubborn streak.