I sighed, opening the door, and he followed.
“Can you keep a secret?” I asked a few steps from the entrance.
“You realize you’re talking to the same man that keeps a stockpile of condoms on hand for players who aren’t discreet enough to get their own, right?”
“Oh, silly me. How could I forget?” I rolled my eyes and nudged my elbow into his side, hoping to hide the blush on my cheeks as I remembered Mateo had been one of those men.
Back on the field, I checked my surroundings, seeing who might be close enough to hear my next words.
Then my sight landed on Mateo and my brain became a willing captive of his entire presence. How could someone so strong also be so incredibly gentle? So intimidating on the field, yet so caring off it? So gifted while still staying grounded?
Impressive didn’t even begin to describe him.
I never knew love before Mateo, and I was a trillion percent content because waiting paid off massively. I continued watching him shuffle through a rope ladder before taking his turn smashing into a tackling pad gripped by one coach.
Downright gorgeous.
His skin glittered with sweat. His muscles bunched and flexed with each movement. Now and then I got a glimpse of his strong legs. Lucky for me, I knew exactly how his body looked without the clothes and that memory sparked a fire that spread through me, my body tingling and damn near desperate for his.
“Gross,” Xander said, snapping me out of my hypnosis.
“Hush your mouth.”
I blushed and tried to turn just as Mateo’s helmet came off in slow motion, catching my eye as his curls bounced before falling into place. His lips kicked up before he lifted his shirt, allowing an incredible view of stone-sculpted abs. He moved slowly. Teasingly, as he wiped the sweat from his face, condemning my lower lip to hell as my teeth dug into flesh.
Mateo laughed to himself. Turning to Xander, he gave him a cocky shrug.
“Double gross,” Xander huffed.
“Has anyone ever told you, you are like,scarilyobservant?”
“What can I say? I’m a man of many talents. You gonna tell me this secret or would you rather keep eyeball banging my brother?”
“Honestly, I could do both.”
“Jesus Christ.“ He chuckled. “He’s rubbing off on you. Isn’t he?”
I laughed, pulling my strength together to tell Xander my surprise for Mateo. “So, I kinda let Sierra talk me into doing a boudoir shoot for Mateo’s birthday.”
Clammy palms waited for his reply. I don’t know why my nerves kicked into overdrive. I guess I worried Mateo would hate it, it’d be too risqué, or too much too soon.
“Like the lingerie pictures?” He cupped his chin and smoothed over his beard.
“You think he’ll like it?” I asked.
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but he loves your body almost as much as he loves the heart it carries.” He smiled his lopsided, up-to-no-good grin, and I swooned a little.
Xander may be the first to crack a joke or a wise-ass remark, but he got downright sentimental when you least expected it.
“I’m proud of you, that’s a big thing.”
I nodded, all the air I’d been holding in finally released. “Thank you. I need your help, though. Think you can keep him busy and away from home after practice Saturday?”
“Thank you,” I said, relieved that I got the best friend’s approval and even more excited now to get it done.
“You look like you’re feeling better,” Mateo said, coming up behind us.