Page 15 of Bonfire

“You didn’t have to do this,” she says.

“I wanted to.”

She pulls out a notebook and a package of colored pencils. I had no idea what to buy so I just told the woman at the store that I needed the best stuff they had.

“This is really thoughtful,” she says, her bright blue eyes staring up at me in pure gratitude. “You know exactly how to make me happy.”

“Get your shit,” I say as I stand up, towering over her. “We’re going hiking.”

“This is so beautiful,”she says. “These views are stunning.”

They certainly are.

A breeze curls through her hair and makes dark tendrils fall around her cheekbones. She’s so fucking beautiful that it hurts.

We’ve been walking for about a mile now. It’s nothing but peace for miles around us. There’s a chill to the air. The sound of a babbling stream nearby and the rustling of leaves are the soundtrack to Emma’s laughter.

Every so often I need to take her hand to guide her over a patch of mud. There were a few moments where I had to carry her over a stream that only had a few branches as foot-holds and I didn’t want her to slip.

With me here, she’ll never fall. I won’t let anything happen to her.

“Should we take a little break?” she says as she looks back at me.

“Yes,” I say. “That sounds amazing.”

I grab her hips and lift her onto a crevice in one of the boulders. My cock is so hard with the anticipation of claiming her. Of sliding my cock inside her. Of filling her up. Shooting so deep inside her that she becomes a new person.

“This is just fabulous,” she says as she pulls out her notebook and looks around. “This is the absolutely perfect fall day.” She smiles. “You know, you could do a guided tour and give this experience to tourists.” She knocks her shoulder against mine. “I bet you could charge them a ton of money, too. Make ‘em pay for the best of the best. Then again, I think you’d do it out of the goodness of your own heart. You’ve done it for me. You’d do it for anyone, I think.”

“No,” I rasp as I suck in a sharp breath and look down at her lips. My eyes flicker up to hers. “I don’t want to do this for anyone else. You are the only fucking person I want to do this for.”

Her eyes widen as I wrap my arm around her back.

“I want you to stay with me, and I don’t mean for tonight, or the weekend, or even a week. I never want you to fucking leave. I don’t want to do this with anyone else. If you leave me, I’m done. I’m fucking done. My life will be over. The truth is that my life never even started until I met you. I’m sick over you. I don’t know what the hell is happening, but I want you to be mine. All. Mine.”

“I guess I’ll have to cancel all the guided tours I scheduled with a bunch of other guys this weekend,” she whispers as a little smile pulls at the corners of her lips.

I put my hand over my heart.

“God, Em, please don’t do this to me. I can’t fucking take this. I’m losing control over myself. Other guys? Please tell me you’re fucking with me right now.”

She smiles and grabs my shirt, pulling at me so our lips are just inches apart.

“I am totally fucking with you.”

“Oh thank God.”

I take her face in my hands. This is it. This is where it all starts.

Chapter Eight


He brusheshis lips against mine, and I totally unravel. I’m floating up into the clouds. I’m having an out-of-body experience. I’m over the moon. My body is on fire with the heat of a thousand suns.

“Em,” he whispers against my lips. “Em, Em.”

He kisses me slowly and deeply. Thoroughly. It’s making my pussy dance and tingle.