‘Yeah. I’ve seen it on at least five school-related chats. Good for him.’ He pauses. ‘I’m glad you and your children have him in your corner.’
‘Thanks,’ I tell him. ‘That’s really nice of you.’
‘I saw you guys together earlier, too.’ He raises his eyebrows drily. ‘Looks like he’s no longer just helping you with childcare. Except I suspect he was always a lot more than that, really.’
‘You’re right,’ I admit. ‘He was. It took us a while to work that out, though.’
‘I’m glad you’re happy.’ He nods like he really is. ‘Merry Christmas to you.’
‘Merry Christmas,’ I echo as he turns away to lead his girls by the hand onto the dance floor.
He’s such a nice guy. He’ll be an incredible catch for someone.
It’s just that my heart has only really ever, properly, belonged to one man.
* * *
We get the kids to bed between us. They’re far too tired for baths. Instead, we wash their faces, give their toothbrushes a token whirl in their mouths and stick them in their beds.
Molly follows me downstairs after she’s peppered them both with kisses and finds me standing by the fire. The room is lit only by the flames and the soft lights on the tree. It’s intimate. Soothing.
Perfect for what I’ve got in mind.
I have my hand in my pocket.
What she doesn’t know just yet is that my fingers are ceaselessly turning over a small black velvet box.
I’ve tried to wait. Honestly, I have. I’ve mentally worked through a million proposal options. The bar is high: my brother kitted out his entire house with incredible decorations before proposing to Evelyn.
But I don’t have time for anything like that level of preparation. I just need to get a ring on Mol’s finger. Need her to promise me she’ll let me stay with her and the kids forever.
I can’t relax until she does.
She sidles over to join me at the fire. I have two freshly poured glasses of champagne standing on the mantlepiece.
‘Hey, handsome,’ she says softly.
‘Hi,’ I mouth. I can’t stop looking at her. Couldn’t believe she was openly on my arm tonight—this golden, wondrous vision. She’s incandescent. Otherworldly. Every guy in the place was looking at her, and I don’t blame them. But they only see the stunning exterior. The hot blonde with hair for miles. The silhouette of her perfect curves in that dress.
It’s what’s inside that I’m hopelessly in love with.
In the firelight, her hair glows a million shades of gold and her skin looks positively luminous.
I can’t believe I went twelve years without her.
‘What are we celebrating?’ she asks. Her smile is coy, but I can tell she doesn’t have a clue what’s coming. She’s simply flirting with me.
‘You. Me. Toby. Daisy. Together.’ I watch her face soften as I annunciate our names.
She smiles at me. ‘That sounds like the best toast ever. Cheers.’
We clink our glasses, and I can’t wait any longer.
‘Mol.’ I pull my hand, and the velvet box, out of my pocket as my other hand ditches the champagne flute. I’m shaking too hard already to hold it steady, and I need two hands for this.
Her gaze flits to my hands before shooting back up to my face, those blue eyes I love so much widening.