Page 55 of He Who Haunts Me

“Jai?” Her voice crept through.

“Mmm?” I snapped out of the amorous fog and moved to the bed.

“I said, that’s all!” she exclaimed. “I have a few questions that need to be checked by the professor, so I won’t know anything until after the weekend is over.”

“Yeah,” I mumbled as the fog came back and I zeroed in on her sweet mouth.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her smile was shy, and her cheeks bloomed.

“I stood over there for—” I paused to glance at her exam’s timer. “—approximately thirty-seven minutes thinking about nothing other than how badly I wanted to devour your cries.” She hummed and slid out of the chair and into my hold.

Her nose brushed the length of mine.

“I think I’d like that,” she murmured as she ghosted a kiss across my lips.

“Iknowyou’d like that, but I want to do something for you today first.” She pulled back at my change. Her skeptical glare was the cutest thing on the planet.

“Do I get to know what it is?”

“Sure,” I played along.

“Do I get to object?”

“Nope,” I answered sarcastically.

“Hmm.” She thought over her next question. “Do I get to make adjustments?”

“Sure,” I offered, taking her hand. “I’m taking you out tonight.” I kissed her palm. “A real date for myrealboyfriend duties.”

“Where to?” she asked, threading her fingers through mine.

“I was thinking about that new place in the square. It’s low-key, a little more private.” Her face brightened at that idea. “Perfect reaction, go get dressed. We’ll leave whenever you’re ready.”

Two hours later, we left my room and beelined for the garage. The sun dipped in the sky; it was as ready to end this nightmarish day as we were. I hit the garage button and unlocked the car. I opened the door, and she beamed as she dropped into the seat.

I joined her in the car and started the engine, and the tires kicked up gravel as I accelerated down the driveway.

“Do you drive everything like you’re gonna be caught?” she chastised with a laugh.

“I’ve had enough encounters with potential traffic stops,” I alluded. “It’s easier to manage a getaway on a bike though.”

“Oh my gosh,” she scoffed. “You did not?!” Her shock was adorable and innocent.

“I’m not sure if you’re aware of whose car you're in, whosebed, but I haven’t been a model citizen this entire time.” I laughed it off. “Yes, Bex, I have done many stupid things concerning skirting the law. A cruiser doesn’t push one-forty as easily as my bike. Was it smart? No, there’s never a valid reason.” I reached across the middle and grabbed her hand. “For what it’s worth, I haven’t broken any laws recently.”

“I’m sure,” she patronized.

“Well, aside from breaking every traffic law imaginable the other night to come get you. But I won’t be apologizing. I’d break every law every time where your safety is concerned.” I brought her hand to me for a kiss while keeping my gaze on the road.

She sighed in satisfaction and relaxed in the seat. I moved my hand to her thigh and enjoyed the easy silence the rest of the way. The route was sleepy, as was every other part of this town. I looked over periodically. She stared out of the window while she traced her fingers on the back of my hand.

I slowed to a stop for the red light.

“How are you feeling today?” I carefully asked to not jar the silence. She inhaled deeply through her nose.

On the exhale she said, “It’s not better, and I feel like it would be naive to say that. I feeladjacentto better if that makes sense.” I nodded for her to continue. “This morning was rough. I was scared, even more so than the other times something happened. I was sad they received pictures; I was angry with the flowers on my car. I was so hurt that those women were killed with my face littered over them.” She stopped to breathe and collect herself, but I didn’t push. “I was so scared to see red threats painted on my walls, my house vandalized feet from me while I was in ecstasy.”

Her eyes were glossy, and I wiped my thumb under her eye before the tear could fully fall. The light turned green, and I continued our drive.