Rhapsody nodded against his chest. “Naturally.” She wrapped her arms around her Master’s waist. “That’s why I gave you the book, Master.”

“What book?” Ilie couldn’t resist asking.

“The Art of Being A Pervert,” Rhapsody answered without hesitation.

AND THIS TIME, EVEN the marquis’ own shoulders rocked with silent laughter. If they had been different people, this story would’ve likely ended differently. More tears would have been shed, and there would be more pain, too. But because it was his luck to have fallen in love with a girl like Rhapsody…

Normal, he thought, was fucking overrated.


One year later

The Marchioness of Sangre was in a hurry, and the servants watched indulgently as their mistress held her skirts over her ankles so she could race faster up the stairs leading to the war room. They wondered what it could be that had the marchioness excited, and the question had everyone smiling. Knowing Lady Gheorgiu, it would probably be charmingly ridiculous. As she liked to remind them every so often, She was Not Normal, and although the servants thought otherwise, time had taught them it was simply better to do as the marquis did. If Mihail Gheorgiu himself thought it best not to argue with his own wife about the matter, then who were they to do the opposite?

La la la la. Rhapsody had only recently learned to sing when she was happy, and although she was only capable of single-word-lyrics for now, she was very optimistic that she could eventually move on to nursery rhymes, and after that, who knew? The sky was the limit!

Life had been very good to her lately, and it was all because of her Master. His love for her had gone a long way in healing old wounds from childhood, and so many things which she had once thought impossible for her were now things she were able to do easily. She could get irritated now, for instance, and there were even times she was actually furious, such as when this odious woman had pretended being drunk just to steal a kiss from her Master. Also, it only took twice these days for Rhapsody to smile at a truly funny joke, and once in a blue moon, she was even capable of sarcasm. Just imagine – sarcasm!

If she weren’t too careful, Rhapsody thought with an inner smile, she might stop being Not Normal, and that would never do.

Her Master liked her the way she was ,after all, and she on the other hand…

Rhapsody nodded at the guards posted outside the war room, and the men immediately swung the doors open for her.

She loved her Master for never breaking his word.

All eyes turned to Rhapsody as she entered the room, and she dropped to a graceful curtsy before turning to her Master.

Mihail smiled at his marchioness. “Hello, Rhapsody.”

“Hello, milord,” she greeted back.

“Is there anything I may do for you?”

Rhapsody bit her lip, and almost everyone in the room reacted when this lasted for more than three seconds.

“Are you serious?” Lord Erou groaned. “We’re preparing for battle, Lady Gheorgiu.”

The Trois Belles Lames, on the other hand, had snapped their fans out to hide their snickering expressions.

Adrijan appeared merely exasperated while Ilie simply rolled his eyes.

The newcomer to the group, however, was visibly bemused. It was William’s first time to join the others in such a meeting, and for the life of him, he could not understand what had everyone either bothered or amused. “Will anyone explain to me what the hell’s going on?”

“My wife has need of me,” Mihail explained as he rose to his feet.

And that’s it? William’s puzzlement only grew at the ambiguity of the marquis’ words.

Mihail had finally reached his wife’s side and ran his thumb over her lips. No more. You know I do not want you accidentally bruising yourself.

Rhapsody stopped biting her lip at her Master’s command. May we go now?

Green eyes gleamed down at her. It is that urgent?

She nodded emphatically. Yes.

Then perhaps it’s best we remain put. The marquis, taking Rhapsody’s hand, pressed a kiss to her knuckles, and the gesture had Erou shaking his head even as he joined the others in getting his butt out of his seat.

A still-puzzled William was the last one out of the room, and the doors had barely shut closed when he heard the marchioness whimper and the marquis laugh. A scent permeated the air, and William finally understood what that look was all about.

The gray-eyed earl shook his head in amusement. It was a good thing that his being a heartkeeper to Rhapsody was only a farce that he had agreed to. With it his debt to Sir Isaac had been paid, and he had even become good friends with the couple. It would have been fucking hell if it were otherwise, for there was clearly no way anyone could break those two apart.