Page 78 of Tempting Teacher

He gave me a scolding look. “Just because I’m still processing my daughter dating my friend doesn’t mean I’m ready to have grandchildren just yet. I’m too young for that—”

“Okay, bye, see you!” My voice was high-pitched when I scampered out of the door, my body heating up. The idea of having a kid with James was too much. But it didn’t stop me from wondering if we had a baby.Would it have my hazel-green eyes or his ocean-blue eyes?

Grumbling to myself at the silly idea, I drove to the school. I couldn’t wait to inform James about the talk with Dad. He’d be very happy.




“That’s my sweet slut,” James rumbled from between my legs, the reverberations of his voice sending shivers of pleasure all over me. “Scream for Daddy.”

I threaded my hand through his hair, pulling him closer to my soaked pussy and moaning when he licked me. I squeezed my eyes shut at the flick of his tongue on my sensitive clit. It was too much. Especially after being edged to death in the past hour.

“Daddy,” I screamed, my orgasm teetering on the edge. Warm glow spread all over my body, and I kept falling when he slid two fingers inside me, curling them on my g-spot while sucking on my clit. I lost it. Holding onto his hair and scratching on the expensive sheets, I exploded into bursts of orgasm, my toes curling and body trembling.

“I’m so proud of you, baby. Such a good girl.” James kept murmuring sweet praises, soothing the aftershocks and caressing me everywhere until I calmed down, slumping on his bed.

“That was too much,” I whispered, nuzzling into his neck and kissing his skin. “You’re mean.”

He chuckled and cupped my cheek, blue eyes sparkling. “You still loved it.”

I blushed and kissed him. “I did.” Feeling him poking underneath me, I wriggled my hips and said, “You can come in me like last time.”

His eyes darkened, his hands tightening on my waist. “Last time like in the Halloween?”

I swallowed and nodded remembering the scarily hot role-play sex. I had suggested the idea, and he had put the mask of Ghostface that I had given him to good use after scaring me before pinning me down to fuck me. He had given me a creampie and fucked me again just to make sure before dropping the role and taking care of me.

It was one of the best sex I’ve ever had, but then again, I always felt like that after sleeping with him.

He lightly patted my ass and kept me down on the sheets. “You were complaining about being sore this morning.”

I whined when he left the bed. “Please—”

“No, Princess.” He used his stern voice, making me pout. “I’ll fuck you tomorrow.”

I licked my lips, staring at his ass when he walked into his ensuite to shower. Smiling to myself, I laid back on his massive bed and sighed. It was not my fault he looked so sexy when he came back from the gym. I just had to jump on him, and he had returned the favor by teasing me for an hour straight.

Things were going so well that I almost couldn’t believe it. Dad was still unsure about our relationship, but he was laughing and smiling with James and me during our Saturday dinners. School was going well, especially after the Halloween party. I was considering telling James about my feelings. He had even shown me around his penthouse, which looked more like a bachelor pad with lots of plants.

I trailed my finger over one of the leaves and donned a robe when cold breeze kissed my bare skin. I looked around his bedroom, skipping over the dresser where he had sneakily bought and kept my deodorant and all the makeup I used. It made me feel so happy that he wanted to make me feel comfortable at his place and even bought me too many clothes, placing them in his closet.

I picked up a photo frame where he looked young and goofy with baggy clothes but a poker face. His eyes were intense and somehow, he seemed unhappy as he glared at the camera. A cozy home was in the background.

Setting it down, I hummed a tune and opened the drawer to find some clothes to wear. I could steal another one of his hoodies or a tee shirt and hopefully he won’t notice. Well, even if he did, he’d just playfully punish me.

I stiffened, seeing a plain file with a newspaper clipping. It looked very familiar. I pulled at it, covering my mouth, when I saw the car wreck. Images of my mother lying in bed flashed in my head, the weight of Dad’s hand on my shoulder, his cries. Blinking, I looked down and read the news again and again. I knew my mom died during Christmas, losing control on one of the icy roads and crashing her car but…

“What do you want to have for dinner, Princess?” I jumped hearing his voice, and turned around to see him rubbing his damp hair with a towel, a small smile on his face. Until he looked at my face and frowned. “What happened?”

My chest was heaving, and I was finding it hard to breathe. “H-how?” I asked and shook my head, stepping back when he tried to touch me. “Why?”

“You’re turning pale, Mia. What happened? Are you sick?” He tried to touch my forehead, concern lacing his face.

“Don’t touch me.” I moved away, squeezing the paper in my hand. “How do you know my mom? My dad? Tell me,” I demanded.

His eyes flickered to my hands, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. “I didn’t want you to find out about it like this, Princess.”