Page 43 of He Who Haunts Me

She waved as I threw myself over the rail and landed in the grass. Daniel, delayed as hell, lunged at the railing as I hit the soft ground beside the hot tub.Thank you, alcohol.I ran through the garage and grabbed two helmets. I peeled out of the parking lot, not giving a damn about burning rubber.

I parked the sleek blacked-out motorcycle against the curb and ran through the main building’s corridor. After hours, it was darkened to conserve energy. I moved past locked doors, determined to change the night’s mood. The chains and metal pieces on my jeans were noisy as I turned and approached the library. I looked through the window in the door and spotted her walking toward the back, disappearing down the aisle.

I put my student ID against the scanner, and it turned green as it unlocked. The after-hours monitor sat in Mrs. Whitcomb’s usual seat, typing on the computer with headphones. He didn’t even look up when I walked past the desk. I went down the stack beside Bexley and looked through the shelves for the top of her head.

Do the librarians realize how gross these upper shelves are?

I spotted her halfway down the aisle. She was bent on her knees, reading the titles. My soul left my body when she reached forward and her skirt shifted up her ass. I looked away before I crossed into creeper territory.

Thoughts of the supply closet came to me. It was the first time I was bold with her, and the spark for approaching her at the party. I stopped thinking when she opened the door that day.

Her little grunt pulled me back, and I looked to see her moving farther down.

Does she really not realize I’m beside her?

Reaching the end, she turned to cross in front of my aisle. I covered her mouth and wrapped my arm around her waist. She cried out as I lifted her off the carpet floor. Her book fell with a muted thud.

“Shh,” I hushed in her ear. “You’re gonna make the monitor call security.” My breath skirted over her cheek. I moved my hand to hold her jaw. Her hair brushed my face as she looked up, and I was begging my cock to cut it out.Not tonight.

“Jai?” She relaxed in my arms at the realization. I winked with a sly grin.

“Hi,” I teased and let her feet touch the ground. I didn’t dare let her go. “I want to take you somewhere,” I said, dropping the helmet down my arm and letting it rest on my wrist.

“You ride a motorcycle?” she questioned as she looked it over. It was humorous that she was more surprised over the helmet and not how I appeared. “I guess it's not surprising when I think about it.”

“Oh, am I the bad boy type?” I taunted her. Her cheeks pinkened and a smile bloomed. I laughed at the reaction. Her head tilted and realization hit me. She’d only heard me laugh as her “Ghost.”

Before she could process why she knew that laugh, I pulled on her small hand. She followed me down the aisle and past the library monitor. We hit the exit and walked over to the very illegally parked motorcycle.

“That’s a pretty hot bike,” she murmured as she took it all in. I turned her to face me and took in her appearance fully. I slid my hand across the small of her back. She was inmyshirt. The one I gave her last week. It was a metal band’s design with their faces printed on the front under the name. It was huge on her. She tucked the front into her waistband and rolled the sleeves.

“That’s a pretty hot shirt,” I teased. It was the sexiest thing she’d ever worn. Ideal for riding? Nope. She looked away as she blushed.

I put the helmet on for her and clicked the buckle together. Her face was obscured by the tinted visor. After sliding mine on, I bent down to gently tap her helmet with mine. I stepped over the bike and straddled it. She placed her hand in mine for stability and climbed behind me.

I balanced the bike and brought it to life. Bex’s hands slid over my stomach and my chest seized. Her warmth pressed along my backside and brought chills down my arms.

I pulled her hands tighter, dropped it into gear, and pushed us off. She squealed and nearly squeezed the breath out of me.

“Bexley.” I laughed.

“I can hear you?” She squealed again.

“You can, and you don’t have to yell, baby.” She put her head back down and settled in. “I just want to take you to Cliff Falls. That sound okay to you?”

“That sounds great,” she whispered, a smile in her words.

Cliff Falls was hardly fifteen minutes away. The roads were clear, given the time, and there were no issues managing the weather.

I teased her as I accelerated and rounded corners. Partially because speeding made her squeal, and it was so fucking cute. I was delighted in how she held me tighter with each turn. At this point, her nails were leaving marks.

I approached the top of Cliff Falls and pulled into the lot of the overlook. I killed the switch and steadied the bike with the kickstand. She was still clinging to me, gripping my shirt and causing a mess of wrinkles. Laughing, I removed her hand and twisted to look at her. She was a dream sitting on the back.

“Go look,” I whispered and pulled on her hand to help her dismount. Her feet were on the pavement again, and when I unbuckled the helmet, she nearly ran out of it toward the grassy opening.

Bex stopped when she reached the fence. I flipped my visor up, fixated by her presence. She looked up at the sky, then back out to the city. Her hands trailed her arms as the wind blew. Her hair drifted, weightless. I had a desire to wrap my hand in it and let her screams paint the walls. I slid my helmet off and took a deep breath of the cooler air to settle my chest.

She periodically shifted her focal points. She stepped on the lowest rail to look farther over the cliff. Back to the moon her stare went.What are you wishing for, Bex?