I wanted so badly to comfort him.
Step to his rescue like he did for me, but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out.
“You never know. Cameras are rolling. TVs are live. Millions of people are watching, she could very well be one of them. If that’s the case, what would you want to say to her?” Jeffrey glanced at me then rested back in his chair folding his arms against his chest, waiting for Mateo’s response.
Mateo bit back a chuckle. With a small smirk, he shook his head; knowing“she”would absolutely hear his next words.
“I want to make sure she’s okay. Thank her for stopping me from making an ass of myself. And mostly I want to make sure that what happened hasn’t diminished her glow.”
My glow? I wasn’t aware that I even had one.
“I hope you find her,” Jeffrey replied, nudging me once more.
“That’s quite a story. Really… tugs on the heartstrings, but let’s forget the drama and get back to football, shall we? That is why we’re here after all.”
Mateo’s eyes flashed up at the guy who spoke. The slight dominance I thought I saw that night rattled in its cage. Kind of scary but also appealing as fuck. He said nothing. Instead, he waited until the reporter finished his thought.
“Normally it takes players a decade in the game to achieve the numbers we’ve already seen from you. What do you think about being positioned to become one of the team leaders in tackles in just your fifth season?”
“I don’t do it for the records,” he replied tersely. Silence fell over the room as he lifted himself from his seat and disappeared.
Using my best ninja skills, I snuck away from Jeffrey in the movement of everyone trying to leave. He’d surely have something to say, and I needed time to process.
Driving home, my mind focused on nothing but Mateo. The comfort in his eyes, the certainty in his words, the confidence in his smile. Each little facet of him stayed locked in my brain. I got myself ready for bed without conscious effort before my eyes slipped closed.
Sleep didn’t stay effortless. I moved between dreams and nightmares both starring the man I now knew as Mateo Linx, star linebacker for the Tampa Bay Bandits.
Walking into my mentor’s office the next morning, I could see my nightmare had just started.
Theslysmile.Thatwas the first thing I saw. Jeffrey settled back in his favorite position, feet propped on the desk and crossed at the ankles. His fingers lightly tapped together like some villain from an action movie.
“How was the rest of your Sunday, Flynn?” His fox-like grin spread as his gray eyes crinkled at the edges.
Play it cool, Jamie.
“Not bad. I went home, downloaded my recordings, and turned in early. How was yours?”
“Oh, fuck mine,” he scoffed with a wave of his hand. “What the hell happened yesterday? At one point I was sure I was going to have to mop you up off the floor!”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
So much for playing it cool.
My hands shook like hairless chihuahuas in a blizzard. But I didn’t want my lack of poise from yesterday derailing my internship. I needed this to go well.
“Flynn, please let it happen again. I will gladly go to games if that happens at every one of them. Yesterday, easily one of my top ten post games in the last twenty-five years!” His eyes glittered in excitement as he lurched himself forward, causing me to jump back. “I still can’t believe this. You! Mateo! The videos.” He chuckled.“Fucking priceless!”
“I haven’t seen the video. Honestly, I didn’t even know who he was until yesterday.” Shocked by Jeffrey’s enjoyment, I knew of nothing to say other than the brief explanation I already planned.
“This story iseverywhere!“ He drew out the wordeverywhile twisting his computer around for me to see.
At least ten articles covered the screen. Everything from local news to TMZ Sports and other gossip sites. All with a headline that read something similar to‘NFL Star’s Missed Connection’and my eyes refused to read anything after the top bold font.
“Will this affect my ability to attend practices? I’d really love the extra time with you and—“
“The handsome hunk of linebacker that’s over-fucking-qualified to be on the cover of Men’s Health Magazine?” he interrupted with a chuckle.
“Well, I was going to say the other reporters but—“ Not wanting to admit to the unrelenting urge to see him again, to hear his smooth voice and look into those eyes, I shut my mouth.