The inside was masculine but still elegant and refined with the same modern tones. A staircase led to a balcony overlooking the living room where a black L-shaped couch sat in front of a TV almost as wide as the wall. Dark gray hardwood ran the length of the floor. The overhead lights caught the shimmering threads of long black curtains that I assumed hid windows a mile long.
“This is fucking gorgeous.” The whisper fell out as I set groceries on the thick, black granite countertops, sparkling with silver flecks. White cabinets lined the walls, and every appliance was top of the line and shiny stainless steel.
“First things first. Cheesecake.” I rubbed my palms together in anticipation.
The team’s nutritionist would probably hate me but fuck it. If it was Mateo’s favorite, he wasn’t waiting until the season was over to enjoy it.
Dessert in the oven, I wandered. I wanted to explore. Find every nook and cranny that made up Mateo and stow it away for safekeeping.
I didn’t make it very far down the hall before I stopped, my cheeks pulling up with a smile. His niece acted as the prime focus of most of the pictures along the wall. In one, her long curly hair blew behind her as she ran through an open field in a sundress. In another eye-black sat smudged and faded on her cheeks as she showed off a trophy. More family pictures covered the walls. In every still, all looked happy. They looked full of love, full of pride.
Further down, I found a door that led to a gym. I sat on the bench and looked around. A treadmill, weights, and a few machines filled the space. I inhaled a deep breath, enjoying how no matter where I went in the house, Mateo lingered.
I sat there, lost in thought, until my timer went off.
Cheesecake cooled and covered, I moved it to the fridge.
Still on my journey, I opened the door leading to the backyard. The late summer breeze wrapped around me as I walked to the edge of the pool. Rolling up my jeans, I slipped my feet into the water and sighed at the warmth that surrounded me. I lay back and watched as the clouds passed by and early afternoon shifted to evening.
Back inside, I found every pot, pan, and dish I needed until everything sat laid out and ready to go. As the main course sizzled away, I prepped a salad, and put out two place settings. I finished trimming a bouquet of peonies and placed them in a glass pitcher I found tucked in the back of Mateo’s pantry. Hands on my hips, I stepped back and eyed my work.
Definitely a Pinterest worthy presentation.
I was elbow deep in suds when I heard the front door open and close.
“Jameson?” Mateo called out from the foyer.
“In the kitchen,” I called back, listening to his footsteps. The image of us having this exact exchange years from now popped into my head and I forced it away. My nerves picked up as he came closer to the kitchen.
He came around the island to greet me with a kiss. “What are you doing here?”
“I made dinner and dessert,” I said as I rinsed off the squeaky-clean dishes.
“You really didn’t have to do this.” He took the towel from my shoulder to dry off the dishes.
“I know, I just thought—“ My voice trailed off as I started putting the dried pots and pans away. He eyed me until he was sure no other words were coming.
“You thought you’d woo me with flowers, your gorgeous self, and whatever has the house smelling amazing.” As if on cue, his stomach let out a rumble.
“There’s cheesecake too.” I wrapped my arms around him, not ready to be even more than an inch away.
“Stop it.” Deep dimples dug into his cheeks and they alone nearly swept me off my feet.
“It’s chilling in the fridge.”
His thumbs caressed my cheeks. “Consider me way passed fucking wooed, baby.”
“Good. Now, I don’t have to be so nervous.”
“Why would you be nervous?” His smile slipped slightly.
“I don’t know. I just don’t want you to hate it.”
“I doubt that’ll be an issue. Do I have time to shower first?” he asked.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
He leaned down, giving me a sweet, lasting kiss before I unwrapped myself from him.