‘So she’s still the one?’ Alex jerks his head in Molly’s direction. ‘Or should I say, she’s the one again?’
So far, I’ve been impressed by Alex. I wasn’t sure what to expect—he always seemed like a decent bloke on TV and in the press—but he’s quieter, more genuine, more humble than I would have imagined.
I glance over at my beautiful girlfriend, whose long, soft forest-green dress showcases her peaches-and-cream complexion and incredible golden hair. Hair only I get to see in its true glory, lucky motherfucker that I am. She takes my breath away. Dragging my gaze away from her, I shoot Alex a sheepish grin.
‘Still, mate. Still. That much was obvious as soon as I laid eyes on her.’
‘Yeah.’ He nods slowly. Those famous eyes that even I can admit are arresting seem to drill into my soul. ‘I know how that feels. I saw Clara after twenty-one years, and it was an out-of-body experience. You have to go after her, if she’s who you want to grow old with. Don’t let her out of your clutches.’
I laugh. ‘Looks like I should follow your advice. You guys definitely got your happy ending.’
‘No, man. I nearly fucked it up so badly. Didn’t have the confidence to ask her to give everything up for me. I was dealing with a lot of shit, and I nearly let her slip through my fingers. Didn’t think I deserved her. Thank fuck I got my act together and took the leap.’
I stare at him. I hadn’t realised that. I assumed they’d seen each other again, and the rest was history. But I can relate. I let out a long breath before replying.
‘Yeah, I know how that feels, especially when there are kids involved. I really, really want to make a go of it with Mol, and with Daisy and Toby, but unfortunately we split up first time around because I didn’t want kids, and now I’m not sure she believes me when I say I’m ready to step up.’
Alex and Ned both suck in a sympathetic breath.
‘Honestly, mate, actions speak louder than words,’ Alex says. ‘Don’t tell her. Show her. And don’t take no for an answer. You just have to step up, day after day. It’s as easy and difficult as that.
‘Yeah, it’s tough doing the stepdad thing. Fucking terrifying, actually. And yeah, I ended up having step kids because the woman I loved was a mother, but I love it. I love them far more than I could ever, ever have imagined. It’s brought me back to life, having the three of them around me.’
I regard him thoughtfully as I hold out my finger for sweet little Isabelle to grab. ‘That’s what I’m counting on.’
‘Daze. Wakey wakey.’
I sit on the edge of Daisy’s bed as I attempt to wake her up. I can’t see much in the dim, star-scattered glow of her rotating night light, but I can see she’s out cold. I shake her shoulder gently. ‘Come on, sweetheart. Time to get up.’
She gives me a piteous moan.
‘I know, honey. You’re tired. But if you sit up for me, I’ll help you get dressed.’ I lean in closer. ‘I’ve got your uniform on the radiator. It’s nice and warm.’
When she whimpers, I put my hand to her forehead to brush her tangled curls off her face and stop dead.
Because her skin is hot as fuck.
Not a normal, sweaty, hot.
An ominoushot. Dry. Like her little body is overheating. It’s the kind of heat from which no good can come.
‘Stay there,’ I whisper, and throw myself down the stairs, two at a time, so I can call Molly.
‘Mol,’ I say when she answers. ‘It’s Daisy. She’s burning up.’
‘Oh no. She said she was feeling a bit rubbish last night. Does she have a fever?’
‘I don’t know. I think so? She’s bloody boiling, but it feels… scary when I touch her skin.’
‘I know. It’s horrible,’ she tells me. ‘Do me a favour and take her temperature for me, then we can give her some Calpol if she needs it.’